[News] 'OAS Is a Tool of the US Empire': Bolivia's Evo Morales

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Wed Nov 13 16:20:07 EST 2019


  'OAS Is a Tool of the US Empire': Bolivia's Evo Morales

November 13, 2019

Bolivia's President Evo Morales 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Bolivias-Evo-Morales-Lands-In-Mexico-As-A-Political-Refugee-20191112-0005.html> denounced 
Wednesday the Organization of American States for being at the service 
of the United States and contributing to his country's political crisis.

"The OAS is not at the service of the Latin American peoples and less of 
its social movements. It is at the service of the U.S. empire," Morales 
said from Mexico, where he is currently residing as a political refugee 
after being forced to resign last Sunday.

Meanwhile, due to massive demonstrations that have paralyzed La Paz, the 
Bolivian Parliament could not meet to formally process the resignation 
of Evo Morales, who is still the country's president.

Right-wing opposition politicians, however, summoned themselves to a 
meeting in the former Mining Bank at the Murillo Square, where only 
people who support the coup are being allowed to enter.

In an absolutely notorious and public way, the Police gathered around 
the private building to prevent the entry of the Movement Towards 
Socialism (MAS) Senator and First President of the Senate Adriana 
Salvatierra, who under the Constitution is next 
in presidential succession line after Morales and ousted Vice President 
Alvaro Garcia Linera.

On Wednesday, Salvatierra said she is willing to install the 
parliamentary session and assume the presidency of the Plurinational 
State of Bolivia.

*"Farmers who grow coca leaf in the tropics declare themselves in 
mobilization until Evo returns."*

Thousands of Bolivians are demonstrating in rejection of the coup 
against President Morales, which was orchestrated by opposition leaders 
Luis Fernando Camacho and Carlos Mesa.

"We are not afraid! We are not afraid!” the Bolivian farmers and workers 
shouted as Air Force planes flew menacingly over their massive 
demonstration in downtown La Paz.

To prevent further violations of the Bolivian constitution, progressive 
social movements have been demanding that the Legislature not be 
installed in session to consummate the coup d'etat. Parliament suspended 
the session Tuesday as there was no quorum but Senator Jeanine Añez, 
proclaimed herself as "Interim President." 

*This is how the Bolivian fascist coup' armed arm prevented the entry of 
Adriana Salvatierra, the Senate president, who is from Evo Morales's 
party. According to the Constitution, the MAS lawmaker is the next in 
the succession line to become the country's president*

Workers and farmers also rejected the racist attitudes of Bolivia's 
far-right elites, which burned the Whipala, the flag of the Indigenous 
peoples and the second official flag of Bolivia.

For his part, Argentina's President-elect Alberto Fernandez 
on Wednesday refused to consider Senator Añez as Bolivia's interim 
president and questioned his country's foreign policy.

"Our Foreign Affairs Ministry had a hard time seeing the obvious, which 
is that there was a coup in Bolivia. I hope they don't recognize the 
outcome of a coup d'etat," Fernandez said after a meeting with social 
movements held at the Argentine Episcopal Conference in Buenos Aires.

"There was an Army chief who asked for the resignation of a President 
and a Police that mutinied," he recalled, stressing that those facts are 
"called a coup d'etat anywhere in the world.”

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