[News] U.S. lies to justify further attacks on Cuba

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Thu May 2 14:19:21 EDT 2019


  U.S. lies to justify further attacks on Cuba

May 2, 2019

“There are no Cuban troops in Venezuela. There are no security forces 
from Cuba in Venezuela. Cuba does not participate with military troops 
or personnel in military operations in Venezuela. These falsehoods 
constitute an affront to the people of Cuba, the government of Cuba, the 
people of Venezuela, and the international community, sovereign states 
and the U.S. people who deserve to know the truth,” reiterated the Cuban 
Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Director for the United States, Johana 
Tablada, in statements offered to the press this Wednesday, May 1.

Tablada stressed that in recent weeks the Cuban government has denounced 
a series of accusations, falsehoods and slander regarding the nature of 
the cooperative relationship between Cuba and Venezuela, headed by “a 
pathological liar, former ambassador John Bolton, who has a long history 
of conflicts with the truth,” and today is National Security Advisor to 
the U.S. government.

She recalled that Bolton lied about the existence of chemical weapons in 
Iraq, and of biological weapons in Cuba in 2002, lies that cost him his 
appointment as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, following a Senate 
Foreign Relations Committee hearing, which led to his own party voting 
against him and recommending that he be prevented from returning to 
public office at such a high level.

The Cuban diplomat emphasized that the escalation in accusations in 
recent days is intended to conceal the failure of the sustained U.S. 
policy of aggression against Venezuela, and the frustration after the 
second coup attempt against the legitimate government of Nicolás Maduro 
was also defeated. “The objective is to shroud the real support that 
exists in Venezuela for the government and the Bolivarian Revolution, 
and the lack of support for the self-proclaimed or supposed leaders 
chosen by the United States.”

Tablada explained that the intention is to find the most convenient 
pretext to impose and justify new measures of aggression against the 
Cuban people, on claiming that the island has 20,000 soldiers posted in 
Venezuela and is interfering in its internal affairs, “something that 
even the U.S. government knows is untrue.”

She noted that as part of this same policy of hostility, the U.S. 
President threatened the island with the proclamation of a “full and 
complete embargo,” if its troops were not withdrawn from Venezuela. “We 
can’t withdraw something that does not exist from Venezuela. This is a 
disrespectful statement that conceals the cruel nature of the scope of 
these measures against our people.”

Johana Tablada highlighted that such recent announcements appear to 
overlook the fact that for 60 years the people of Cuba have suffered the 
most wide-ranging, complex and absurd system of unilateral sanctions and 
coercive measures in history, and that “Bolton is delirious when he says 
that the whole world supports the sanctions.”

“This decision will be met by our country, by our people, by our 
government, as always: we will denounce it, but we will resist. The 
people of Cuba will resist and triumph,” she concluded.

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