[News] Israeli occupation forces raid Birzeit University and arrest three students

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Tue Mar 26 10:51:20 EDT 2019


  Israeli occupation forces raid Birzeit University and arrest three

March 26, 2019

Addameer - Ramallah: Israeli Occupation Forces raided on Tuesday 
morning, 26 March 2019 the campus of Birzeit University, North of 
Ramallah and arrested three students. Addameer documentation unit 
informed that several occupation soldiers dressed as civilians,backed by 
a military force, broke into the campus and kidnapped Hamza Abu Qaraa, 
Udai Nakhla and Tawfiq Abu Arqoub, before taking them to the Ofer 
Prison. At the moment of his arrest, Tawfiq abu Arqoub had been taking 
refuge inside the campus since 25 February, after an attempt to arrest 
him by the Palestinian Preventive Security Service. Tawfiq had been 
arrested by the Palestinian security services three times between 2013 
and 2014. The occupation raid on Birzeit University campus and the 
arrest of three of its students, today, is a continuation of the 
occupation’s ongoing assault on Palestinian students, undermining their 
educational life. The Israeli occupation forces had arrested Tawfiq Abu 
Arqoub in May 2015 for nine months, before releasing him in February 
2016. Then they arrested him again in February 2017 for a year and 
released him in March 2018. As a result of his repetitive arrests, 
Tawfiq’s undergraduate career has extended for more than seven years. 
Addameer condemns the occupation raid on Birzeit University campus and 
the arrest of three of its students and asserts, that the assault on 
Palestinian academic institutions by the Israeli occupation forces is a 
result of the widespread culture of impunity within the occupation 
authorities. This is clearly demonstrated through the occupation’s 
repeated violations of international law, which expressly provided for 
the protection of academic institutions from military aggression. 
Therefore, Addameer calls on all international organizations and 
Contracting States to assume their responsibility by taking concrete and 
practical steps, pressuring the occupying state, in order to ensure 
respect for Palestinian educational institutions and to protect 
Palestinian students, as protected persons under international law.

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