[News] San Francisco - Sat Jan 12, Film Premiere "Cubanas Mujeres en Revolución"

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 7 12:12:30 EST 2019



*International Committee*
*for Peace, Justice and Dignity*

/U.S. Premiere of the Film/
Cubanas Mujeres en Revolución
January 12, 2019, San Francisco

*A documentary by Maria Torrellas*
*Saturday January 12, 5:00pm*
*518 Valencia, San Francisco *
Doors open at 4:30, $10-$20 donations at the door
(no one turned away for lack of funds)
/*Program moderated by Chelis Lopez*/

*/Cubanas Mujeres en Revolución /*is a 90 minutes film with English 
subtitles produced by /Resumen Latinoamericano/. It has been shown in 
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Venezuela, Spain, France, 
Canada, England and Turkey and will now be shown for the first time in 
the United States.  This film evokes the continuous role of women in the 
Revolution, both in the guerrilla struggle and in the construction of 
the new Cuban society, through the testimonies of heroines such as Vilma 
Espín, Celia Sánchez and Haydée Santamaría, the founding figures of the 
Revolution, and also of contemporary women from different sectors of 
Cuban society. Reflections and life experiences that show how these 
women were nourished by the values built in the revolutionary struggle 
in the late 1950s.
*Organized by Resumen Latinoamericano, the International Committee for 
Peace, Justice and Dignity and **Task Force on the Americas.*
*For more information call 510-219-0092 or 415-578-7930*

International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
510-219-0092 | info at TheInternationalCommittee.org | Website 


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