[News] Facebook takes down page of Palestine news site

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Fri Oct 11 11:09:09 EDT 2019


  Facebook takes down page of Palestine news site

October 11, 2019

Facebook on Wednesday deleted the page of /the Palestinian 
Information/*//*/Centre/ (PIC) in a move, the news site says, which is 
part of its war on Palestinian content on social media networks.

The site’s management said Facebook provided them with no prior warning 
before deleting the page, which had nearly five million followers, 
without any justification.

They called on Facebook to reinstate the page and stop its battle 
against Palestinian content, saying they have contested the ban.

/The Palestinian Information/*//*/Centre/ <https://english.palinfo.com/> 
has previously been forced to suspend posting on Facebook after the 
social media giant banned the accounts of some of its directors. Member 
of management have also seen their accounts deleted and removed.

The blocking of the PIC’s page comes as part of an extensive campaign in 
recent weeks that included many Palestinian social media platforms.

The Palestinian Information Centre was founded in December 1997 in 
Arabic, as the first Palestinian news site, dedicated to advocating the 
Palestinian cause and the Arab conflict with the Zionist occupier. It is 
biased in favour of the rights of the Palestinian people and their 
sanctities and the legitimate right to resist the occupier by all 
legitimate and internationally guaranteed means. It is the only 
Palestinian site that broadcasts its material in eight languages.

Earlier this week, journalists and activists in Palestine launched a 
social media campaign against Facebook’s censorship 
of Palestinian content.

Using the hashtag FBblocksPalestine 
the drive hopes to bring to light “the threat posed by Facebook against 
Palestinian content, and to make it public, as well as reveal the 
double-standard policy of Facebook management in dealing with Israeli 
and Palestinian incitement on its site,” says Eyad Rifai, head of Sada 
Social Centre which is running the drive.

Israel pass Facebook Bill which will authorise deleting content 
considered incitement - Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor] 

Israel pass Facebook Bill which will authorise deleting content 
considered incitement – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/MiddleEastMonitor]

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