[News] Kidnapping the Dead - Israel Still Holding the Bodies of 253 Slain Palestinians

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 7 11:18:22 EDT 2019


  Israel Still Holding the Bodies of 253 Slain Palestinians

August 6, 2019

Israeli occupation authorities are holding the bodies of 253 
Palestinians  in the “numbers” cemetery and 45 bodies in refrigerators, 
the National Campaign reported, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media 

The coordinator of the campaign, Salwa Hammad, said in a statement, 
Monday, that the official and popular efforts are ongoing until the 
return of the bodies, noting  efforts to raise awareness of their cause, 

They announced the 27^th  of August as the national day of 
commemoration, and have organized many popular activities to celebrate 
this day, calling for their return.

Occupation authorities are still holding some 253 bodies in private 
graves, in what is called the “Numbers Cemetery”. The occupation had 
buried 4 of the bodies in these graves, after keeping them in refrigerators.

Authorities have been holding Palestinian bodies for many years, using 
them as a means of returning their captures soldiers from Gaza.

The Knesset approved, in February of 2018, a law which attempts to 
justify this act, with the primary reading; 57 members in favor, 11 
against,11 abstentions.

The law gave Israeli occupation police the right to hold the bodies and 
impose conditions on funeral ceremonies, as well as the location and 
manner of any burial.

Under the draft law, Israeli police are not required to return any 
bodies unless they are given some form of assurance that the funeral 
will not present a chance to support “terrorism and incitement”.

The numbers cemetery is a closed military site. The tombstones are 
marked with numbered plates instead of names. Access to them is 
prohibited, for relatives and human rights institutions.

/(edited for the IMEMC by c h r i s @ i m e m c . o  r g)/

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