[News] UK, US Are Partners in Stealing Venezuela's Riches

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Fri Apr 12 12:25:11 EDT 2019


  UK, US Are Partners in Stealing Venezuela's Riches: Envoy to UN Moncada

Published 11 April 2019

Venezuela's United Nations ambassador Samuel Moncada 
denounced Wednesday the United States and the United Kingdom are 
benefiting from the physical and financial assets which the Bolivarian 
people held abroad and were illegally confiscated.

"Our refineries' profits are being used to pay debts to Trump 
administration-friendly oil companies. His friends, who hold Venezuelan 
debt bonds, receive special licenses to collect profits from our 
people's stolen money," Moncada said at the last U.N. Security Council 
meeting and recalled that U.S. officials have already announced a plan 
to indebt Venezuela for over US$70 billion."

The Bolivarian diplomat asked Council members to determine the U.S.-U.K 
responsibility in the ongoing economic warfare against his country.

"One aspect of this mass destruction policy is looting and robbery of 
tens of billions, literally a robbery," he said and warned that 
companies profiting from U.S. policies are using the stolen resources in 
dark financial transactions.

"It is a plan where banks, insurance and ships are used... [as] weapons 
of mass destruction, although those who are responsible are not being 
brought to justice or suffering moral sanctions they deserve," 
Ambassador Moncada said and recalled that the U.S. National Security 
Advisor John Bolton 
admitted on Jan. 30 that his government "carefully" watches companies 
making transactions with Venezuela and warns them not to do so.

    You truly have no idea about US sanctions or their effects

    The US Executive Order in 2015 designated Venezuela a threat to the
    security of the US

    Banks and foreign companies will leave so as not to fall foul of the
    US immediately

    That directly affects oil output pic.twitter.com/x9Hi1IBrus

    — An_African_Voice (@AnAfricanVoice2) April 11, 2019

The Bolivarian ambassador also recalled that the Bank of England 
unjustifiably appropriated US$1.2 billion in Venezuelan gold 
with the excuse that the U.K. does not recognize President Nicolas 
Maduro's administration 

"The Bank of England's credibility is ruined... because it is an 
institution servicing the colonial governments of U.S. and the United 
Kingdom, which behave like the English pirates of 200 years ago," he 
stressed, adding that accusations depicting Venezuelan gold as "money 
laundering" tools are false because the country's monetary reserve has 
been deposited over there for more than 30 years and British authorities 
"do know about its legitimate origin."

"What we are experiencing is a new wave of economic extortion that cuts 
off our country's financial flows abroad," Moncada stressed and asked 
the U.N. Security Council to determine which multilateral law or 
regulation authorizes the U.S. and the U.K. to perform an economic 
destruction program against Venezuela.

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