[News] UN Report Slams Israel for Selling Arms to Myanmar Army despite Muslim Rohingya 'Genocide'

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Mon Aug 5 16:52:49 EDT 2019


  UN Report Slams Israel for Selling Arms to Myanmar Army despite Muslim
  Rohingya 'Genocide'

August 5, 2019 <http://www.palestinechronicle.com/2019/08/>

A United Nations fact-finding mission called on Monday for an embargo on 
arms sales to Myanmar and for targeted sanctions on businesses with 
connections to the military after finding they are funding human rights 

UN investigators detailed how businesses run by Myanmar’s army, also 
known as the Tatmadaw, are engaged in such violations and provide 
financial support for military operations such as efforts to force 
Muslim Rohingya out of Rakhine state in what has been branded a “genocide”.

    Apartheid Arms: Why Israel Sells Military Equipment to #HumanRights
    Violators: Palestine Chronicle https://t.co/IAwm5e5WTm | More w/
    EcoSearch: https://t.co/I6zZOmEVJA

    — EcoInternet (@EcoInternetDrGB) May 22, 2019

“The revenue that these military businesses generate strengthens the 
Tatmadaw’s autonomy from elected civilian oversight and provides 
financial support for the Tatmadaw’s operations with their wide array of 
international human rights and humanitarian law abuses,” Marzuki 
Darusman, the Indonesian human rights lawyer who chairs the fact-finding 
mission, said in a statement.

Israel was identified as one of seven countries that had traded arms 
with Myanmar since 2017.

    "Investigations by human rights groups found that Israel sold more
    than 100 tanks, as well as light weapons and patrol boats, which
    have been an instrumental tool used by Myanmar to attack Rohingya
    fishermen" https://t.co/tDWEm5waDX

    — Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) August 28, 2018

State-owned Israel Aerospace Industries agreed to provide “four 
Super-Dvora Mk III fast attack craft to the Myanmar Navy”, the report 
said, with two delivered in April 2017.

The private Israeli firm, TAR Ideal Concepts, was also named in the report.

The report said:

    “Israel in particular allowed the transfer of arms covered by the
    ATT [Arms Trade Treaty] at a time when it had knowledge, or ought to
    have had knowledge, that they would be used in the commission of
    serious crimes under international law.”

The report urged the UN and member governments to immediately impose 
targeted sanctions against companies run by the military and suggested 
carrying out business with firms unaffiliated with the military instead.

    Israel sold advanced weapons to Myanmar during anti-Rohingya ethnic
    cleansing campaign https://t.co/yyjMuzkat0

    — rashid dar | راشد ڈار (@rashiddar) May 31, 2018

Watchdog Global Witness called the report a rallying cry.

Campaign leader Paul Donowitz said:

    “Global governments and companies who find themselves connected to a
    military company can therefore no longer plead ignorance.”

The UN released a 444-page report in 2018 that said the Myanmar 
military’s persecution of the stateless Rohingya Muslims warranted the 
charges of “genocide”.

    Arming dictators, equipping pariahs
    Extensive Amnesty report cites Israeli sales to 8 countries who
    violate human rights, including South Sudan, Myanmar, Mexico and the
    UAE Amnesty calls on Israel to adopt oversight model adopted by many
    Western countries https://t.co/9xXOt8Zyi8

    — JewishVoiceForLabour (@JVoiceLabour) May 17, 2019

Earlier this year Amnesty International denounced the Israeli government 
for its arms sales to countries accused of severe human rights 
violations, including Myanmar.

The Amnesty report said:

    “Israeli companies continue to export weapons to countries that
    systematically violate human rights.”

    Amnesty report finds israel is readily selling weapons to 8
    countries systematically violating human rights and committing grave
    war crimes https://t.co/f6p9iXDObk

    — Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) May 21, 2019

It added:

    “Often these weapons reach their destination after a series of
    transactions, thereby skirting international monitoring and the
    rules of Israel itself.”

Israel has long been accused of selling weapons to human rights 
violators despite international arms embargos, including to South Africa 
during Apartheid, Rwanda during the 1994 genocide, and to South Sudan 
during the brutal civil war.

/(Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, PC, Social Media)/

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