[News] Venezuelan Armed Forces Repels Group of Conspirators

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Mon Jan 21 12:13:21 EST 2019


  Venezuelan Armed Forces Repels Group of Conspirators

21 January 2019

The Ministry of Defense announced Monday that 
the Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venzuela have repelled an attempted 
attack on their facilities in Caracas.

In a statement, the Ministry of Defense reported that the situation 
occurred in the middle of the night of Jan. 21 at approximately at 2:50 
local time. "A small group of assailants assigned to the zone commando 
No. 43 of the Bolivarian National Guard, betraying their oath of 
allegiance to the Homeland and its institutions," said Captain Gerson 
Soto Martínez, commander of the Macarao police coordination post.

From their post, the assailants "moved on two military vehicles, then 
broke into the headquarters of the urban security outpost located in the 
town of Petare, Sucrem, removing a cache of weapons of war and kidnapped 
under threat of death, two officers and two national guard members of 
the aforementioned outpost."

He also detailed that the criminals surrendered and were captured at the 
headquarters of the Waraira Repano special security unit in Cotiza, in 
the town of Libertador, also affiliated with the Bolivarian National 
Guard. " The Ministry of Defense explained that during the detention it 
was possible to recover the stolen weaponry. In addition, the detainees 
"are providing information of interest to the intelligence agencies and 
the military justice system."

The Bolivian Armed Forces categorically rejected these acts, "which are 
certainly motivated by dark interests of the extreme right and are 
contrary to the basic rules of military discipline, honor and the 
traditions of our institution."

The president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado 
Cabello, rejected the theft of military installations and said that the 
intention was to generate violence and anxiety in the population:

    Nuevamente nuestra Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana, Centinela de
    la Patria, captura y rinde a un pequeño grupo de asaltantes y
    traidores a la Patria que robaron un armamento para generar
    violencia y zozobra en la población. Nosotros Venceremos!!!

    — Diosdado Cabello R (@dcabellor) January 21, 2019

*Once again, our Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Guardian of the 
Homeland, captures a small group of assailants and traitors to the 
Homeland who stole weapons to generate violence and anxiety in the 
population. We will prevail!!!*

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