[News] US asserts impunity - Withdraws From International Accords After Iran, Palestine Cases

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Thu Oct 4 11:41:20 EDT 2018


  US Withdraws From International Accords After Iran, Palestine Cases

Published 4 October 2018

      This withdrawal by the U.S. is considered largely symbolic as the
      country has previously ignored ICJ rulings whose compulsory
      jurisdiction have not been recognized by the U.S. since 1986.

The United States withdrew from two international accords Wednesday 
after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered the country's 
government to ease sanctions against Iran 
The international accords allowed Iran and Palestine to pursue legal 
action against the U.S.

    *RELATED:**US John Bolton: Palestine Not a State*

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Donald 
Trump-led administration took a decision to withdraw from the 1955 
United States-Iran Friendship Treaty. The treaty, often ignored by the 
U.S. completely, served as the foundation of the latest ruling by the ICJ.

Soon after the announcement, National Security Advisor John Bolton said 
that the country will also leave an optional part of 1961 Vienna 
Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which allows countries to settle 
disputes with each other in the ICJ. Last month, Palestinians used the 
same protocol to sue the U.S. over Trump’s decision to move U.S. embassy 
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This move came in accordance with Trump 
Administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 
which Palestinians consider as their holy city and a part of their 
future state.

“The United States will not sit idly by as baseless politicized claims 
are brought against us,” Bolton said at the White House. Following the 
decision to leave the 1955 friendship treaty with Iran, Pompeo said: 
“This is a decision, frankly, that is 39 years overdue.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded to Wednesday’s 
moves by calling the U.S. an “outlaw regime.” The U.S. frequently uses 
the same phrase in reference to Iran.

The Trump administration has been against international institutions 
which ‘constrains U.S. sovereignty,' and National Security Adviser John 
Bolton has been a driving force against these institutions. Last month 
he threatened the International Criminal Court and its judges with 
sanctions if it “comes after us, Israel or other U.S. allies.”

At the White House briefing Wednesday, Bolton also said that the 
administration would review all international agreements that can be 
used against the U.S. in the International Court of Justice.

During the 73rd UNGA sessions, the U.S. president also opposed globalism 
and upheld the country’s sovereignty.

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