[News] Israeli channel airs call to expel all Palestinians

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Wed Jun 19 10:51:59 EDT 2019


  Israeli channel airs call to expel all Palestinians

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 18 
June 2019


The Israeli international TV channel i24 News last week aired a call for 
the total ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

“There will never, ever be a two-state solution,” British far-right 
demagogue Katie Hopkins 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/katie-hopkins> stated. “Israel will 
become the super force here. You will have to have a one-state solution.”

But she wasn’t talking about a single state with equal rights for all.

    Controversial commentator @KTHopkins
    <https://twitter.com/KTHopkins?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> tells
    @amikaufman <https://twitter.com/AmiKaufman?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>,
    ‘there will never be #peace
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/peace?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> in
    until you remove the people who don’t belong there,’ adding there
    will ‘never ever’ be a #twostatesolution
    pic.twitter.com/AprtpCMslj <https://t.co/AprtpCMslj>

    — i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) June 10, 2019

“There will not be peace in Israel until you remove the people who don’t 
belong there,” Hopkins asserted.

Another guest, former Israeli diplomat Daniel Shek, objected that they – 
the Palestinians – “are indigenous people, not migrants.” But Hopkins 
added that “it will be a one-state solution, and in so far as you will 
have to remove certain individuals, you would just take more land.”

Shek asked: “You mean 50 percent of the population will have to go?”

“Yes, they will have to go,” Hopkins affirmed. “If some of their 
population still stab you with knives, then I would say yes, the rest 
have to go.”

Palestinians constitute half – and likely a slight majority 
– of the approximately 13 million people who live in what is today 
Israel, the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Hopkins’ call for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians may even meet the 
international legal definition 
of genocide.

The Genocide Convention defines numerous acts as genocide if they are 
committed “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, 
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

Indeed, prominent scholars of genocide argue that Israel’s policies 
towards the Palestinian people over decades constitute a form of 

In recent years, Israeli political leaders have habitually advanced 
for the expulsion of the Palestinians and their destruction as a 
national collective 

    “Natural home”

Hopkins is a notorious far-right racist who has caught the favorable 
attention of US President Donald Trump for her Islamophobic vitriol.

She has a well-documented record 
<https://tellmamauk.org/tag/katie-hopkins/> of using her high-profile 
media appearances to spread conspiracy theories and incite racial, 
ethnic and religious hatred.

    Here's arch-racist Katie Hopkins blaming "Soros NGOs" for critical
    coverage of Israel.

    I wrote in March about how this antisemitic conspiracy theory is
    perpetuated by Zionist fanatics and the rest of the fascist right
    https://t.co/9Rsq2Jst2h pic.twitter.com/ELKHugldeN

    — Asa Winstanley (@AsaWinstanley) June 17, 2019

Hopkins also used her i24 News appearance to claim 
that Muslims are “forcing the Jews out of western Europe,” as well as 
her “own population.”

And in perhaps one of her only credible statements – politically 
speaking at least – she called Israel her “natural home.”

Hopkins embodies the increasingly 
warm embrace 
between Israel 
on the one hand, and far-right 
Islamophobes, white supremacists 
and neo-Nazis 
in Europe and North America, on the other.

She has previously referred 
to migrants in Europe as “cockroaches.”

Hopkins was perhaps channeling 
Rafael Eitan, the army chief who commanded Israel’s 1982 invasion of 
Lebanon and once notoriously called Palestinians “drugged cockroaches in 
a bottle.”

    Nothing to see here, folks - just an Israeli news outlet giving a
    platform to a virulent islamophobe calling for the ethnic cleansing
    of 6 million Palestinians. https://t.co/lqqwLviEd2

    — Khaled Elgindy (@elgindy_) June 17, 2019

That Shek challenged Hopkins’ call for the ethnic cleansing of millions 
of people in no way mitigates i24 News’ responsibility for airing 
dangerous racist incitement.

Would any channel defend as legitimate debate, say, a discussion on 
whether Jews should be expelled from Europe, or whether slavery should 
be reinstated in the United States? Even if free speech entitles people 
to hold such repugnant and abhorrent views, no media platform is 
obligated to give them space.

Some matters are beyond debate, and to provide their adherents with a 
platform in any format serves only to legitimize extremist viewpoints.

Yet i24 News is attempting to whitewash and downplay Hopkins’ comments 
as merely “controversial” – that is to say within the scope of 
acceptable debate.

    EU embraces racist municipalities

The intense and arguably genocidal racism 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/racism> Hopkins expresses is all 
too common 
and normalized 
<https://mondoweiss.net/2014/03/abunimahs-justice-palestine/> in Israel, 
an ethno-state where Palestinians are conceived first and foremost as a 
“demographic threat 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/demographic-threat>” to the 
violently gerrymandered 
Jewish majority.

    The mayor of Afula participated in a protest in front of a house in
    his town because it was sold to Palestinians (w Israeli
    citizenship). That racist was actually elected w a campaign promise
    to keep Arabs out of town
    HT @NoaShpigel

    — Asaf Ronel (@AsafRonel) June 16, 2019

A fresh example of that came last Saturday when the mayor and city 
council members in the northern city of Afula 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/afula> took part in a demonstration 
against the sale of a home to an Arab family.

Council member Itai Cohen told media the municipality would continue to 
“ensure that Afula preserves its Jewish character.”

“Anyone looking for a mixed city – Afula is not the address,” Cohen told 
Israeli army radio on Sunday. “We are a right-wing place with Jewish 

The demonstration was joined by members of Lehava 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lehava>, a Jewish extremist group 
that agitates against mixed marriages 
and whose members habitually participate 
in violent rampages 
calling for Palestinians to be “wiped out.”

With the blessing of state-financed official rabbis 
and legislation 
Israeli municipalities regularly act 
to prevent integration 
and equal housing opportunities for Palestinian citizens in Israel 

    Good meeting this morning with Haim Bibas chairman of the Federation
    of Local Authorities in Israel to deepen cooperation between the
    🇪🇺and 🇮🇱 municipalities. pic.twitter.com/NSl97wHXsm

    — Emanuele Giaufret (@EGiaufretEU) May 22, 2019

This systematic racism has done nothing to deter the self-declared human 
rights champions at the European Union from embracing Israeli 

Last month, Emanuele Giaufret 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/emanuele-giaufret>, the EU 
ambassador in Tel Aviv, met 
<https://twitter.com/EGiaufretEU/status/1131182548019798016> the chair 
of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel to “deepen cooperation 
between the EU and Israeli municipalities.”

There is no indication that the EU is requiring Israeli municipalities 
to end their racism against Palestinians and people from African states 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/africans-israel> as a condition for 
such cooperation.

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