[News] US Warmongers Plan to Threaten Iran by Sending 120, 000 Troops

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Tue May 14 19:51:47 EDT 2019


  US Warmongers Plan to Threaten Iran by Sending 120,000 Troops

May 14, 2019

The United States acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Shanahan-Goes-to-Texas-Pentagon-Aims-to-Harden-Mexico-Border-20190511-0009.html> has presented a 
military plan to the National Security Advisor John Bolton 
and other Washington officials that calls for sending up to 120,000 U.S. 
troops to the Middle East, according to a just-released New York Times 

"The size of the force involved has shocked some who have been briefed 
on [the plan]," the NYT stated, adding "120,000 troops would approach 
the size of the U.S. force that invaded Iraq in 2003."

The Shanahan plan does not ​​​​​expect a direct invasion to Iran, 
however. So far, Washington's design seems to be a deterrent 
measure framed by President Donald Trump's 
threats of escalation.

“We’ll see what happens with Iran. If they do anything, it will be a 
very bad mistake,” said the U.S. head of state Monday and added that “if 
they do anything they will suffer greatly.”

The acting secretary's plan came to light just days after Bolton 
announced his government will send a fleet of military ships led by the 
USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf.

    Iraq war was a total exorbitant cost disaster for US. Iran war will
    be twice as big a disaster as Iraq war was for US. Looks like Trump
    is getting sucked into it. pic.twitter.com/mK5WESK15S

    — ���� ��������Dan Popescu ������������ (@PopescuCo) May 14, 2019

It was one year ago that the Trump administration withdrew the U.S. from 
the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) multilateral nuclear 
agreement and reinstated sanctions against Iran that began in the late 
1970s aimed at preventing the Persian nation's oil exports.

Due to these retaliations, the European Union (EU) set up an "Instrument 
in Support of Trade Exchanges" (INSTEX) 
an international ​​​​​​​payment system aimed at allowing European 
companies to continue trading with Iran.​​​​​​​

U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tweeted referring to the 
report, "We must stop Trump and his national security advisor, John 
Bolton — someone who likes endless wars."

    NO WAR WITH IRAN! This would be an unmitigated disaster. We must
    stop Trump and his national security advisor, John Bolton—someone
    who likes endless wars. https://t.co/a90UTlj8OU

    — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 14, 2019

Last month, Trump also ended U.S. exemptions to eight nations enabling 
them, including China and India, to continue buying Iranian crude. The 
move was made to try to force Tehran into a broader arms control agreement.

In response to the new White House agressions, Iranian 
authorities say they may block the Hormuz strait, an 
internationally strategic oil transport route and last week Tehran said 
it will end some of its nuclear deal commitments.

​​​Anticipating an increase of tensions, the EU Foreign Policy High 
Representative Federica Mogherini asked U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Pompeo-Makes-Surprise-Visit-to-Iraq-Amid-Turmoil-With-Iran-20190508-0001.html> Monday 
for "maximum containment and to avoid any (military) escalation" with 

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