[News] Israel to Demolish 500 Palestinian Homes, Structures in Silwan

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Wed Apr 17 11:26:47 EDT 2019


  Israel to Demolish 500 Homes, Structures in Silwan

April 17, 2019

Large numbers of heavily armed Israeli forces raided the Silwan 
neighborhood, in occupied East Jerusalem, and surrounded several 
Palestinian-owned structures in preparation for demolition, on Wednesday.

Eyewitnesses told Ma’an that heavily armed Israeli forces, a number of 
bulldozers, and the Israeli Civil Administration staff raided Silwan and 
commenced demolition of two Palestinian-owned structures.

    Israel's Supreme Court is allowing the demolition of 500 homes in
    occupied East Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood, where an entire
    Palestinian community will soon be forcibly displaced and left
    homeless. https://t.co/DEew1UuBp5 pic.twitter.com/68qMi7bVdh

    — The IMEU (@theIMEU) April 17, 2019

Sources confirmed that Israeli bulldozers demolished storage warehouses, 
which belonged to Izz Barqan.

Israeli bulldozers also demolished horse stables, which measured 
200-square-meters and were built four years ago.

The demolished horse stables belonged to Muhammad al-Qaq.

    Israeli occupation forces demolish a farm in Wadi Yasoul in Silwan
    neighborhood. pic.twitter.com/9RQwCusmav <https://t.co/9RQwCusmav>

    — Palestine Live (@pallive_en) April 17, 2019

Sources added that during the demolition campaign, Israeli forces 
physically assaulted Silwan residents, including women and children.

Earlier this week, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected an appeal by 
Palestinian families from Silwan, allowing the demolition of 500 homes 
and commercial buildings, which were built without an Israeli-issued 
permit, to take place.

The residents built these 500 homes and commercial buildings about 30 
years ago without the nearly-impossible to obtain Israeli permit.

    Demolitions reported this morning in the Wadi Yasul area of Silwan
    Khirbet Jubara, and in Kobar, the latter on punitive grounds.
    pic.twitter.com/sbj7FmedNA <https://t.co/sbj7FmedNA>

    — OCHA oPt (Palestine) (@ochaopt) April 17, 2019

The Supreme Court’s decision will most probably affect the fates of 
hundreds of Palestinian families, who will be left homeless following 
the demolitions.

Israel rarely grants Palestinians permits to build in East Jerusalem, 
though the Jerusalem municipality has claimed that compared to the 
Jewish population, they receive a disproportionately low number of 
permit applications from Palestinian communities, which also see high 
approval ratings.

    Watch | Israeli occupation forces assault Palestinian civilians as
    the former raid the neighborhood of Silwan in occupied Jerusalem to
    carry out home demolitions, today. pic.twitter.com/Jnj1RverfW

    — #FreePalestine  (@Taghreeba) April 17, 2019

For Jewish Israelis in occupied East Jerusalem’s illegal settlements, 
the planning, marketing, development, and infrastructure are funded and 
executed by the Israeli government. By contrast, in Palestinian 
neighborhoods, all the burden falls on individual families to contend 
with a lengthy permit application that can last several years and cost 
tens of thousands of dollars.

(/Ma’an, PC, Social Media/)

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