[News] Access to Clean Water is a Human Right, so Why is Palestine an Exception?

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Mon Jun 3 11:55:57 EDT 2019


  Access to Clean Water is a Human Right, so Why is Palestine an Exception?

/Ramzy Baroud - May 31, 2019

Free access to clean water is a basic human right. This is not just a 
common-sense assertion, but also a binding legal commitment enshrined in 
international law.

In November 2002, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural 
Rights adopted <https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/4538838d11.pdf> “General 
Comment No. 15” regarding the right to water:

    “The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in
    human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realisation of other
    human rights.” (Article I.1)

The discussion on water as a human right culminated years later in UN 
General Assembly resolution 
64/292 of 28 July 2010. It explicitly “recognizes the right to safe and 
clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential 
for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights.”

It all makes perfect sense. There can be no life without water. However, 
like every other human right, it seems, the Palestinians are denied this 
one too.

There is a water crisis affecting the whole world, and it is most 
pronounced in the Middle East. Climate change-linked droughts, 
unpredictable rainfall, lack of centralized planning, military conflicts 
and more have resulted in unprecedented water insecurity.

The situation is even more complicated in Palestine, though, where the 
water crisis is related directly to the more general political context 
of Israel’s occupation: apartheid, illegal Jewish settlements, siege and 
war. While much attention has rightly been given to the military aspect 
of the Israeli occupation, the state’s colonial policies involving water 
receive far less attention, but they are a pressing and critical problem.

Ashraf Amra Indeed, total water control was one of the first policies 
enacted by Israel after the establishment of the military regime 
following the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip 
in June 1967. Israel’s discriminatory policies 
<https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/06/israel-water-tool-dominate-palestinians-160619062531348.html> – 
its uses and abuses of Palestinian water resources – can be described as 
“water apartheid”.

Excessive Israeli water consumption; the erratic use of dams; and the 
denial of Palestinians of the right to their own water or the digging of 
new wells have all left vast and possibly irreversible environmental 
consequences. They have fundamentally altered the aquatic ecosystem 

In the West Bank, Israel uses water to cement existing Palestinian 
dependency on the occupation. It uses a cruel form of economic 
dependency to keep Palestinians reliant and subordinate. This model is 
sustained through the control of borders, military checkpoints, 
collection of taxes, closures, military curfews and the denial of 
building permits. Water dependency is a centerpiece of this strategy.

The “Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip”, known as 
the Oslo II Agreement, signed in Taba, Egypt in September 1995, 
<http://www.palestine-australia.com/assets/Uploads/Water-Inequality-under-Oslo-II-21102016.pdf> the 
unfairness of Oslo I, which was signed in September 1993. Over 71 
percent of Palestinian aquifer water was made available for Israeli use, 
with just 17 percent allocated for Palestinian use.

Even more appallingly, the new agreement invited a mechanism 
<http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/736571530044615402/pdf/WP-P157979-Securing-Water-for-Development-in-West-Bank-and-Gaza-PUBLIC.pdf> that 
forced Palestinians to buy their own water from Israel, further 
cementing the client-owner relationship between the Palestinian 
Authority and the occupying state.

Israel’s Mekorot water company, a wholly-owned government entity, 
misuses its privileges to reward and punish Palestinians as it sees fit. 
In the summer of 2016, for example, entire Palestinian communities in 
the occupied West Bank went without water 
<https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/palestinian-villages-hours-water-week-161023105150024.html> because 
the PA failed to pay Israel massive sums of money to buy back water 
taken from Palestinian natural resources.

Bewildering, isn’t it? And yet many are still wondering why Oslo failed 
to deliver the much-coveted “peace”.

Look at the numbers 
<https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/adri-nieuwhof/israel-worlds-leading-practitioner-water-apartheid> in 
order to appreciate this water apartheid: Palestinians in the West Bank 
use about 72 liters of water per person per day, compared to 240-300 
liters for Israelis. The political responsibilities of such unequal 
distribution of available water resources can be attributed to both the 
cruel Israeli occupation and the short-sighted vision of the Palestinian 

The situation in Gaza is even worse. The territory will be officially 
<https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/water-crisis-may-make-gaza-strip-uninhabitable-by-2020> by 
2020, according to a UN report. That’s next year. The main reason for 
this grim prediction is Gaza’s water crisis.

According to a study conducted 
<https://www.oxfam.org/en/occupied-palestinian-territory-and-israel/failing-gaza-undrinkable-water-no-access-toilets> by 
international charity Oxfam, “Less than four percent of freshwater [in 
Gaza] is drinkable and the surrounding sea is polluted by sewage.” Oxfam 
researchers concluded that water pollution is dangerously linked to a 
dramatic increase in kidney problems in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s water and 
sanitation crises are worsening as frequent shutdowns of the enclave’s 
only functioning power plant are killing any hope for a remedy.

The US-based RAND Corporation found that one-fourth of all diseases in 
the besieged Gaza Strip are waterborne. RAND estimations are no less 
dramatic. It reports that, based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) 
standards, 97 percent 
<https://www.ochaopt.org/content/study-warns-water-sanitation-crisis-gaza-may-cause-disease-outbreak-and-possible-epidemic#ftn3> of 
Gaza’s water is not fit for human consumption. In terms of human 
suffering, this reality can only be described as horrific.

The hospitals in the Gaza Strip are trying to fight the massive epidemic 
of illness and disease caused by dirty water while underequipped, 
suffering electricity cuts and lacking any clean water themselves. 
“Water is frequently unavailable at Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in 
Gaza” the RAND report continues 
“Even when it is available, doctors and nurses are unable to sterilize 
their hands to carry out surgery because of the water quality.”

According to the environmental media platform Circle of Blue, out of 
Gaza’s 2 million residents, only 10 percent 
<https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/water-crisis-may-make-gaza-strip-uninhabitable-by-2020> have 
access to clean drinking water.

“My children get sick because of the water,” Madlain Al-Najjar, a mother 
of six living in the Gaza Strip, told Circle of Blue. “They suffer from 
vomiting and diarrhea. Often, I can tell that the water is not clean, 
but we have no other option.”

Britain’s Independent reported 
<https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/water-crisis-may-make-gaza-strip-uninhabitable-by-2020> on 
the story of Noha Sais, a 27-year-old mother of five, living in Gaza. 
“In the summer of 2017, every one of Noha’s children suddenly fell ill, 
uncontrollably vomiting and were soon hospitalized. Gaza’s filthy 
Mediterranean waters had poisoned them.

    “The youngest, Mohamed, normally a healthy and boisterous
    five-year-old, contracted an unknown virus from the sea, which took
    over his body and brain. Three days after the trip, he slipped into
    a coma. A week after that he died.”

Noha told the newspaper that,

    “The doctors said the source of the infection was a germ that came
    from the polluted seawater, but they couldn’t work out exactly what
    it was. They just said to me even if my son recovered, he would
    never be the same – he would be a vegetable.”

Many similar cases are reported across Gaza, and there is no end in 
sight. Israel’s water policies are facets of a much larger war against 
the Palestinian people intended to reinforce its colonial control.

Judging by the evidence, Zionists didn’t “make the desert bloom,” as 
Israeli propaganda claims. Since its establishment on the ruins of more 
than five hundred Palestinian towns and villages destroyed between 1947 
and 48, Israel has done the exact opposite.

“Palestine contains vast colonization potential which the Arabs neither 
need nor are qualified to exploit,” wrote 
<https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/the-ben-gurion-letter/> one of Israel’s 
founding fathers and first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, to his son 
Amos in 1937. Zionist Israel, though, has done more than just “exploit” 
that “colonization potential”; it has also subjected historic Palestine 
to a relentless and cruel campaign of destruction that is yet to 
cease. This is likely to continue as long as Zionism prevails in Israel 
and occupied Palestine; it is a racist, hegemonic and exploitative 
ideology. If access to clean water is indeed a human right, why is the 
world allowing Israel to make Palestine and its people an exception?

/– Ramzy Baroud is a journalist, author and editor of Palestine 
Chronicle. His last book is ‘The Last Earth: A Palestinian Story’ (Pluto 
Press, London). Baroud has a Ph.D. in Palestine Studies from the 
University of Exeter and was a Non-Resident Scholar at Orfalea Center 
for Global and International Studies, University of California Santa 
Barbara. His website is //www.ramzybaroud.net/ <http://www.ramzybaroud.net/>

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