[News] TripAdvisor among firms profiting from Israeli war crimes

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Thu Jan 31 11:35:40 EST 2019


  TripAdvisor among firms profiting from Israeli war crimes

Tamara Nassar <https://electronicintifada.net/people/tamara-nassar> - 31 
January 2019


Online booking companies Airbnb 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/airbnb>, TripAdvisor 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tripadvisor>, Booking.com 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bookingcom> and Expedia are fueling 
and profiting from war crimes by listing hundreds of destinations in 
Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

TripAdvisor is one of the world’s biggest and most influential 
travel booking and recommendation websites.

“The Israeli government uses the growing tourism industry in the 
settlements as a way of legitimizing their existence and expansion, and 
online booking companies are playing along with this agenda,” said Seema 
Joshi of Amnesty International, which has published 
a new report on the companies’ activities.

Listings include accommodations and attractions, and often fail to 
indicate that they are located in settlements.

“Amnesty International is calling for these four companies to stop doing 
business in or with the settlements,” Mark Dummett, an Amnesty 
researcher, stated. “They should suspend, withdraw these listings 

“We’re also calling on governments around the world to regulate the 
operations of these companies, to pass laws that prevent them from 
advertising or providing listings in Israeli settlements,” Dummett added.

    Take a trip with us…to the lands of the illegal Israeli settlements.
    Promise “guns, check points and walls” aren’t too far away! RT to
    tell @TripAdvisor
    <https://twitter.com/TripAdvisor?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> to pull out of
    illegal Israeli settlements now. https://t.co/vwVDEsF8Fa

    — Amnesty International (@amnesty) January 30, 2019

    Been to #Bali
    Done illegal Israeli settlements? Here’s what you should do next:
    Tell TripAdvisor to pull out of illegal Israeli settlements now.

    — Amnesty International (@amnesty) January 30, 2019

All of Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East 
Jerusalem, and Syria’s Golan Heights are illegal under international law 
and are considered a war crime.

In building settlements, Israel perpetuates human rights violations 
against the occupied Palestinian population, including home demolitions, 
forced displacement and theft of land.

The increased presence of illegal settlers means a greater “security” 
presence by the Israeli army, which translates into even more violence 
by Israeli occupation forces and by the settlers themselves 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/settler-violence> against Palestinians.

Palestinians who live under Israeli military occupation and severe 
movement restrictions in the occupied West Bank – or as refugees in 
exile – cannot rent properties in nearby Israeli settlements.

Israel bars exiled Palestinians from returning to their homeland because 
they are not Jewish.

    Expanding settlements

One listing on Airbnb, TripAdvisor and Booking.com is in Kfar Adumim 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/kfar-adumim>, an Israeli settlement 
east of Jerusalem near the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar 

Israel’s high court has given the government a green light 
to demolish Khan al-Ahmar and forcibly displace its residents.

This land east of Jerusalem, in the so-called E1 zone 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/e1>, is where Israel plans to 
expand its mega-settlement of Maaleh Adumim, completing the isolation of 
the northern and southern parts of the West Bank from each other and 
encircling Jerusalem with settlements.

Earlier this month, Israel’s economy minister Eli Cohen toured Khan 
al-Ahmar escorted by representatives from far-right pro-settlement 
Israeli organization Regavim <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/regavim>.

Cohen called on Israel to demolish the village before upcoming Israeli 
elections in April.

“Khan al-Ahmar outpost should be evacuated before the elections. But 
even more important, we must deny the Palestinian Authority territorial 
contiguity, by coming and annexing, and applying [Israeli] sovereignty 
over Area C,” Cohen stated 

Area C is a term for 60 percent of the occupied West Bank still fully 
controlled by Israel under the Oslo accords signed in the 1990s.

The booking sites also drive business to Israeli “archaeological” 
attractions in Silwan <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/silwan>, an 
occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood whose Palestinian residents Israel 
is violently displacing 
for the benefit of Jewish settlers.

Amnesty noted that Silwan and other Palestinian villages located near 
settlements are close to “lucrative” tourist attractions.

An example is the so-called City of David 
which not only reaps profits for the settlers, but is part of Israel’s 
ongoing effort to erase Jerusalem’s Palestinian, Arab, Christian and 
Muslim characters and remake and rewrite the city’s past and present as 
predominantly or exclusively Jewish.

    Calls to abide by international law

In a December letter, Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and three 
other organizations demanded that Booking.com stop listing properties in 
the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Golan 
Heights, and cease referring to these areas as parts of Israel.

Airbnb and Booking.com facilitate the “continuation and expansion of 
illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank,” Al-Haq stated 

“By allowing tourists to make reservations in illegal settlements in the 
[occupied Palestinian territories] Booking.com is supporting and helping 
to finance illegal activity,” the group added.

    Airbnb leaves West Bank

In November, Airbnb announced 
that it will delist units in Israeli settlements in the occupied West 
Bank following a years-long campaign by Palestinian and international 
human rights activists.

But Airbnb did not extend that commitment to occupied East Jerusalem, 
where it has more than 100 settlement listings.

“Amnesty International is calling on Airbnb to implement its 
announcement and remove all its listings in settlements in occupied 
territory, including East Jerusalem,” the human rights group stated.

Despite months of intense pressure from Israel, lobby groups and US 
lawmakers to rescind its decision, Airbnb recently reiterated 
its November announcement and said it would be pulling the rental 

In retaliation, Florida’s governor has directed that his state should 
cease doing business with Airbnb.

The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah appeared on Al Jazeera English on 
Wednesday night to discuss Amnesty’s report.

“Promoting and aiding and profiting from the settlements is no different 
from walking into a store, robbing it at gunpoint, and then going out 
into the street and selling the stolen goods for your own profit,” 
Abunimah said.

Abunimah added that states – such as the Netherlands, where Booking.com 
is based <https://www.booking.com/content/legal.en-gb.html> – must hold 
these companies accountable.

“The Dutch government claims to oppose the occupation but it’s doing 
nothing to enforce international law or require its companies like 
Booking.com to respect it.”

    Expelling human rights organizations

Israel is already planning to retaliate against Amnesty International 
over its report.

Israeli public security minister Gilad Erdan 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/gilad-erdan> ordered officials to 
“examine the possibility of preventing the entry and stay of Amnesty 
International in Israel.”

Erdan is also seeking to end the organization’s tax exemption through 
Israel’s finance ministry.

Israeli tourism minister Yariv Levin 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/yariv-levin> also slammed Amnesty’s 

“No force in the world will change the simple historical truth – the 
Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. We will fight this 
despicable anti-Semitic decision. No one can boycott Israel or parts of 
it,” he said, according 
to /The Jerusalem Post./

Any further crackdown on Amnesty would be part of a broader Israeli 
pattern of restricting the work of human rights defenders.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/benjamin-netanyahu> announced that 
he will not renew the mandate of a human rights monitoring group in 
Hebron <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/hebron>.

The mandate of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) was 
set to be renewed on 31 January, as it is every six months.

TIPH was established in 1994, following the massacre 
of 29 Palestinian men and boys in Hebron’s Ibrahimi mosque 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ibrahimi-mosque> by US-born settler 
Baruch Goldstein.

/Ali Abunimah contributed research./

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