[News] SF - Support Principal of Buena Vista/Horace Mann Claudia DeLarios Morán

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Dec 5 15:12:18 EST 2019

Dear Friends

Claudia DeLarios Morán, is the Principal of Buena Vista/Horace Mann 
(BVHM), a K-8 community school in the Mission District. She was placed 
on administrative leave by SF Unified School District (SFUSD) over a 
month ago. The District has ignored the outcries of school teachers, 
students and parents, who have overwhelmingly supported her 
reinstatement. Many other community organizations have also rallied in 
her defense. Administrators for the District have said that unless she 
resigns they will move to terminate her.

*The District's Argument to Terminate*

The District's move to terminate Claudia is based on a dispute over 
procedures and protocol, and the process of due-diligence review, 
conducted by Claudia and a team of staff members.  A single event 
involving an allegation surfaced, which was reviewed by Claudia and 
team, and it was concluded that no harm was caused.  The allegation and 
the description of their internal review was reported to the District 
within days.  Despite no harm, the District's argument is that the 
internal review diverged from District’s official protocol.

*Claudia DeLarios Morán’s Leadership*

The circumstances and challenges that BVHM endures in today’s climate 
require professionalism, sensitivity and courage. Claudia is recognized 
as a consummate professional in her role as Principal. Academic 
performance has improved significantly during her tenure.  She also 
stands out for her commitment to social justice, such as pioneering the 
landmark shelter for homeless students and their families.  She has 
sustained and invigorated the mission of BVHM, a "community school", by 
engaging students in community-related events, including human and 
immigrant rights marches.  Publicity for these and other BVHM events 
have achieved national media attention.

*BVHM Culture and Mission*

The BVHM students include many vulnerable communities impacted by 
poverty, race and immigration status. Because of their needs for 
collective safety, BVHM has developed a model where staff, families and 
administrators collaborate to protect their students from the outside as 
well as from within. If an issue arises, it is immediately addressed and 
student safety is assured and uncompromised, and government agencies or 
law enforcement are notified only when necessary. This intentional 
practice and process is in the spirit of restorative justice, and 
adhered to as the responsibility of institutions operating within a 
sanctuary city framework.

The motivations underlying the District's stated reason for terminating 
Claudia are unknown, but it is widely speculated that this is related to 
her advocacy for equity and social justice.

The SFUSD recommendation to end Claudia’s career goes before the Board 
of Education for their approval on Tuesday, December 10. */The Board may 
vote in Claudia's favor by a simple majority of its 7 commissioners/*/. /

*We are holding a major rally at 555 Franklin from 5-7pm next Tuesday, 
December 10th. Please join us and contact the Board of Education 
Commissioners. *

Please contact the Board of Education Commissioners to reject the 
District's move against Claudia DeLarios Morán, and to demand her 
immediate reinstatement as Principal.

*/Tell them to trust the BVHM school community, community organizations 
and broader public who trust Claudia’s judgement and leadership, and are 
calling for her immediate return. Tell them that a procedure that may 
have been inconsistent with the District’s rules is not grounds for 

_Call them and leave messages_: 415-241-6000

_Email them_:

StevonCook at sfusd.edu
MarkSanchez at sfusd.edu
AlisonMCollins at sfusd.edu
JennyLam at sfusd.edu
GabrielaLopez at sfusd.edu
FaauugaMoliga at sfusd.edu
RachelNorton at sfusd.edu <mailto:RachelNorton at sfusd.edu>

*Stay in touch by contacting us at:**   bvhmprincipal at gmail.com*


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