[News] Venezuela's Bolivarian people took the streets Saturday to carry out the sixth consecutive anti-imperialist march

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Apr 8 11:10:48 EDT 2019


  President Nicolas Maduro Addresses Anti-Imperialist March

April 6, 2019

Venezuela's Bolivarian people took the streets Saturday to carry out the 
sixth consecutive anti-imperialist march 
an event aimed at backing President Nicolas Maduro administration and 
rejecting the interventionist policies by the United States and its 
regional allies.

    Venezuela: No Act of Imperialism Will Deter Cooperation Between Free

Later in the afternoon, Venezuelan President Niolas Maduro addressed the 
crowd directly, highlighting the importance to preserve peace in the 

"We are going to defend peace in every corner, parish, municipality, 
avenue, community and neighborhood. They are not going to take away our 
peace. We are fixing the electrical system from the imperialist bestial 
attacks," President Maduro said and requested "maximum consciousness, 
nerves of steel, calm and wisdom!"

The Venezuelan leader also addressed the crowd on the current 
investigation of the attacks on the country's electrical system. Stating 
that the most recent attacks were carried out via Chile and Colombia, 
with help of the U.S. government and denouncing them as acts of 

The President asked the crowd  if "the opposition thinks that the people 
will accept them taking power through terrorism?" Self-proclaimed 
interim-President Juan Guaido has repeadetly shown his will to follow 
the guidlines of the U.S. administration and even threatened to ask for 
military intervention against his own country.

Saturday's marches comes just days after the National Constituent 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Venezuelas-Constituent-Assembly-Removes-Guaidos-Immunity-20190402-0028.html>(ANC) voted 
to strip Guaido of his parliamentarian immunity at Venezuelan Supreme 
Court of Justice (TSJ).

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