[News] Nearly All of Yemen Demonstrates Against 4 Full Years of US-Saudi Attacks

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Mon Apr 1 13:23:45 EDT 2019


  Nearly All of Yemen Demonstrates Against 4 Full Years of US-Saudi Attacks

Randi Nord <https://geopoliticsalert.com/author/randi>- March 29, 2019 

          /Sanaa/ (GPA) – Tuesday marked the fourth anniversary of the
          US-backed Saudi-led war against Yemen. Millions of Yemenis
          filled the streets of major cities in almost every province to
          protest the violence, invasion, and blockade while showing
          support for four years of resistance.

According to Yemen’s Legal Center for Rights and Development 
an organization tracking civilian casualties due to airstrikes, 39,856 
people have been killed or injured over the past four years. Women and 
children make up over 31% of all civilian casualties. 7,438 children and 
5,103 women were killed or wounded.

    Notable Terror Attacks in Yemen Last Year

It’s important to call the coalition’s attacks on civilians exactly what 
they are: terror attacks.

With the military intelligence technology and access to precision-guided 
smart weapons, it’s clear that all airstrikes on markets, funerals, 
hospitals, buses, homes, and other civilian areas are, in fact, terror 

In one unfathomable attack, Saudi warplanes ordered airstrikes on a 
school bus full of children 
<https://geopoliticsalert.com/hospital-market-yemen-0802> heading to 
summer camp. Riyadh used US-supplied precision-guided missiles in the 
attack leading the UN to conclude that the school bus was an intended 
target. Saudi Arabia initially defended the attack as a legitimate 
military action as well. 50 children and a few shoppers in the nearby 
market died in the massacre.

In another mass killing just one week prior, US-backed Saudi warplanes 
attacked a crowded fish market 
<https://geopoliticsalert.com/hospital-market-yemen-0802> in Hodeidah 
province. Double-tap airstrikes subsequently targeted the hospital 
entrance as paramedics rushed the wounded inside for treatment. 55 
people were killed and over 130 were wounded.

Attacks using US-supplied weapons as well as logistical and intelligence 
support are commonplace in Yemen. Some terror attacks appear to serve no 
other purpose than deteriorating morale. In February 
<https://www.facebook.com/randi.nord/videos/10104391083470578/>, Saudi 
warplanes destroyed an impoverished man’s home, killing his family, as 
he was out collecting water. He returned in shock to find his home and 
family had ceased to exist. Attacks on homes like this happen on a daily 

As Yemenis marched on Tuesday, warplanes attacked a hospital in rural 
Saada province killing seven and injuring eight, including many children.

Additional mass terror attacks this year targeted weddings — including 
raids on the bride’s tent — refugee camps 
buses of civilians fleeing airstrikes in Hodeidah, markets, and 
countless homes. Airstrikes have destroyed over 400,000 homes 
<https://geopoliticsalert.com/war-in-yemen-1200> as well as vital 
civilian infrastructure like factories, water treatment facilities, 
government buildings, farms, livestock, and ancient archeological sites. 
This demonstrates the genocidal behavior 
<https://geopoliticsalert.com/yemen-genocide> of the US-backed Saudi 

    Using Starvation and Disease as a Weapon

This figure does not include deaths from disease and famine due to the 
ongoing illegal and weaponized blockade. Hundreds of thousands more have 
lost their lives from starvation and lack of access to appropriate 
medical care. Pregnant women, children, the elderly, cancer patients, 
diabetics, and patients with kidney or liver diseases are the most at 
risk. Yemen’s Ministry of Health estimates that the blockade has 
impacted about 4,900,000 patients across the country.

All but eradicated diseases like cholera and diphtheria have made a come 
back in Yemen from lack of access to potable water, taking the lives of 
thousands. Diagnoses in what scientists call 
<https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190102140745.htm> “the 
worst cholera outbreak in modern history” have skyrocketed again over 
the past few months with the Ministry of Health recording between 2,000 
and 10,000 new cases each week since January. In 2017, over one million 
people contracted cholera.

        RELATED: The US-backed Coalition in Yemen is Trying to Trigger
        Another Massive Cholera Epidemic

According to a report Geopolitics Alert received from the Republic of 
Yemen, the Ministry of Health has documented a rise in fetal 
abnormalities citing toxicity from the Saudi coalition’s missiles, 
artillery, and internationally banned weapons as the main culprit. 
Similar to Iraq, Yemen faces developmental and cancerous risks from 
depleted uranium exposure.

    Millions of Yemenis Demonstrate Across the Country

Yemenis in nearly every major city filled the streets to protest this 
violence against their country as the war entered its fifth year on Tuesday.

Although the Saudi coalition and affiliated organizations claim 
Yemen’s resistance government led by Ansarullah does not have popular 
support in Hodeidah and Taiz, Yemenis filled the streets in these 
provinces, holding placards and chanting resistance slogans.

The president of Yemen’s National Salvation Government, Mahdi al-Mashat, 
addressed crowds of supporters. President Mashat expressed pride over 
four years of resistance, citing Yemen’s growing missile and military 
capabilities in the face of aggression. During the past four years, 
Yemen has developed long-range and mid-range ballistic missiles while 
improving its naval and special forces with attack drones and other 

President Mashat assumed office last year after coalition warplanes 
assassinated President Saleh al-Sammad while he visited troops in 
Hodeidah province.

Mashat mourned the ongoing chaos in provinces facing attacks from the 
Saudi-led coalition and reiterated his country’s support to liberate its 
land from occupying forces and their mercenaries. He also called on the 
states of aggression to make 2019 the year of peace by supporting 
political resolutions and initiatives.

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