[News] Venezuela's Maduro Closes Embassy in US, Endorses Dialogue Call by Mexico, Uruguay

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jan 24 16:12:47 EST 2019


  Venezuela's Maduro Closes Embassy in US, Endorses Dialogue Call by
  Mexico, Uruguay

January 24, 2019

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ordered Thursday the closing of the 
embassy and consulates of his country in the United States, a day after 
breaking diplomatic relations with Donald Trump government.

The crisis between the two governments escalated this week when the 
White House backed the swearing in of opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido as 
“interim president” against the constitution and international law.

"They want to break the republic, the nation, they want to declare an 
unconstitutional president ... Their imperial lord Mike Pompeo organized 
this, it was him who gave the order," Maduro said speaking of the 
attempted parliamentary coup against his elected progressive government.

In a speech at the headquarters of the highest court of that nation, 
Maduro was in favor of the call for dialogue made to the country as a 
whole by the governments of Uruguay and Mexico. "I can face the worst 
difficulties because I know I have the strength of the people."

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