[News] US Sanctions Violate Human Rights, International Law

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Wed May 8 11:38:40 EDT 2019


  US Sanctions Violate Human Rights, International Law: UN Expert

May 7, 2019

The United Nations (U.N.) Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of 
sanctions, Idriss Jazairy, expressed deep concern on Monday at the 
recent measures against Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran by the United States 
(U.S), arguing the use of economic sanctions for political purposes 
violates human rights and international law.

    */US Gloats Own Actions to Economically Ruin Venezuela/*

“The resort by a major power of its dominant position in the 
international financial arena against its own allies to cause economic 
hardship to the economy of sovereign States is contrary to international 
law, and inevitably undermines the human rights of their citizens,” the 
Special Rapporteur said.

The international expert stated unilateral measures are against the 
U.N.’s Declaration <http://www.un-documents.net/a25r2625.htm> on the 
Principles of International Law concerning friendly relations and 
cooperation among States. The resolution, in accordance with the 
international body’s Charter, was adopted by the General Assembly on 
Oct. 1970, and it recalls “the duty of States to refrain in their 
international relations from military, political, economic or any other 
form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial 
integrity of any State.”

On this matter, Jazairy focused on the 150 sanction designations from 
the U.S. to individuals and entities in Venezuela since 2017 via 
Executive Orders (E.O.) and the Kingpin Act. That are aimed to pressure 
President Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan people.

A recent report, 'Economic Sanctions as Collective Punishment: The Case 
of Venezuela', made by Columbia University economist, Jeffrey Sachs, and 
Mark Weisbrot from the Center for Economic and Policy Research, revealed 
that 40,000 people may have died in the Latin American nation in the 
last two years because of the Trump Administration.

Also showing that over US$15 billion in Venezuelan government assets are 
locked up due to the U.S.'s sanctions preventing the nation from 
exporting and importing, including food and medicine. “It is hard to 
figure out how measures which have the effect of destroying Venezuela’s 
economy...can be aimed at ‘helping the Venezuelan people’, as claimed by 
the US Treasury,” the expert added.

Jazairy also denounced the implementation of Title III of the 
Helms-Burton Act, signed on March 12, 1996, during former President Bill 
Clinton’s administration, with the objective of disrupting foreign 
investment to the island and accentuating the economic effects of the 
economic blockade.

Through the application of Title III, U.S. citizens can sue in their 
country’s courts those persons and entities that conduct business with 
about 200 state-owned institutions in Cuba that were nationalized after 
Jan. 1, 1959. The full enforcement of the anti-Cuban law would imply 
massive damages not only for Cuba but for U.S., Canadian, and mainly 
European interests, as the bloc is the largest foreign investor on the 
island and the country’s top export market.

“The international community must come together to challenge what 
amounts to blockades ignoring a country’s sovereignty, the human rights 
of its people, and the rights of third countries trading with sanctioned 
States, all while constituting a threat to world peace and security”, 
the U.N. appointee concluded.

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