[News] Neoliberalism and Its Alternatives

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Tue Mar 5 11:40:54 EST 2019

Newsletter 8: Neoliberalism and Its Alternatives

  Newsletter 8: Neoliberalism and Its Alternatives

March 5, 2019

Dear friends,

Greetings from The Red Nation.

Neoliberalism is losing its legitimacy across the globe. Part of its 
demise can be traced to the very thing that gives it life: oil. Climate 
change—the warming of temperatures caused by the burning of fossil 
fuels—is intensifying the crisis. The poor face the worst of it; they 
always do. But they are also struggling to build an alternative. At the 
forefront of that fight are Black, brown, Indigenous, poor, and 
colonized people.

In France, the Gilets Jaunes 
<https://therednation.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de414e67166ab938a82851840&id=c67ac9a80c&e=ec92217b5f> (Yellow 
Vests) Movement has rocked the country with back-to-back protests since 
last November. A gas tax levied against the working poor, which the 
government said would help reduce carbon emissions, sparked the 
backlash. Why should the poorest pay for the crimes of the industries 
most responsible for climate change?

Yet a longer, more vicious battle has ensued in Haiti since July of last 
year. In recent weeks, a fuel shortage caused by corruption and the 
looting of public assets has inflamed tensions. The economy of the most 
impoverished country in the hemisphere is hamstrung. Popular protests 
amplified after February 7 of this year, the day the dictator 
Jean-Claude Duvalier fled the island in 1986. Cities and roads are 
nearly devoid of normal life—cars and pedestrians—except for protests. 
Rallies, motorcycle caravans, strikes, and the burning of police 
stations and government buildings now define everyday life.

Photo by Alba Movimientos

Lautaro Rivara, a sociologist and member of the Dessalines Brigade of 
Solidarity with Haiti, reports 
<https://therednation.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de414e67166ab938a82851840&id=7a89e214bd&e=ec92217b5f> that 
among the protests one banner clarified the aspirations of everyday 
Haitians: “We Have the Right to Live Like People.”

The Haitian uprising is directly related to US-backed coup attempt in 
Venezuela. In 2005, the Bolivarian government under Hugo Chavez 
integrated Haiti into the Petrocaribe platform, generously donating 
Haiti billions of dollars for much-needed infrastructure development and 
subsidizing gas prices—vital resources that the current government under 
Jovenel Moïse has squandered.

The solidarity economy between the nations stretches back two centuries. 
In 1815, Simón Bolívar, popularly known as the Liberator of Venezuela, 
fled to Haiti, receiving protection from the self-emancipated former 
French slave colony. From Haiti, Bolívar led the successful Venezuelan 
independence movement from Spain. Moved by the hospitality he received, 
upon his departure from Haiti Bolívar promised to abolish African 
slavery as part of the independence movement. He did. The history of 
solidarity is not forgotten.

Venezuela’s solidarity has also extended to Indigenous nations of Turtle 
Island, or North America. In 2007, Tim Giago, a preeminent Oglala Lakota 
journalist, applauded Hugo Chavez 
<https://therednation.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de414e67166ab938a82851840&id=e122c4ba1d&e=ec92217b5f> and 
the Bolivarian Revolution for providing heating assistance to hard-hit 
Indian reservations, the poorest places in North America on the Northern 
Plains, during the harsh winter months. Citgo Petroleum, a Venezuelan 
state-owned oil company, has for nearly a decade donated millions of 
dollars of heating oil not only to reservations communities in the 
United States, but also to low-income Black and Chicanx neighborhoods 
and homeless shelters.

Giago excoriated the United States’ hypocrisy for failing to uphold its 
own treaty obligations while criticizing other countries such as 
Venezuela, and the failure of capitalist Indigenous economies to keep 
Indigenous people warm and fed.

“Where was the rich casino-owning tribes?” Giago asked. “Busy counting 
their money I guess.”

The gravity of enforced reservation poverty hit home this winter, when 
Donald Trump shutdown the federal government for 35 days to force the 
construction of his border wall with Mexico. Federal jobs and funding 
provides (which come in the form of treaty obligations) keep Indigenous 
families afloat. Without them, families face a choice of food or heat.

Prominent Ojibwe activist from White Earth Winona LaDuke has also made 
the connection between the war on Indigenous nations in Turtle Island 
and the economic war waged against Venezuela. In 2016 during the Dakota 
Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests, she told Democracy Now! 
the construction of DAPL “has to do with crushing Venezuela, because 
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world.”

As we reported in our last newsletter 
the North American oil boom that began in 2007, led by Canada and the 
United States, made the price of oil drop nearly crippling the 
Venezuelan economy.

Both the United States and Canada drilled their economies out of the 
gutter by producing the dirtiest oil in the world from tar sands and 
fracking rigs at the expense of Indigenous lands and lives. Each 
proposal for new carbon infrastructure such as oil pipelines not only 
deepens the climate crisis and locks in carbon consumption, it is also 
aimed to crush Venezuela.

Why target Venezuela? It partially has to do with its oil reserves. But 
it also has to do with threat that it poses: an economic and social 
alternative to neoliberalism.

But what is neoliberalism? Simply put, neoliberalism is a decades-long 
tax strike of the rich. Instead of redistributing the wealth of the One 
Percent for social projects that benefit the poorest (like healthcare, 
education, housing, treaty rights, and environmental protection), public 
goods are privatized and wealth trickles upwards concentrating into the 
hands of a few. (We recommend reading the Tricontinental’s excellent 
pamphlet by Vijay Prashad on neoliberalism, “In the Ruins of the 
That is why proposals like the Green New Deal (though not without 
calls for a 70 percent tax increase on the rich to allocate the 
necessary resources to mitigate climate change and redistribute the 
wealth. If implemented, the Green New Deal could pose a significant 
challenge to the neoliberal order. As the planet burns, a ruling class 
tax strike is the only strike worth breaking.

Neoliberalism, however, has also successfully crushed alternatives to 
capitalism throughout the globe. For more than half a century, the US 
has led a bloody counterinsurgency war against any alternative that 
might force the rich to pay their due, providing fertile ground for the 
rise of a right wing authoritarianism as the only alternative. We don’t 
have to look far, whether Trump in the United States or Bolsonaro in 
Brazil, to see how quickly violent strong men and bigots fill the vacuum 
left by neoliberalism.

Venezuelans voted the Bolivarian Revolution into power, which, in turn, 
increased the participation in social, economic, and political life of 
Indigenous peoples, Women, LGBTQ, Africans, and poor people. The 
nation’s oil wealth was redistributed to the lowest sectors of society. 
And while, for a moment, the U.S.-backed coup to oust the 
democratically-elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, seemed 
imminent, people took to the streets and to the countryside to defend 
these hard-fought gains. Far from a perfect model (as if there is such a 
thing), the Bolivarian Revolution represents a possible alternative to 

International People's Assembly

That’s why from February 24 to 27, 500 delegates from 87 countries and 
181 people’s movements descended on Venezuela’s capital city of Caracas 
to participate in the International Peoples’ Assembly in Solidarity with 
the Bolivarian Revolution and Against Imperialism 
In the declaration of solidarity, international assembly stated its 
aspirations, “The peoples of the world want peace; we do not want 
another war.”

Maduro closed his address to the people’s assembly with this message: 
“One cannot be free, one cannot be revolutionary, one cannot be 
independent without punishment. It is necessary to pay the price of 
bravery, of rebellion, and of courage. And we are paying that now…They 
know that here, there is courage, rebellion, that we are confronting 
North American imperialism and that we are not scared of them. We will 
continue advancing in the construction of our own model of country.”

The looming threat of U.S. intervention remains, but, for now, the 
Venezuelan people’s movements have won a small but significant victory 
for now.

Yet the battle is being fought here in Turtle Island as Trump wages a 
war against the migrant masses. Our organizers participated in a second 
solidarity delegation to Tornillo, Texas to protest the continued 
detention of migrant children at the border. You can read part one of a 
two-part report by Hope Alvarado here 

Lastly, mark your calendars! We have confirmed dates for the 2019 Native 
Liberation Conference, which will be hosted in Gallup, New Mexico 
September 7-8. Like all our events, the conference is free and open to 
the public. More information coming soon. If you are willing and able to 
make a donation to help offset costs of hosting the conference (such as 
rental fees), please do so here 
Every dollar helps. We are a one hundred percent volunteer-run organization.

On March 12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico The Red Nation will co-host 
Palestinian journalist Ahmed Abu Artema, who helped co-found the Great 
March of Return. RSVP here 

On March 16, the Red Revolution Radio podcast will also be co-hosting 
with Red Planet a discussion with Red Nation comrade Majerle Lister on 
my new book, /Our History is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota 
Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance/ 
RSVP here 

The Red Nation is partnering with the national campaign #NoKXL Promise 
to Protect. If you are interested in participating in a free, public 
training and workshop on how you can help us stop the dirty Keystone XL 
pipeline from trespassing through Lakota territory, sign up here 

The world is shaking with anger. There are storm clouds on the horizon. 
The world we want to live in is actively being built by the humble 
people, the good people of the earth. But we have to struggle for the 
world to breath and grow. Join us.

Solidarity forever,


Upcoming Events:

March 13: Hashtag to Headlines: The Gaza Great March of Return 

March 16: Red Revolution Radio Book Panel, March 16 

March 23-24: #NoKXL Promise to Protect 

September 7-8: Native Liberation Conference (more info coming soon!)

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