[News] Cuban President Reiterates Rejection of New US Measures - They cannot stop us. We will live and triumph.

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Wed Jun 5 11:02:54 EDT 2019

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  Cuban President Reiterates Rejection of New US Measures

June 5, 2019

Havana, Jun 5 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Wednesday 
reiterated the rejection to restrictions on cultural and educational 
trips to Cuba, as well as visits with private and other ships announced 
by the United States.

The new measures, entering into force this Wednesday, will intensify the 
blockade and violate international law, the President posted on Twitter.

Washington does not cease in its 'perverse desire to bend Cuba', and 
attached a link to an article on the issue published in Granma 
newspaper, Diaz-Canel posted.

The US Department of the Treasury announced on Tuesday that it will not 
allow cultural and educational trips with the Cuban people, known as 
'people to people.'

They included in this section an 'exemption' which establishes that 
certain educational group visits, previously authorized, could be 
carried out if the person has already completed at least one transaction 
related to the trip (such as the purchase of a ticket or accommodation 
reservation) before June 5.

According to the statement, the administration of President Donald Trump 
will prohibit travel to Cuba to private and corporate planes, cruises, 
sailboats, fishing boats and similar vessels.

The measures respond to the announcements of National Security Adviser 
John Bolton, when he stated on April 17 that new restrictions to 
non-family trips to Cuba would be applied.


  They cannot stop us. We will live and triumph.

June 5, 2019

The Trump administration’s hostility toward our country seems to have no 
end. Yesterday the U.S. Treasury Department added to sanctions announced 
April 17, and the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, the 
prohibition of "people to people" cultural and educational trips, plus 
other restrictions on travel and transportation services, remittances, 
banking, commerce, and telecommunications.

According to a press release issued by the department, private and 
corporate planes, cruise ships, sailboats, fishing boats, and similar 
vessels will be prohibited from traveling to Cuba, although an 
"exemption" is available for certain previously authorized group 
educational visits, for which at least one transaction related to the 
trip, such as the purchase of a ticket or reservation, was completed 
before June 5. Civil aircraft that operate under Air Carrier 
Certificates or other specifications of the Federal Aviation 
Administration will be authorized to travel to the island.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that the restrictions are meant 
to put a brake on “the destabilizing role of Cuba in Latin America,” and 
that he is “worried” about Cuban support to Venezuela and Nicaragua.

What should worry him is the example of Cuba before the world, a small 
island that for more than 60 years has resisted the attacks of the 
greatest empire history has known, and extends its solidarity to all 
peoples in need, sharing not what we have left over, but even what we 
lack, as Army General Raul Castro Ruz said.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla tweeted on Tuesday that 
differences must be resolved on the basis of dialogue and cooperation, 
adhering strictly to international law, and strongly denounced the new 
sanctions, saying "They intend to strangle the economy and damage 
Cubans’ standard of living, to wrest political concessions from us. They 
will fail once again. "

President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez insisted that Cuba will not be 
intimidated or distracted by new threats or restrictions. “Work, 
creativity, effort, and resistance is our answer. They have not been 
able to asphyxiate us. They cannot stop us. We will live and we will 
triumph," he said.

  They cannot stop us. We will live and triumph.

3 minutes

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez insisted that Cuba will not 
be intimidated by new U.S. restrictions and threats. *Photo: *Juvenal Balán

The Trump administration’s hostility toward our country seems to have no 
end. Yesterday the U.S. Treasury Department added to sanctions announced 
April 17, and the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, the 
prohibition of "people to people" cultural and educational trips, plus 
other restrictions on travel and transportation services, remittances, 
banking, commerce, and telecommunications.
According to a press release issued by the department, private and 
corporate planes, cruise ships, sailboats, fishing boats, and similar 
vessels will be prohibited from traveling to Cuba, although an 
"exemption" is available for certain previously authorized group 
educational visits, for which at least one transaction related to the 
trip, such as the purchase of a ticket or reservation, was completed 
before June 5. Civil aircraft that operate under Air Carrier 
Certificates or other specifications of the Federal Aviation 
Administration will be authorized to travel to the island.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that the restrictions are meant 
to put a brake on “the destabilizing role of Cuba in Latin America,” and 
that he is “worried” about Cuban support to Venezuela and Nicaragua.
What should worry him is the example of Cuba before the world, a small 
island that for more than 60 years has resisted the attacks of the 
greatest empire history has known, and extends its solidarity to all 
peoples in need, sharing not what we have left over, but even what we 
lack, as Army General Raul Castro Ruz said.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla tweeted on Tuesday that 
differences must be resolved on the basis of dialogue and cooperation, 
adhering strictly to international law, and strongly denounced the new 
sanctions, saying "They intend to strangle the economy and damage 
Cubans’ standard of living, to wrest political concessions from us. They 
will fail once again. "
President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez insisted that Cuba will not be 
intimidated or distracted by new threats or restrictions. “Work, 
creativity, effort, and resistance is our answer. They have not been 
able to asphyxiate us. They cannot stop us. We will live and we will 
triumph," he said.

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