[News] Venezuela Rejects US Attempted Coup and 'Puppet Government'

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Mon Jan 14 12:57:49 EST 2019


  Venezuela Rejects US Attempted Coup and 'Puppet Government'

January 13, 2019

The Venezuelan state is accusing Washington of promoting a coup d’etat 
by imposing a “puppet government” in the nation, the Venezuelan Foreign 
Ministry said Sunday.

"The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela denounces once 
again the attempts by the supremacist elite that controls the White 
House to promote a coup in Venezuela 
attacking the Constitution, Democracy and Peace in the country," the 
ministry said in a statement.

The Bolivarian state denounced the conspiracy lead by U.S. National 
Security Adviser John Bolton and his attempts to forcefully impose a 
puppet government- like in 2002- which caters to US transnational 
corporations and rejects both the Constitution and the popular will.

"While the Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of 
Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, urges dialogue with respect between 
countries, Bolton, in turn, embraces the script of the coup-driven 
adventures, historically inserted in the imperialist agenda," the 
statement said.

The greatest threat to the security of Venezuelans is the criminal 
blockade imposed by the United States, the letter said, calling for an 
end of all “economic and diplomatic aggression.”

Maduro who was officially inaugurated on Thursday for the second time, 
denounced the U.S. interventionist attitudes, saying "the imperial 
attack against Venezuela is part of a regional dispute that promotes 
imperialism for the reconquest of what they see as their backyard.”

In its statement, the Foreign Ministry assured that, “No matter how 
powerful the pressures, threats, and attacks, the Bolivarian Government 
will never give in to the integral defense of the sovereignty of the 
Venezuelan people.

“Venezuela will use all its political, moral and constitutional power to 
defeat imperialist aggression in all its forms,” the letter said.

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