[News] "Terrified" Israel escalates attacks across region

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Mon Aug 26 13:32:24 EDT 2019


  "Terrified" Israel escalates attacks across region

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 26 
August 2019


Israel is escalating its attacks across the region, with bombing and 
drone raids in recent days in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri called a suspected Israeli drone 
attack in Beirut over the weekend “a threat to regional stability and an 
attempt to push the situation towards further tension.”

Last week, US officials confirmed 
that Israel was responsible for a series of attacks in Iraq on sites 
belonging to the Popular Mobilization Forces.

The officials said that the targets included a weapons depot near 
Baghdad that the Israelis claim was being used by Iran to move weapons 
to Syria.

A Popular Mobilization Forces fighter was killed 
in the latest suspected Israeli attack on Sunday.

These are the first known Israeli bombing raids 
on Iraq in four decades.

However Israel does not typically take responsibility for attacks.

Known in Arabic as al-Hashd al-Shaabi, the Popular Mobilization Forces 
is an Iranian-supported Iraqi militia that was instrumental 
in the effort to defeat the Islamic State group also known as ISIS.

And on Saturday Israeli warplanes attacked 
a site near the Syrian capital Damascus. Israel claimed that it 
preempted an imminent drone attack by Iranian forces.

The Lebanese resistance organization Hizballah said however that the 
Israeli attack was actually against a house used by its fighters, and 
two of the group’s members were killed.

Israel has bombed Syria dozens of times 
during the country’s civil war.

Then over the weekend, Lebanon said 
two Israeli drones fell on its territory in a failed attack on a 
Hizballah media office in the southern suburb of Beirut.

On Sunday, Hizballah leader Hasan Nasrallah promised 
that resistance forces would shoot down any Israeli drones that entered 
Lebanon and would defend the country against Israeli raids.

“Hizballah will not allow such an aggression,” Nasrallah said in a 
televised address. “The time when Israeli aircraft come and bombard 
parts of Lebanon is over.”

    1. Thread analysing Nasrallah's speech: This is the first time
    Hizbullah has ever detailed its planned response to Israeli
    aggression. Because Israel has changed the ROEs and imposed new
    phase on Lebanon, Hizbullah's response will be three-pronged and
    qualitatively different

    — Amal Saad (@amalsaad_lb) August 25, 2019

    2. Most significant change will be that Hizbullah will no longer be
    constrained by domestic front. In a departure from past practice, it
    will shoot down any Israeli drones over Lebanon. It will be
    impervious to any internal pressure by rivals who oppose this
    preventive strategy

    — Amal Saad (@amalsaad_lb) August 25, 2019

    3. It won't stop at preventive measures against future drone
    strikes, but will retaliate for today's attack by destabilizing
    Israel's Northern border and beyond. This could entail drone strikes
    it will launch on Israel proper, that could target military,
    economic or other sites

    — Amal Saad (@amalsaad_lb) August 25, 2019

    4. It will no longer confine response to attacks on Hizbullah
    fighters in Syria to Shebaa, but will attack Israeli soldiers across
    Lebanon's border, or well beyond it. This could mean ambushes of
    border patrols or attacks on military bases and installations inside
    Israel proper

    — Amal Saad (@amalsaad_lb) August 25, 2019

In 2006, Hizballah dealt Israel a major strategic defeat when its forces 
invaded the country, an attack on Lebanon tacitly supported 
by Saudi Arabia.

A coalition of Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia has in recent years 
solidified its overt and covert alliance 
with Israel against Iran and its allies.

The Israeli attacks continued on Monday with Israeli warplanes bombing 
a base of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian-General 
Command <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/pflp-gc> in eastern Lebanon.

The Palestinian group, distinct from the similarly named Popular Front 
for the Liberation of Palestine, has been fighting on the side of the 
government in Syria’s civil war.

    Supporting al-Qaida

There is a consistent logic 
to the Israeli attacks across the region: to limit the influence of Iran 
and Iranian-supported military organizations that Israel fears could 
challenge its unchecked dominance of the region.

The Israeli strategy has been to directly or indirectly support any 
enemy of Iran, including by arming 
jihadist groups in Syria linked to al-Qaida 

In 2016, for instance, Efraim Halevy, the former head of Israel’s Mossad 
spy agency, acknowledged that Israel was giving assistance 
al-Qaida-linked fighters in Syria.

He said 
that while the al-Qaida-affliated Nusra Front was an enemy of Israel’s 
enemy Hizballah, Israel was “not specifically targeted by al-Qaida.”

The US, under the Obama administration, also supplied massive amounts of 
weaponry to rebel groups in Syria, much of which ended up in the hands 
of al-Qaida 
and even ISIS 

US weapons supplied via Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are 
now reportedly reaching al-Qaida affiliates 
in Yemen.

    Israel “worried and scared”

“In my own lifetime Israel has bombed Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, 
Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and it has also downed a Libyan civilian 
airliner,” California State University professor As’ad AbuKhalil said 
last week after the US confirmed Israel had bombed Iraq.

“The story of Israeli covert and overt destruction and terrorism in the 
Mideast region is a very old story,” AbuKhalil told Aaron Maté on 
/Pushback/. “The only surprising thing about it is how little coverage 
it gets here in the United States.”

AbuKhalil also accused the Iraqi government, which still allows US 
occupation forces to operate freely in the country, of downplaying the 
Israeli attacks.

“The people who defeated ISIS in Syria and Iraq were the foes of the 
United States,” AbuKhalil said. “These are the Hashd militias inside Iraq.”

“And in Syria it was the foes of the United States who largely defeated 
ISIS,” AbuKhalil added. “So the natives are the ones who did the actual 
fighting and dying in the war against ISIS.”

According to AbuKhalil, Israel is “worried and scared” because of the 
defeat it suffered at the hands of Hizballah in 2006.

“And Israel is also terrified that maybe these militias in Southern Iraq 
and the Houthis in Yemen are going to become formidable enemies of the 
State of Israel,” AbuKhalil said, referring to groups that it is widely 
claimed are, like Hizballah, supported by Iran.

Watch the full interview with AbuKhalil above.

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