[News] Colombia: Three Indigenous Leaders Killed by Hitmen

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Sun Oct 20 14:44:13 EDT 2019


  Colombia: Three Indigenous Leaders Killed by Hitmen

October 18, 2019

Colombian human rights defender Alirio Uribe Muñoz on Thursday announced 
that three indigenous leaders were killed, which means that 234 social 
activists have been killed since President Ivan Duque 
took office on August 7, 2018.

The people killed were Oneida Epiayu, who died in Riohacha in La 
Guajira; Lilia Patricia Garcia, who died in the Watsalpi territory in 
Nariño; and Constantino Ramirez, a leader of the Embera people.

These cases were confirmed by the National Indigenous Organization of 
Colombia (ONIC), which recalled that Ramirez was a founder of the 
Regional Indigenous Organization of Quindio (Oriquin).

Before being killed, Epiayu, a female lawyer, had reported alleged acts 
of corruption at the food programs which are being carried out by the 
Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF).

    Presidente @IvanDuque

    ¿El exterminio de líderes indígenas por todo el país no merece un
    pronunciamiento del gobierno?

    En Quindío mataron a Constantino Ramírez (Emberá), en Guajira a
    Oneida Epiayú (Wayuú), en Nariño a Lilia García y en Cauca a Toribio

    ¿Hasta cuando? pic.twitter.com/GTudb6jUDE <https://t.co/GTudb6jUDE>

    — Jorge Rojas ��#1 (@jerojasrodrigue) October 18, 2019

*"President Ivan Duque: Does the extermination of indigenous leaders 
across the country not deserve a statement from the government? They 
killed Constantino Ramirez (Embera) in Quindio, Oneida Epiayu (Wayuu) in 
Guajira, Lilia Garcia in Nariño and Toribio Canas in Nariño. Until when?"*

The Indigenous lawyer was killed while she was having lunch with her 
family in a restaurant where two gunmen shot her at close range.

"Someone who was there said that a police patrol had passed by very 
slowly and, soon after, two subjects aboard a black motorcycle arrived," 
local media El Heraldo reported.

According to the Ombudsman's Office statistics, 196 social leaders and 
human rights defenders have been killed in Colombia from March 2018 to 
May 2019.

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