[News] Palestinian Mission in Washington Officially Shuts Down

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 11 11:11:31 EDT 2018


  P.A. Mission in Washington Officially Shuts Down

October 11, 2018

The Palestinian Representative Office at the United States in Washington 
D.C. has officially shut down, Wednesday, after the deadline by the 
Trump Administration for closing it went into effect at 4:30 PM.

Dozens of Palestinians and peace activists stood in front of the 
Palestinian Mission’s office in protest of the U.S. decision, and 
several speakers condemned the escalating hostilities by President 
Donald Trump and his Administration against the basic and historic human 
rights of the Palestinian people, and its support to Israel’s illegal 
occupation of Palestine, and it’s denial of internationally-guaranteed 
Palestinian Rights.

In a previous statement, Dr. Riyad al-Maliki, the Palestinian Foreign 
Affairs Minister, said the sign that indicates that the building in the 
Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in the US will be removed, but the 
Palestinian flag will remain because the building is a private property.

“The owners of the building can keep any flag up, as long as they want 
to, unless the U.S. government makes it its mission to remove the flag,” 
he said, “Our team at the Palestinian Mission has been frequently asked 
to remove the flag, but we kept it because it is a private building.”

He concluded by wondering whether “the next battle waged by the United 
States against the basic Palestinian rights will now be about the 
Palestinian flag!”

*Related: *

*US Expels Palestinian Envoy And His Family 

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