[News] Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (01– 07 August 2019)

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Fri Aug 9 13:38:36 EDT 2019


  Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied
  Palestinian Territory (01– 07 August 2019)

August 8, 2019

*/Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Palestinian 
territory/**/01 – 07 August 2019/*

  * */Great March of Return in Eastern Gaza Strip:/*/72 civilians
    injured, including 30 children, 3 women, one of them is a paramedic,
    and 2 journalists by Israeli forces./

  * */West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem:/*/2 Civilians Injured./

  * *91 civilians, including 9 children, arrested during 65 incursions
    into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.*

  * *5 civilians, including 2 children, arrested in eastern Gaza Strip,
    and 5 shooting incidents reported in the area.*

  * *A house demolished by Israeli forces and a woman forced to
    self-demolish her house in Jerusalem; also 4 under-construction
    barracks demolished in Beit Jala. *

  * *5 shooting incidents reported against Palestinian fishing boats off
    Gaza shores, and a fisherman arrested and his boat confiscated. *

  * *37 temporary checkpoints established in the West Bank, where 9
    Palestinian civilians were arrested. *


During the reporting period, PCHR documented 124 violations of the 
international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) 
by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory.

In terms of violation to the right to life and bodily integrity, Israeli 
forces injured 74 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West 
Bank: 72 of them, including 30 children, 3 women, one of them is a 
paramedic, and 2 journalists at the Great March of Return.

Israel carried out 65 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied 
Jerusalem, and raided civilian houses attacking and enticing fear among 
residents. Moreover, 91 Palestinians were arrested, including 9 
children. Only one incursion was conducted into the northern Gaza Strip. 
Furthermore, 5 civilians, including 2 children, were arrested from the 
border areas in Khan Younis and Rafah while attempting to sneak to Israel.

Additionally, 8 incidents were documented by PCHR under expanded 
settlement activity as the Israeli forces demolished a residential house 
and forced a female civilian to self-demolish her house in Jerusalem. 
Also, a tractor and a vehicle were confiscated in the northern Jordan 
valley, 4 barracks and an under-construction building were demolished in 
Beit Jala.

During the reporting period, Israeli naval forces further continued 
their attacks against the Palestinian fishermen and their equipment at 
sea though sailing within the allowed fishing area.  This week witnessed 
5 shooting incidents against the fishermen and their boats.  Further, 
this week witnessed 4 shooting incidents in Khan Younis area.

It should be highlighted that Israel continues its closure policy on the 
Gaza Strip for the 14^th consecutive year, severely restricting the 
freedom of movement of persons and goods and isolating the Gaza Strip 
from the West Bank and the rest of the world. Meanwhile, the West Bank 
is divided into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli 
occupation and with temporary and permanent checkpoints. During this 
week, 37 temporary military checkpoints were erected, and 9 Palestinian 
civilians were arrested there.

*Violation of the right to life and to bodily integrity*

*Excessive Use of Force*

The 69^th Great March of Return took off in eastern Gaza Strip on 
Friday, 02 August 2019, titled “Solidarity with Crimes against Wadi 
al-Humus.” The Israeli attacks resulted in the injury of 73 civilians, 
including 30 children, 3 women including a paramedic, and 2 journalists.

*The incidents were as follows:*

*Excessive Use of Force against the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip*

  * *Northern Gaza Strip*: 1500 protesters participated in Abu Safiyah
    area protests, northeast of Jabalia; only tens approached the border
    fence and threw stones. The protest involved activities such as
    national songs of the Palestinian heritage, speeches by political
    leaders in addition to raising the Palestinian flag. Israeli forces,
    stationed along the fence, fired live and rubber bullets as well as
    teargas canisters at the protesters. As a result, 20 of them were
    injured, including 10 children, 2 women and 1 security officer: 11
    were shot with live bullets, 5 were shot with rubber bullets; and 4,
    all children, were directly hit with tear gas canisters. Yasser
    Salah Mohammed al-Tanneh (16) sustained a bullet wound to his upper
    thighs severely damaging a main blood vessel. Paramedic Wafa’a Omar
    Khamis Jaber (24) was shot with a rubber bullet in her left ankle.

  * *Gaza City: *hundreds of civilians marched in eastern Malakah area,
    east of Gaza City. Speeches, theatrical performances and other
    segments were performed at the protest central encampment.
    Palestinian security forces spread along Jakar street and denied
    civilians access to the border fence; nonetheless, a handful managed
    to approach the fence at a 100 meters distance, threw stones at the
    border and Israeli soldiers responded with live ammunition. No
    injuries were reported for the first time since the outbreak of the

  * *Central Gaza Strip: *hundreds of civilians, including women,
    children and families, took part in the eastern Bureij refugee camp
    protests; tens approached the border fence at a range varying
    between 2 – 70 meters. , and some of them attempted to throw stones
    at Israeli soldiers with slingshots. The Israeli soldiers,
    reinforced with 9 military SUVs, responded with live and rubber
    bullets in addition to teargas canisters at the protesters, wounding
    16 civilians, including 4 children, a woman and a journalist: 8 were
    shot with live bullets and shrapnel, 5 were directly hit with
    teargas canisters and 3 were shot with rubber bullets. Most of the
    injuries were documented in the upper body. Israeli forces deployed
    a sewage water pump against the protestors. At approximately 17:50,
    while present 200 meters away from the fence, journalist Usama
    Sharif Mohammed al-Kahlout (35), from Deir al-Balah, was shot with a
    live bullet to the left leg and was transferred to the hospital for

  * *Khan Younis: *protests took place in Khuza’a, where Ahmed al-Qarra
    and Hany Abu-Selmy, who were killed by Israeli forces this week were
    commemorated. Dozens approached the border fence and threw stones at
    it, Israeli soldiers shot back; as a result, 17 civilians were
    injured, including 10 children and a journalist: 4 were shot with
    live bullets and shrapnel and 4 were directly hit with a tear gas
    canister and 9 were shot with rubber bullets. The injured journalist
    is Hatem Saadi Saleh Omar (39), from Rafah, and he was wearing a
    flak jacket with “PRESS” clearly imprinted on it. Mr. Omar is a
    reporter for Xinhua News Agency and he sustained two rubber bullet
    wounds in his legs while videotaping the events at least 130 meters
    away from the fence. Furthermore, dozens of civilians, suffocated
    due to teargas inhalation.

  * *Rafah*: Hundred participated in the eastern Shokah protests, where
    folklore shows, and speeches were held. Dozens approached the border
    fence and threw stones. The Israeli soldiers used live and rubber
    bullets and teargas canisters against the protestors. As a result,
    13 civilians were injured, including 4 children: 3 were shot with
    live bullets and shrapnel, 3 shot with rubber bullets and 7 were hit
    with tear gas canisters. Mohammed Zaher Wassel Abu-Zaid (15)
    sustained serious wounds after being hit with a tear gas canister
    directly to the head.

*Excessive Use of Force against Protests in the West Bank, including 
occupied East Jerusalem*

  * After the Friday prayer, 02 August 2019, Israeli forces dispersed a
    peaceful protest in Wadi al-Humus neighborhood in Sour Baher
    village, south of occupied East Jerusalem. Hundreds of civilians
    participated in the protest denouncing the Israeli forces’
    demolition of tens of residential houses in the area and the planned
    demolitions. Israeli soldiers attacked the civilians and fired tear
    gas canisters at them. As a result, tens of civilians suffered tear
    gas inhalation. Photojournalist Eyad Namer Hamad (61) was beaten by
    the soldiers, causing him bruises to the foot and was transferred to
    Beit Jala Hospital. Hamad stated to PCHR that the soldiers detained
    him in order to prevent him from recording the weekly Friday
    activities in Wadi al-Hummus neighborhood. The soldiers also
    isolated him from his colleagues and then attacked him. Also, Hasan
    Brijiyah, from the Popular Anti-Settlement Committee in Bethlehem,
    was arrested.

  * At approximately 13:30 on Friday afternoon, 02 August 2019,
    Palestinians from Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah
    launched their weekly peaceful protest and headed towards the
    village’s eastern entrance that has been closed by Israeli forces
    for the past 15 years in favor of “Kedumim” settlement. The
    demonstrators chanted national slogans demanding end of the
    occupation and protested the Israeli forces’ crimes against
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The protestors threw stones at the
    Israeli soldiers stationed behind sand berms while the soldiers
    fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As
    a result, 2 civilians were wounded.

*Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity*

  * At approximately 23:00 on Saturday, 03 August 2019, Israeli forces
    stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in the
    southern Gaza Strip, opened fire for few minutes at agricultural
    lands in eastern al-Sanati area, and no casualties were reported.

  * At approximately 05:00 on Sunday, 04 August 2019, Israeli gunboats
    stationed northwest of Beit Lahia shore in northern Gaza strip,
    heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3
    nautical miles. As a result, the fishermen were forced to flee
    fearing for their lives; neither casualties nor material damage was

  * At approximately 08:45 on Sunday, Israeli forces stationed along the
    border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip, opened
    fire for few minutes at agricultural lands and shepherds in eastern
    Khuza’a village, and no casualties were reported.

  * At approximately 04:00 on Monday, 05 August 2019, Israeli forces
    stationed off Sheikh ‘Ejlin shore in southern Gaza Strip, opened
    fire and pumped water at 2 Palestinian fishing boats sailing within
    7 nautical miles. As a result, Abdullah Mefleh Khalil Abu Rayalah
    (13) fell in water in addition to 2 engines from the boat belonging
    to Falah Mohammed Abu Ryalah; and 12 fishing nets from the boat that
    belongs to Mohsen Khalil Abu Ryalah. According to statement of
    Abdullah Abu Ryalah, at approximately 17:00 on Sunday, 04 August
    2019, he accompanied his father Mefleh Abu Ryalah (42), and uncle in
    addition to other fishermen. He got into a boat owned by his
    grandfather Khalil Abu Ryalah. The fishermen went for fishing off
    Shiekh ‘Ejlin shore in southern Gaza Strip. At approximately 04:00
    on Monday, at dawn, 05 August 2019, Israeli gunboats approached the
    boats and then pumped water at their boat in addition to another
    boat belonging to Abdullah’s uncle Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Ryalah. As a
    result, Abdullah fell in water and the boat’s engine was broken.
    Abdullah could not swim, so his cousin Mohammed jumped into water
    and rescued him. The Israeli naval forces ordered the fishermen to
    transfer Abdullah to the gunboat where he received first aid and
    then returned him to his companions. Upon their arrival to the Gaza
    Seaport, Abdullah was taken to al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

  * At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 05 August 2019, Israeli forces
    stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern
    Gaza Strip, opened fire for few minutes at agricultural lands in
    al-Qararah and al-Fukhari villages in western Gaza Strip. No arrests
    were reported.

  * At approximately 05:30 on Tuesday, 06 August 2019, Israeli gunboats
    stationed in western Rafah in southern Gaza strip, opened fire at
    Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 2 nautical miles. As a
    result, the fishermen were forced to flee fearing for their lives,
    no arrests were reported.

  * At approximately 11:00 on the same day, Israeli gunboats stationed
    west of Gaza City, heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats
    sailing within 6 nautical miles. They surrounded a fishing boat
    manned by ‘Awad Tareq Abdul Razeq Baker (22), from al-Remal
    neighborhood, and owned by his brother Majd. As a result, the boat
    was broken and confiscated and Baker was arrested.

  * At approximately 16:35 on Tuesday, 06 August 2019, Israeli forces
    stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis in southern
    Gaza Strip, opened fire for few minutes at a group of Palestinian
    young men, who were in eastern Khuza’a village; no arrests were

  * At approximately 22:00 on Tuesday, 06 August 2019, Israeli gunboats
    stationed west of Rafah shore in southern Gaza Strip, sporadically
    opened fire for an hour at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within
    the allowed fishing area. As a result, the fishermen were forced to
    flee fearing for their lives, no arrests were reported.

 1. *Incursions and Arrests*

*_Thursday, 01 August _**_2019:_*

  * At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Qalqiliyah. They
    raided and searched a house belonging to Oseid Hani Mousa Jdou’ (20)
    and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit ‘Awa village,
    southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a
    house belonging to Bilal Mahmoud ‘Essa Suwiti (22) and then arrested

  * At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Wad al-Yamoun
    village, west of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging
    to Anwar ‘Ali Fares Abu al-Hasan (38) and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 03:20, large Israeli military force moved into Deir
    Netham village, northwest of Ramallah. Tens of Palestinian young men
    gathered in the village streets and threw stones and empty bottles
    at Israeli forces, who replied with live and rubber bullets at them.
    The soldiers also fired tear gas canisters at houses. As a result,
    dozens of civilians suffer tear gas inhalation, fainting and
    seizures and they received treatment on the spot. Furthermore, the
    soldiers raided and searched several houses in the village and then
    arrested 18 civilians taking them to the investigation center in
    “Halamish” settlement, and then released them 5 hours later.

*(the names of the arrestees are available at PCHR)*

  * At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces stopped a bus at the eastern
    entrance to al-Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East
    Jerusalem and then arrested 5 civilians accompanying the village
    children. Mohammed Abu al-Humus, Member of al-‘Issawiyia Follow-up
    Committee, said that the Israeli Intelligence Service chased,
    stopped and detained a bus carrying about 35 children aged between 8
    – 12 years and at the village entrance. Abu al-Humus added that
    Israeli forces and 3 Intelligence officers forced the bus driver to
    drive towards the military camp at al-‘Issawiyah eastern entrance
    where they thoroughly searched the bus and imposed about NIS 1000
    for the driver and withdrew. Abu al-Humus pointed out that the
    Israeli forces released the driver and children while arrested 5
    guides: Mahmoud Shehadah Mustafa, Abdul Nasser ‘Obeid, Younis ‘Ali
    Nasser, Morad al-Shloudi, Nidal ‘Elyan.

  * At approximately 13:00, Israeli forces stationed along the border
    fence in eastern al-Shoka village, east of Rafah in southern Gaza
    Strip, arrested Hamzah Ehmoud Suleiman Abu Qershain (18) and his
    brother al-Husein (17), who suffers from impaired mobility in lower
    extremities, when they approached the border fence. Hamzah told
    PCHR’s fieldworker that Israeli soldiers fired several live bullets
    at them while grazing their sheep. The soldiers forced them at
    gunpoint to take off their clothes and cross the border fence to
    Israel. After questioning them in a military vehicle, the arrestees
    were taken to Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing in northern Gaza Strip.
    Hamzah and his brother were released at approximately 23:00 on the
    same day.

  * At approximately 16:30, Israeli forces arrested Wasim Eyad Dari (17)
    in al-‘Issawiyah village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. The
    soldiers beat Wasim causing him several fractures in the left hand
    in addition to bruises throughout his body. Mohammed Abu al-Humus,
    Member of al-‘Issawiyia Follow-up Committee, stated that Israeli
    forces attacked, dragged and then handcuffed Wasim taking him to a
    police vehicle. Abu al-Humus mentioned that the Israeli forces also
    attacked and pushed Wasim’s grandmother, Sabah Dari (60). As a
    result, she fainted and was taken to Hadassah Medical Center –
    al-‘Issawiyah to receive medical treatment.

  * Israeli forces carried out (3) incursions in Hebron and
    al-Thaheriyah village, south of the city; and Howarah village, south
    of Nablus. No arrests were reported.

*Friday, 02 August 2019:*

  * At approximately 15:30, Israeli forces moved into Tal village,
    southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Mahmoud Ahmed Saleh Hamed Ramadan (17) and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces moved into Qabatyah village,
    southeast of Jenin and patrolled the streets. Meanwhile, a number of
    Palestinian children and youngsters gathered and threw stones and
    empty bottles at Israeli forces, while the latter used tear gas
    canisters against them. As a result, dozens of civilians suffered
    tear gas inhalation. The soldiers chased the protestors and then
    arrested Bilal al-Sa’di (16) and Khalid Nazal (17).

  * At approximately 18:30, Israeli forces stationed along the border
    fence in eastern Abu Safiyah area, northeast of Jabalia in northern
    Gaza Strip, arrested Ra’ed ‘Awad Mohammed Abu Wardah (23), from Beit
    Lahia after crossing the border fence. At approximately 09:00 on
    Saturday, 03 August 2019, Israeli forces released Abu Wardah through
    Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing in northern Gaza Strip. According to
    field investigations, Abu Wardah was participating in the March of
    Return and Breaking Siege activities before crossing the border fence.

  * Israeli forces carried out (4) incursions in Um al-Tout and
    al-Jomlah villages in Jenin; Sa’ir and Nuba villages in Hebron. No
    arrests were reported.

*Saturday, 03 August 2019:*

  * At approximately 13:40, Israeli forces stationed at Za’tarah
    checkpoint, south of Nablus arrested 3 civilians, from Qalqiliyah,
    namely: Salem Riyad Abu ‘Aba’ah (25), Mohammed Mesleh Nazal (25) and
    Hasan Amin Qawas (25).

  * In the evening hours, Israeli forces stationed along the border
    fence arrested Mohammed ‘Awad Hamdan Abu Hagras (17), from Bani
    Suheila, east of Khan Younis, while attempting to sneak through the
    border fence in eastern al-Rannah area, east of the city. on Sunday,
    at morning, 04 August 2019, the Israeli forces released Mohammed
    through Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing, north of the Gaza Strip.

  * At approximately 22:00, Israeli forces stationed at Shu’fat military
    checkpoint, north of occupied East Jerusalem, arrested Ahmed Yusuf
    al-Ghazawi (26) and Nassar Jaber (23).

*Sunday, 04 August 2019*

  * At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Qabatiyah village,
    southeast of Jenin They raided and searched several houses from
    which they arrested 3 civilians, from al-Hesbah area at the western
    village entrance. The arrestees were identified as: Ahmed Abdul
    Latif Zakarnah (22), Feras Hasan Abu al-Rab (33) and Ahmed Jamal
    al-Badawi (25)

  * At the same time, Israeli forces moved into Wadi Qaddoum
    neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem.
    They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Ahmed Walid al-Ghoul
    (21) and Jamal Mohammed al-Ghoul (19) and then arrested them.

  * At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Isawiyah
    village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and
    searched a number of houses after which they arrested Mohammed
    Mar’ai Darbas (20), ‘Ali Mohammed ‘Ali ‘Obaid (19), ‘Odai ahmed Dari
    (19) and ‘Ala’a Mohammed Dari (22).

  * At approximately 18:00, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Annab
    checkpoint, east of Tulkarm, arrested ‘Ammar Jihad ‘Oufer (26), from
    Noor Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarm.

  * Israeli forces carried out (3) incursions in Hebron, Dora and
    Sebastia village, northwest of Nablus. No arrests were reported.

*Monday, 05 August 2019: *

  * At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into ‘Anata village,
    northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched a
    house belonging to Loai ‘Odah Salama (21) and then arrested him.
  * At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Bita village,
    south of Nablus. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Bahjat ‘Izzat Aqtash (30) and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Aroub refugee
    camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched houses, from which
    they arrested 5 civilians, including 3 children. The arrestees were
    identified as Ihab Kamal Salem Jawabrah (16), ‘Anan Nidal Hasan
    al-Shareef (15), Akram ‘Abed al-Rahman al-Shareef (16), Ahmed Rafat
    al-Badawi (19), and Jamal Hisham Mohamed Janazrah (20). Moreover,
    the Israeli forces handed 4 other civilians, including a child,
    summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “Gush
    Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem. Those civilians were
    identified as ‘Ali Hasan al-Shareef (13), Mohamed Naser al-Badawi
    (18), Obai Mohamed Jawabrah (25), and Iyyas Hani Ja’arah (20).

  * Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into ‘Azoun village, east
    of Qalqiliyia. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Yousef
    Saqer Saleem (21) and Anas Yousef Salama (25) and then arrested them.

  * At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Nour Shams refugee
    camp, east of Tulkarm. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Esam Isma’il Mohamed al-‘Aloul (46) and then arrested him with his
    son Laith (25).

  * At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into Taqqou’ village,
    east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to
    Mo’min Ratib al-‘Amour (16) and Mahmoud ‘Ali al-‘Amour (16) and then
    arrested them.

  * At approximately 09:00, Israeli forces arrested Ahmed Mohamed
    al-Khatib (25), from Jayyous village, northeast of Qalqiliyia, while
    referring to the Israeli Intelligence Service upon a prior notice.

  * At approximately 18:00, the Israeli authorities prevented holding 2
    memorial services of the late Dr. Subhi Ghosha and the late athlete
    Ahmed ‘Adaliyah in occupied East Jerusalem, claiming that the 2
    memorial services were sponsored by the Palestinian National
    Authority (PNA). Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli forces raided
    and surrounded “Yabous” center on al-Zahra Street in the central of
    occupied East Jerusalem. The Israeli forces forced attendees out of
    the hall and attacked them. The eyewitnesses also said that the
    Israeli forces checked the attendees’ IDs and handed some of them
    summonses for interrogation. Moreover, the Israeli forces fixed a
    decision from Gilad Ardan, the Minister of Internal Security, on the
    center’s door to prevent holding the memorial service. He claimed
    that the Subhi Ghosha memorial service was sponsored by the PNA.

  * Around the same time, the Israeli authorities prevented holding the
    closing ceremony of the late Ahmed ‘Adaliyah in the Young Men
    Christian Association (YMCA) in al-Shaiekh Jarrah neighborhood in
    the center of occupied Jerusalem. The ceremony was organized by
    Jerusalem’s Sport Federation Group.

  * Israeli forces carried out (5) incursions in al-Zababdah and
    al-Kufair villages, southeast of Jenin; Bani Na’iem and Surif
    villages and al-Fawar refugee camp in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

*Tuesday, 06 August**2019: *

  * At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Izzariyah
    village, east of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched
    several houses and then arrested Tariq Saleh al-Amouri (28);
    Mothafar Abu Roumi (32); and Majd Abu Roumi (25).

  * At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Kafer Dan village,
    west of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Mohammed Farouq ‘Abed (40), and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Issawiyah
    village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and
    searched a house belonging to Mohammed Zakareya ‘Elian (19), and
    then arrested him.

  * At the same time, Israeli forces moved into Barqin village, west of
    Jenin. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Mohammed Ali
    Abdul Qader Atiq (27), a reporter at al-Watan News Agency; and Mahdi
    Jamil ‘Asib (27), and arrested them.

  * At the same time, Israeli forces moved into al-Fawar Refugee Camp,
    south of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Fares
    Adel al-Titi (23), and arrested him.

  * At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Ouja village,
    northeast of Jericho. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Haitham Awad Jarahid (22) and his brother Marwan (24), and then
    arrested them.

  * At approximately 02:45, Israeli forces moved into northen ‘Asira
    village, north of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses
    and then arrested (9) civilians, namely: Darar Ahmed Hamadna (58);
    his son ‘Amr (30); Adham Tahseen al-Shouli (30); Monadel Ali Abdul
    Fattah Sa’ada (33); Hamza Abdullah Yaseen (30); Omar Nidal Daghles
    (27); Bara’a Yasin Abdul Fattah Jarara’a (30); Ahmed Ibrahim Sawalha
    (27); and Asim Jamal Daghles (25).

  * At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into ‘Aida Refugee
    Camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses
    belonging to Shadi Mohammed Abu ‘Akar (35) and Abdul Raziq Mowafaq
    al-Badawna (29), and then arrested them.

  * At the same time, Israeli forces moved into Dura, southwest of
    Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to ‘Adel Mousa
    al-Sayed Ahmed (19), and then arrested him.

  * At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Issawiyah
    village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and
    searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians, namely: Fayez
    Mohammed Mohaisen (18); Jihad Bader (19); and Mohammed Wa’el Obaid (22).

  * Israeli forces conducted (2) incursions in al-Burj and Sa’ir
    Villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.

*Wednesday, 07 August **2019: *

  * At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Aida refugee camp,
    north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to
    Suleiman Musalam al-Debes (15) and Mohammed Jamal Roumi (18), and
    then arrested them.

  * At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Khader village,
    south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to
    Mahmoud Mohammed Doqdoq (28) and his brother Ali (23), and then
    arrested them.

  * At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Doha village,
    west of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to
    Malik Hasan al-Zaghari (24), and then arrested them.

  * At the same time, Israeli forces moved into Qalqiliya. They raided
    and searched two houses belonging to Anas Wajeeh Abatli (25) and his
    brother Adam (20), and then arrested them.

  * At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Tabaqa village,
    southwest of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a
    house belonging to Ra’ed Badawi Hamdan (39) and then handed him a
    summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Service in “/Gush
    Etzion/” settlement, south of Bethlehem.

  * At approximately 09:00, Israeli forces backed by a number of
    military construction vehicles moved about 100 meters into eastern
    al-Buraij refugee camp. The vehicles leveled lands along the border
    fence with Israel. Few hours later, the vehicles were redeployed
    along the border fence.

  * Israeli forces conducted (3) incursions in al-Aroub refugee camp;
    Dura and Nuba village in Hebron. No arrest were reported.

*Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank including 
occupied East Jerusalem*

 1. *Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement
    Expansion Activities*

  * At approximately 06:30 on Tuesday, 06 August 2019, Israeli forces
    moved into al-Boqi’ah Plain in the northern Jordan Valley, a part of
    Area (B), which is under Palestinian jurisdiction as per the 1993
    Oslo Accords. They stopped a vehicle driven by Moayad Fakhri Mohamed
    ‘Ali Daraghmah (42) and a tractor belonging to al-Forat agricultural
    company. The vehicle and tractor were confiscated and Daraghmah was

  * At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces demolished 4 barracks and the
    concrete foundations of an under-construction house in Bir ‘Onah
    area, north of Beit Jala, in addition to a carwash near “/Rachel’s
    Dome/” checkpoint, north of Bethlehem. Eyewitnesses said that the
    Israeli forces provided protection for the Israeli bulldozers that
    moved into Bir ‘Onah area in Beit Jala and demolished
    concrete foundations and barracks belonging to Mahmoud Ghunaim and
    Mahmoud Razinah. It should be noted that the Israeli forces
    demolished barracks and facilities belonging to Mahmoud Razinah 2
    months ago, despite having documents proving his ownership. Bir
    ‘Onah area is exposed to the Israeli authorities’ attacks, including
    demolishing buildings and barracks, in order to vacate the area for
    settlement expansion. The Israeli forces continued to demolish
    buildings in the mentioned areas under the pretext of being near the
    annexation wall, which isolates Beit Jala village and Bethlehem from
    occupied Jerusalem.

  * At approximately 09:00, the Israeli Municipality bulldozers
    demolished a residential house belonging to Eyad Saleem al-Kasawani
    in Beit Hanina area, north of occupied Jerusalem, under the pretext
    of non-licensing. Al-Kasawani said that the Israeli forces backed by
    military construction vehicles moved into the neighborhood and
    surrounded his house after forcibly getting his family out. The
    military construction vehicles demolished his house comprised of 2
    apartments built on an area of 140 square meters. The house
    sheltering 6 persons was built 17 years ago. Al-Kasawani said that
    he received the demolition notice few days ago and there was no time
    to challenge.

  * On Tuesday, Diala Abu Irmilah implemented the Israeli Municipality
    decision and self-demolished her under-construction house in
    al-‘Issawiyia village, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, under the
    pretext of non-licensing. Diala said that she self-demolished her
    house to avoid paying fines estimated at NIS 70,000.

 2. *Israeli Settler Violence*

  * At approximately 22:00 on Thursday, 01 August 2019, dozens of buses
    carrying hundreds of Israeli settlers moved into ‘Urtah village,
    southeast of Nablus, under the Israeli forces’ protection. The buses
    stopped near religious shrines, the settlers stepped out of the
    buses and performed their prayers. On Friday, 02 August 2019, the
    Israeli forces and settlers withdrew from the village and no more
    incidents were reported.

  * At approximately 13:30 on Sunday, 04 August 2019, a group of Israeli
    settlers, from “Halmish” settlement, threw stones at Palestinian
    civilians present adjacent to the settlement street near al-Nabi
    Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. As a result, the Palestinian
    civilians sustained minor bruises throughout their bodies.

  * At approximately 19:00 on Monday, 05 August 2019, a group of Israeli
    settlers, from “Yitzhar” settlement, attacked the outskirts of
    ‘Oreef village from the eastern side. The settlers threw stones at a
    house belonging to Jamal ‘Abed Yousef Shehadah and broke its
    windows, causing fear among the house residents. The
    one-story-house, which is located near ‘Oreef secondary school for
    boys, shelters 9 persons, including 6 children.

  * At approximately 01:30 on Tuesday, 06 August 2019, a group of
    Israeli settlers, from “Yitzhar” settlement, attacked the northern
    of Nablus. The settlers threw stones at ‘Oreef secondary school for
    girls and al-Nour Wedding Hall. As a result, the wedding hall
    windows were broken.

*Closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement of persons and 

*The Gaza Strip*

As the Israeli closure of the Gaza Strip enters its 14th consecutive 
year this July, severe restrictions on the freedom of movement of 
persons and goods enhance the de facto separation of the Gaza Strip and 
the West Bank. Moreover, Israeli naval forces imposed a blockade, chased 
fishermen, opened fire at them, and confiscated their fishing equipment. 
During the reporting period, 5 shooting incidents and chasing fishermen 
and their boats were documented.

  * *Note:* No updates occurred on the state of the crossing during the

 1. *West Bank *

In addition to permanent checkpoints and closed roads, this week 
witnessed the establishment of more temporary checkpoints that restrict 
the goods and individuals movement between villages and cities and deny 
civilians’ access to their work. Israeli forces established *37 
temporary checkpoints*, from which *they arrested 9 civilians. *

*The military checkpoint were as follows: *

*_Hebron: _*

  * On Thursday, 01 August 2019, Israeli forces established 2
    checkpoints at the entrance to Beit Kahel village and on Wad Risha road.
  * On Friday, 02 August 2019, 3 similar checkpoints were established at
    the entrance to Beit ‘Awaa village and on Qalqas and al-Fahes roads.
  * On Saturday, 03 August 2019, Israeli forces established 2
    checkpoints at the entrance to al-Fawar refugee camp and at the
    southern entrance to Halhoul village.
  * On Sunday, 04 August 2019, Israeli forces established 3 checkpoints
    at the entrances to Dir Samt, al-Shayyoukh and Beit ‘Aynoun villages.
  * On Tuesday, 06 August 2019, Israeli forces established 2 checkpoints
    at the entrance to Beit ‘Aynoun village and at the northern entrance
    to Halhoul village.

*_Ramallah: _*

  * On Thursday, 01 August 2019, Israeli forces established 4
    checkpoints at the entrances to al-Nabi Saleh, Ras Karkar and Kafur
    Malek villages, and at the entrance to al-Jalazoun refugee camp.
  * On Friday, 02 August 2019, Israeli forces established a checkpoint
    at the entrance to Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah.
  * On Monday, 05 August 2019, Israeli forces established 2 checkpoints
    at the entrances to Ras Karkar and ‘Ain Sinah villages.
  * On Wednesday, 07 August 2019, a similar checkpoint was established
    at the intersection of Kafur ‘Ain village, northwest of the city.

*_Nablus: _*

  * At approximately 14:00 on Thursday, 01 August 2019, Israeli forces
    established a checkpoint on Nablus-Jenin, near the entrance to
    Barqah village, northwest of the city.
  * At approximately 17:00, a similar checkpoint was established near
    Khaleh Nofal shop, at the northern entrance to Tal village,
    southwest of the city.
  * At approximately 17:00 on Friday, 02 August 2019, Israeli forces
    stationed at Hawarah checkpoint, at the southern entrance to Nablus,
    closed the checkpoint and prevented Palestinians from exiting the
    village for over 2 hours without any reasons.
  * At approximately 18:30, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on
    Tulkarm-Nablus Road, west of the city.
  * On Saturday, 03 August 2019, Israeli forces imposed more
    restrictions on the Palestinian civilians’ movement. PCHR’s
    fieldworker said that the Israeli forces established a checkpoint at
    the intersection of al-Naqourah village, branching Jenin-Nablus
    Street. Moreover, a similar checkpoint was established on
    Tulkarm-Nablus Road, west of the city. The Israeli forces stopped
    Palestinian vehicles and searched the passengers, causing a
    one-kilometer traffic jam. The checkpoints lasted until mid-night.
  * At approximately 21:00, Israeli forces stationed at Beit Foreek
    checkpoint established at the eastern entrance to Nablus, closed the
    checkpoint and prevented Palestinians from passing through the
    checkpoint. The checkpoint’s closure continued until mid-night.
  * At approximately 18:00 on Monday, 05 August 2019, Israeli forces
    established a checkpoint at the entrance to the northern ‘Asirah
    village, southwest of Nablus.

*_Jenin: _*

  * At approximately 17:00 on Friday, 02 August 2019, Israeli forces
    established a checkpoint near Markah village, between Qabatiyia and
    Sanour villages, southeast of the city.


  * On Thursday, 01 August 2019, Israeli forces established 4
    checkpoints at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliyia (was established 2
    times), between Jayyous and ‘Azoun villages, and at the entrance to
    ‘Izbit al-Tabeeb village, east of the city.


  * At approximately 20:50 on Friday, 02 August 2019, Israeli forces
    established a checkpoint at the western entrance to Dirsitiyia
    village, northwest of Salfit.
  * At approximately 17:30 on Saturday, 03 August 2019, a similar
    checkpoint was established at the entrance to Dir Ballout village,
    west of the city.

*_Tubas: _*

  * At approximately 20:00 on Monday, 05 August 2019, Israeli forces
    established a checkpoint near al—Kaffir village, northwest of Tubas,
    on Tubas-Jenin Road.

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