[News] Palestine - 82 Civil Society Organizations Send Letter to Group of 77+1 Regarding Abbas’ Legitimacy

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Wed Jan 16 10:30:19 EST 2019


  82 Civil Society Organizations Send Letter to Group of 77+1 Regarding
  Abbas’ Legitimacy

January 16, 2019

82 civil society organizations in the Gaza Strip sent a letter to the UN 
Group of 77 + 1 
stating that Mr. Mahmoud Abbas no longer has any legal status in 
representing the Palestinian people and talk in their behalf in 
accordance with the Palestinian Basic Law, which set the term of office 
of the President only four years, the period that ended for Mr. Abbas in 

In accordance with Article 36 of the Palestinian Basic Law and its 
amendments of 2005, which was approved by Abbas himself, after his 
assumption of the presidency of the Palestinian Authority, Mr. Abbas has 
been lacking the constitutional legitimacy since 2009, but he has been 
practicing the presidential duties for 10 years after the end of his 
constitutional mandate, based on illegal references and contrary to the 
Palestinian Basic Law.

The letter stated, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency, that 
the PA president’s punitive measures against civilians in the Gaza Strip 
caused their living condition to deteriorate, and offered review of some 
of these measures, such as the unlawful deduction of salaries, the 
transfer of thousands of employees to early retirement, in addition to 
depriving civilians of passports, reducing Gaza’s share of medicines, 
stopping medical referrals and demanding that Israeli authorities stop 
supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip.

The institutions that signed the letter stressed that Abbas’s continued 
takeover of authority made him an authoritarian ruler through his 
domination of all the institutions of the Palestinian Authority and his 
dissolution of the elected legislative council through an illegal 
constitutional court, which caused a major setback in the public 
freedoms in the West Bank, and led to the collapse of the Palestinian 
political structure, and contributed to the deepening of the Palestinian 

In its letter, the institutions called on the member states of the Group 
of 77 and China to deal with Mr. Abbas as a rapist of power, and not to 
grant any legitimacy or cover for the tyranny and political dictatorship 
he is practicing, stressing the lack of constitutional status in his 
practicing of the functions of the Palestinian presidency.

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