[News] Israel Introduces New Weapon against Palestinians - 4 Killed, 316 Injured by Israel on Land Day

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Apr 1 12:11:45 EDT 2019


  Israel Introduces New Weapon against Palestinians

April 1, 2019

The Israeli army has introduced a new crowd-dispersal weapon to be used 
against Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip, Israeli media reported 
on Sunday.

According to Wallah, the weapon uses radio waves to make loud bomb-like 

    introduces new crowd dispersal weapon against #Palestinians

    More details https://t.co/AadzCp2O0K pic.twitter.com/D8jTTP8HAy

    — Shehab News (@ShehabAgencyEn) April 1, 2019

Apparently non-lethal, the weapon was developed in Israel. Soldiers 
using it on the first anniversary of the Great March of Return protests 
said that “it was very effective”.

During the latest Israeli crackdown on Palestinian protesters who are 
demanding their legitimate right of return to their land usurped by 
Israel since 1948, the occupation troops killed four people, three of 
whom were just 17 years old, and wounded 316 others.

    Million-Man March Sets off in #Gaza
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gaza?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> on
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Land?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> Day
    (VIDEO) https://t.co/3tiHPDfdmR via @PalestineChron
    pic.twitter.com/0n0c5aMhI8 <https://t.co/0n0c5aMhI8>

    — Palestine Chronicle (@PalestineChron) April 1, 2019

Those wounded included 86 children, 29 women, three paramedics, and 
seven journalists.

Since the start of the Great March of Return protests on 30 March last 
year, Israel has killed around 280 protesters and wounded more than 
30,000 others.

(/MEMO, PC, Social Media/)

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