[News] Venezuela - Platform For Peasant Struggle Holds Anti-Imperialist March Against International Aggressions

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 15 11:45:43 EST 2019


  Platform For Peasant Struggle Holds Anti-Imperialist March Against
  International Aggressions

January 15, 2019

Merida-Duluth, January 14, 2019 (tatuytv.org 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/>) In the region of “Sur del Lago”, located 
between the Venezuelan states of Mérida and Zulia, an Anti-imperialist 
Peasant March was held amidst the rising tensions in the lead up to 
January 10th swearing in of President Nicolás Maduro. This mobilization 
was organized by local, autonomous peasant, communal and revolutionary 
organizations of the National Platform for Peasant Struggle, in order to 
demonstrate rejection for the intensifying foreign aggression against 
their nation.

Around twelve rural organizations from the bordering states of Zulia and 
Mérida participated in the anti-imperialist mobilization. This march was 
just one of the activities that have emerged as a part of the national 
agenda established by the Platform for Peasant Struggle after the epic 
Admirable Peasant March that began on July 12 of last year. The peasants 
marched more than 400 kilometers, on foot, to present their solidarity, 
but also five very clear demands for the President and the revolutionary 
government; the legalization of rescued lands, justice for the victims 
of targeted assassinations and landowner financed violence, promotion of 
a national plan for cultivation, the restructuring of agrarian 
institutions, and establishment of a Constituent Peasant Congress. 
Although the appeals of the Platform for Peasant Struggle were heard by 
President Maduro on August 2nd, the government has yet to respond to the 
majority of their demands.

The peasants of “Sur del Lago”, on the other hand, as well as peasants 
and small farmers from elsewhere in the country, continue to uphold 
their side of the bargain, fighting for food security through their own 
production of cattle, milk and other agricultural products.

On January 10, just two days after the Anti-Imperialist March, José 
"Caballo" de La Cruz Márquez a 54 year-old farmer and peasant leader 
from the “Sur Del Lago” region was murdered by an armed gang, presumably 
hired by a large landowner for taking part of the recuperation of 
unproductive lands alongside three hundred peasant families.

The death of José de La Cruz marks the fifth peasant assassination since 
the Admirable Peasant March in July and August 2018.

There have been more than 300 peasants murdered by hired assassins and 
landowner financed violence over the last 19 years.

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