[News] San Francisco - Saturday, March 30th, Noon - All Out For Gaza!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 27 10:24:13 EDT 2019





*Together with the Palestine Action Network, we are calling on all our 
friends, family and allies to join us for a rally and march in 
solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian struggle as a whole on March 
30, 2019. *We will be meeting at the 24th and Mission Bart station, then 
marching through the Mission.

*This Saturday marks the one year anniversary of the Great March of 
Return in Gaza, and the 43rd anniversary of Land Day 
<https://araborganizing.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=40bbc5d297cb5db1fd1a5ca21&id=822e11558f&e=7f342f942c>**  in 
Palestine.* Over the last year a mass movement of many thousand 
internally displaced refugees in Gaza --across social and political 
sectors -- have mobilized every Friday to demand their right of return. 
Israel has responded to this popular uprising by killing 260 
Palestinians, and wounding thousands with live fire, tear gas and other 
weapons. In the last three months, the Israeli military has attacked 
170 times, killing at least 17 Palestinians in Gaza and injuring over 
3,500. Despite these shameful atrocities, the Great March of Return in 
Gaza has galvanized Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank,  and across the 
Diaspora, along with inspiring massive solidarity and reinvigorating 
demands for dignity, human rights, and the right of return on the global 

The Trump administration and its allies  have offered political and 
military support to Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza, while continuing 
to criminalize the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign, 
suppress opposition among Congressional insurgents like Ilhan Omar,  and 
supporting  Israeli territorial expansion, most recently to include the 
occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Join us to uplift  the Great March of Return in Gaza and the demands of 
the Palestinian people for freedom, self-determination, and liberation.

*Saturday, March 30th*
*Where: 24th St. and Mission, San Francisco
Time: 12 pm-3 pm*


For more on what is happening on Gaza, check out this informative piece 
by AFSC.

*Our mailing address is:*
Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
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