[News] Bloody Friday as Gaza marks six months of protests

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Mon Oct 1 10:49:34 EDT 2018


  Bloody Friday as Gaza marks six months of protests

Maureen Clare  - 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy>29 September 


Friday marked what Gaza’s health ministry described 
<https://www.facebook.com/100005028168199/posts/1098183007025961/> as 
the single bloodiest day of the Great March of Return protests since 14 
when Israeli occupation forces fatally injured more than 60 Palestinians 

Seven Palestinians, including two children, were slain on Friday, two 
days shy of the six-month anniversary of the protest launch.

The two children were identified as Nasir Azmi Musbah, 11, shot in the 
head east of Khan Younis, and Muhammad Nayif Yusif al-Hawm, 14, shot in 
the chest east of Bureij.

    Israeli forces shot 14-year-old Mohammed Nayef Yousef al-Houm with
    live ammunition at 5 pm local time on September 28 near the Gaza
    perimeter fence near Bureij refugee camp. He sustained a gunshot
    wound to the chest and was pronounced dead in hospital at 5:30 pm.
    pic.twitter.com/D8g3wIlAyx <https://t.co/D8g3wIlAyx>

    — Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) September 29, 2018

    Israeli forces killed 11-year-old Nasser Azmi Khalil Musbeh at 6:15
    pm local time near the Gaza perimeter fence in Khan Younis. He was
    shot in the head with live ammo, killing him instantly. He was
    reportedly 150-200m (490-650ft) away from the fence when killed.
    pic.twitter.com/spg1Uz2tv3 <https://t.co/spg1Uz2tv3>

    — Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) September 29, 2018

    Israeli forces or settlers have killed at least 44 Palestinian
    children so far in 2018. The vast majority of these fatalities, 38,
    were Palestinian children from the Gaza Strip.

    — Defense for Children (@DCIPalestine) September 29, 2018

An adult was also killed in Bureij, in central Gaza: Muhammad Ashraf 
al-Awawdeh, 25, shot with a live bullet to the chest. And in southern 
Khan Younis, Muhammad Ali Muhammad Inshasi, 18, was shot in the stomach.

Three were killed east of Gaza City: Iyad Khalil Ahmad al-Shaer, 18, 
shot in the chest; Muhammad Bassam Muhammad Shakhsa, 24, shot in the 
head; and Muhammad Walid Haniyeh, 32, shot in the face.

More than 250 Palestinians were injured during Friday’s protests, 163 of 
them by live fire, including 20 children, according to 
<http://mezan.org/post/26963> the Gaza-based human rights group Al Mezan.

One paramedic and four media workers were among those injured, including 
journalist Haneen Mahmoud Suleiman Baroud, 23, who was hit directly in 
the head with a tear gas canister, Al Mezan stated.

    — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) September 28, 2018

A graphic video <https://twitter.com/qudsn/status/1045734780149673987> 
published by Palestinian media outlets shows the moments after a man was 
shot in the back of his head during protests east of Gaza City on Friday:

    "رصاصة في الرأس"... شاهد| لحظة قنص جنود الاحتلال لأحد المتظاهرين شرق
    مدينة غزّة، اليوم pic.twitter.com/0LMWDGMW5h <https://t.co/0LMWDGMW5h>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) September 28, 2018

The man was among a group including women and children waving flags near 
one of the fences along the Gaza-Israel boundary.

It was not immediately clear whether the injured man was among those who 
had died of their wounds.

Palestinian media also published a video said to show a paramedic 
mourning over the body of her brother, the slain child Nasir Azmi 
Misbah, in a hospital morgue:

    صدمة أخواته المسعفات.. شاهد | لحظة التعرف على الطفل الشهيد ناصر مصبح
    ( 12عام ) الذي استشهد برصاص الاحتلال شرق خانيونس.
    pic.twitter.com/5ZDWOq4jRr <https://t.co/5ZDWOq4jRr>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) September 28, 2018

Al Mezan blamed the “continued silence of the international community” 
for encouraging the continuation of the killings “without any fear of 

These photos of 11-year-old Nasir Azmi Musbah were shared on social 
media following his death:

    أحد طلاب مدرسة المهاجرين الشرعية ..
    الطالب الخلوق المتفوق الحافظ لكتاب الله الشهيد بإذن الله / ناصر عزمي
    مصبح ..
    والذي ظل مجهول الهوية لساعات pic.twitter.com/3TsgGvNIcF

    — محمد سعيد نشوان #فلسطين (@MohamdNashwan) September 28, 2018

    150 killed during protests

Israel’s use of deadly force against unarmed protesters on Friday is 
characteristic of its actions throughout the Great March of Return, 
during which more than 150 Palestinians have been killed 
<http://mezan.org/post/26963>, including 31 children 
<https://twitter.com/DCIPalestine/status/1046024443468943360>, three 
persons with disabilities, three paramedics and two journalists.

More than 10,000 have been injured and required hospitalization, around 
half of them wounded by live fire 
<https://twitter.com/ChrisGunness/status/1045994558943907840>. There 
have been 77 cases 
<https://twitter.com/ChrisGunness/status/1045995477156732929> of 
injuries requiring amputation, among them 14 children and one woman. 
Twelve patients have been paralyzed due to spinal cord injury and two of 
them have died, a UN spokesperson stated Saturday 

In addition to those killed during protests, 52 other Palestinians in 
Gaza have been slain by Israeli occupation forces since 30 March and 
Israel is withholding the bodies of 10 of them.

Lethal fire against mass protests in Gaza is the subject of an ongoing 
investigation appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council, 
which was told by human rights groups this week 
that there is no evidence that a single protester killed by Israel 
during the Great March of Return was armed.

Israel’s violence has also generated an unprecedented warning 
from the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, who 
stated that Israeli leaders may face trial for the killings of unarmed 

The prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, met with Palestinian Authority foreign 
minister Riyad al-Maliki in New York during the UN General Assembly this 

    #ICC <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ICC?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    Prosecutor #FatouBensouda
    meets with H.E. Riyad al-Maliki, Foreign Minister of #Palestine
    in the margins of #UNGA
    @Palestine_UN <https://twitter.com/Palestine_UN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    @PalMissionNL <https://twitter.com/PalMissionNL?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    pic.twitter.com/L4gMnmqTK1 <https://t.co/L4gMnmqTK1>

    — Int'l Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) September 27, 2018

    Gaza economy “in free fall”

The World Bank stated this week 
that Gaza’s economy is “in free fall” after more than a decade of 
blockade, successive Israeli military assaults and internal division 
between Palestinian factions.

The Gaza economy shrank by six percent in the first quarter of this 
year, “with indications of further deterioration since then.”

“The result is an alarming situation with every second person living in 
poverty and the unemployment rate for its overwhelmingly young 
population at over 70 percent,” the World Bank added.

“The economic and social situation in Gaza has been declining for over a 
decade but has deteriorated exponentially in recent months and has 
reached a critical point,” Marina Wes, director for the West Bank and 
Gaza, stated.

“Increased frustration is feeding into the increased tensions which have 
already started spilling over into unrest and setting back the human 
development of the region’s large youth population.”

The UN’s Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov told the Security Council 
last week 
that “the power crisis in Gaza is coming to a head” as the last stocks 
of emergency fuel to operate critical health, water and sanitation 
facilities delivered to Gaza run out amid electricity shortages of 
around 20 hours per day.

He added that essential medicines “are at critically low levels, with 
almost half of essential medicines at less than one-month’s supply and 
40 percent completely depleted.”

Meanwhile the commissioner-general of UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine 
refugees, said on Tuesday 
that the body has only enough funding to keep schools and clinics in 
operation through mid-October.

“We still need approximately $185 million to be able to ensure that all 
of our services, education system, health care, relief and social 
services and our emergency work in Syria and Gaza in particular can 
continue until the end of the year,” Pierre Krähenbühl added.

Two-thirds of Gaza’s population of two million are refugees from lands 
on the other side of the boundary with Israel. More than half of Gaza’s 
residents receive food aid packages from UNRWA, whose food aid budget 
will be exhausted by the end of the year 

Currently, the UN provides food aid packages to 1.3 million people in 
Gaza, up from just 130,000 in 2005.

The US announced <https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/08/285648.htm> 
last month that it would stop funding UNRWA after freezing $300 million 
in aid in January, throwing the agency into unprecedented financial crisis.

The US has also decided to cut $200 million more 
in bilateral aid to the West Bank and Gaza.

Meanwhile proceedings against the US were initiated at the International 
Court of Justice 
in The Hague on Friday over the relocation of its embassy from Tel Aviv 
to Jerusalem, which the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah says is a 
breach of the Vienna Convention.

    is taking the US to the #ICJ
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ICJ?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> on
    the ground that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem violates the
    Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Both states have acceded
    to the Optional Protocol. Interesting! https://t.co/9IXNgINFGF h/t
    @MarionHouk <https://twitter.com/MarionHouk?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>

    — Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) September 28, 2018

    Woah, Palestine v. US at the ICJ pic.twitter.com/QBU4obVVTh

    — Alonso Gurmendi (@Alonso_GD) September 28, 2018

/This story was updated to include statistics about injuries and to 
correct the number of children killed during Gaza protests since 30 March./

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