[News] Police Injure 14 in Protests Demanding Resignation of Puerto Rico Governor Rossello

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jul 16 11:16:08 EDT 2019


  Police Injure 14 in Protests Demanding Resignation of Puerto Rico
  Governor Rossello

Published 16 July 2019

In an unsuccessful attempt to discourage demonstrations in San Juan, the 
capital of Puerto Rico, the police Monday harshly cracked down on 
protesters who are demanding the resignation of the Governor of Puerto 
Rico Ricardo Rossello 
leaving at least 14 injured and 3 arrested.


    /*Protests in Major US Cities Call For Puerto Rico's Governor to

The area surrounding La Fortaleza, the seat of the Puerto Rican 
government located in Old San Juan, was the scene of strong 
clashes, involving the launching of incendiary objects, pavement stones, 
while the police responded with tear gas.

Given that riots have intensified over the last two days 
Rossello could not enter the government headquarters, as confirmed by 
the Undersecretary of Interior Erik Rolon, who also announced that 
the Governor will not resign.

Police were urgently mobilized towards Rossello's lodge in Cayey, 54 
kilometers from San Juan, where people also began protesting by burning 
trash at the access road to the governor's residence.

At a press conference with Rolon, Police Chief Henry Escalera warned 
that his institution, which has used the "level of force it should have 
used," will defend democracy "to the last drop of blood."

Over the last weekend, there have been protests every day in front of La 
Fortaleza, some of which ended with violent incidents and altercations.

Demonstrations have been convened by organizations such as the Teachers' 
Association, the Puerto Rican Workers' Central, the General Union of 
Workers, the Victory Citizen Movement and the Workers' Union of the 
Electrical and Irrigation Industry.

*This is not Venezuela or Nicaragua. It is Puerto Rico where thousands 
protest at the capital against corruption. International media networks 
are silent about what happens on the island.*

"We're not going to stop until we see him resign" or "If Ricky does not 
leave, we're going to take him out", were some of the slogans people 

Puerto Rican artists widely known internationally such as Residente and 
Bad Bunny have already announced that they will demonstrate Wednesday as 
part of a new rally to request the resignation of Rossello.

The new wave of protests increased in intensity due to the full 
publication of 889 pages of Telegram messages in which the governor and 
his advisors ("the brothers") make homophobic, sexist and derogatory 
comments against opposition journalists and political leaders.

People living in the streets around La Fortaleza and historical places 
such as the Cathedral of San Juan awoke Thuesday to painted 
graffitis reflecting discontent towards the whole Puerto Rican political 

Public outrage increased when the House of Representatives president 
Carlos Mendez announced Sunday that the parliament will not initiate a 
process for the removal of Governor Rossello, arguing that the Justice 
Department is the institution that should analyze the possible crimes 
that the leaked Telegram chats could imply.

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