[News] Israel Shot and Injured 144 Palestinian Civilians, Including 53 Children, 3 Women, 2 Paramedics and a Journalist

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Fri Nov 1 16:22:33 EDT 2019


  81st Great March of Return: IOF Shot and Injured 144 Palestinian
  Civilians, Including 53 Children, 3 Women, 2 Paramedics and a Journalist

November 1, 2019

The increased number of injuries in this week’s GMR protest reflects an 
escalation in IOF use of excessive force, as 73 civilians sustained 
live-bullet-injuries – including 4 in critical condition- in addition to 
other injuries by rubber bullets and tear gas canisters mainly in 
protesters’ upper bodies.

Today’s protest was titled “Down with the Balfour Declaration” as it 
coincided with its 102^nd anniversary. The Balfour Declaration was made 
by former British Foreign Affairs Secretary Arthur Balfour declaring 
“the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish 
people.” Large crowds participated in the protest, as thousands of 
civilians joined across the 5 GMR encampments raising the Palestinian 
flag and chanting.

The protests lasted from 14:00 to 18:30 and involved speeches and 
folklore performances. Hundreds of civilians protested at varied 
distances from the Gaza border with Israel, where some protestors set 
tires attempted to throw stones, Molotov Cocktails and firecrackers at 
IOF, who responded with live and rubber bullets as well as tear gas 

Since the outbreak of GMR on 30 March 2018, PCHR documented 214 civilian 
killings by IOF, including 46 children, 2 women, 9 persons with 
disabilities, 4 paramedics and 2 journalists. Additionally, IOF shot and 
injured 14,599 civilians, including 3,646 children, 386 women, 252 
paramedics and 218 journalists, noting that many sustained multiple 
injuries on separate occasions.

The following is a summary of today’s events along the Gaza Strip border:

*Northern Gaza Strip: *IOF shot and injured 47 civilians, including 13 
children, 2 women and a paramedic: 24 with live bullets and shrapnel; 19 
with rubber bullets; and 4 were hit with tear gas canisters. Shady Fayez 
Awadallah Awadallah (33), a paramedic, was shot with a rubber bullet in 
his right leg. Also, Moath Mohammed Mohammed Abu-Amira (25) was shot in 
the head with a live bullet; he is in extremely critical condition.

*Gaza City:* IOF shot and injured 12 civilians, including 3 children: 7 
with live bullets and shrapnel and 5 with rubber bullets.

*Central Gaza Strip:* IOF shot and injured 13 civilians, including 5 
children and a woman: 8 with live bullets, 3 with rubber bullets, and 2 
were hit with tear gas canisters.

*Khan Younis:* IOF shot and injured 33 civilians, including 13 children 
and a paramedic: 7 shot with live bullets. In addition, many civilians 
suffocated due to tear gas inhalation; they received treatment on the 
spot. A few protestors set tires on fire adjacent to the border fence. 
Sami Moussa Abu-Moustafa (35), a paramedic, sustained a 
rubber-bullet-wound to his left hand. Abu-Moustafa volunteers with the 
Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS); IOF targeted a PRCS ambulance 
with rubber bullets, shattering its windshield with no injuries.

*Rafah: *IOF shot and injured 39 civilians, including 10 children and a 
journalist; three injuries were deemed critical: 27 with live bullet and 
shrapnel, 8 with rubber bullets and 4 were hit with tear gas canisters. 
Abdulrahman Mohammed Deeb al-Khatib (42), a freelance journalist, 
sustained a rubber-bullet wound to his right arm. Ahmed Jum’a al-Lolahy 
(20) and Mohammed Saleh Ahmed Abu-Jarbou’ (20) were shot in their lower 
extremities with live bullets, and Mahmoud Abdulrahman Ramadan Abu-Taim 
(18) sustained a live bullet to the head; all three are in critical 

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