[News] The Lie of Global Prosperity - How Neoliberals Distort Data to Mask Poverty and Exploitation

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 29 13:54:00 EDT 2019

haiti action <action.haiti at gmail.com>

We are delighted to announce that Haiti Action Committee member Seth 
Donnelly has just published a book with Monthly Review Press called _The 
Lie of Global Prosperity: How Neoliberals Distort Data to Mask Poverty 
and Exploitation._ The struggle in Haiti informs the analysis. Check it 
out: https://monthlyreview.org/product/lie_of_global_prosperity/

"This short book deconstructs the assumption that global poverty has 
fallen dramatically, and lays bare the spurious methods of poverty 
measurement and data on which the dominant prosperity narrative depends. 
Here is carefully researched documentation that global poverty—and the 
inequalities and misery that flourish within it—remains massive, 
afflicting the majority of the world’s population. Donnelly goes further 
to analyze just how global poverty, rather than being reduced, is 
actually reproduced by the imperatives of capital accumulation on a 
global scale. Just as the global, environmental catastrophe cannot be 
resolved within capitalism, rooted as it is in contemporary mechanisms 
of exploitation and plunder, neither can human poverty be effectively 
eliminated by neoliberal 'advances.'"

  The Lie of Global Prosperity: How Neoliberals Distort Data to Mask
  Poverty and Exploitation

/by/ Seth Donnelly - 

“We’re making headway on global poverty,” trills billionaire 
philanthropist Bill Gates. “Decline of Global Extreme Poverty 
Continues,” reports the World Bank. And “How did the global poverty rate 
halve in 20 years?” inquires /The Economist/ magazine. Seth Donnelly 
answers: “It didn’t!” In fact, according to Donnelly’s /The Lie of 
Global Prosperity/, virtually nothing about these glad tidings 
proclaiming plummeting global poverty rates is true. It’s just that 
trend-setting neoliberal experts and institutions need us to believe 
that global capitalism, now unfettered in the wake of the Cold War and 
bolstered by Information Technology, has ushered in a new phase of 
international human prosperity.

This short book deconstructs the assumption that global poverty has 
fallen dramatically, and lays bare the spurious methods of poverty 
measurement and data on which the dominant prosperity narrative depends. 
Here is carefully researched documentation that global poverty—and the 
inequalities and misery that flourish within it—remains massive, 
afflicting the majority of the world’s population. Donnelly goes further 
to analyze just how global poverty, rather than being reduced, is 
actually reproduced by the imperatives of capital accumulation on a 
global scale. Just as the global, environmental catastrophe cannot be 
resolved within capitalism, rooted as it is in contemporary mechanisms 
of exploitation and plunder, neither can human poverty be effectively 
eliminated by neoliberal “advances.”

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