[News] Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte declared that he is open to creating death squads

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Nov 28 10:44:33 EST 2018


  Opposition: A 'Duterte Death Squad' Would Incite Killing Spree

Published 28 November 2018

On Wednesday, Filipino 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Philippines-Duterte-To-Keep-Up-Relentless-Chilling-Drug-War-20180723-0011.html> President Rodrigo 
Duterte declared that he is open to creating a "death squad," Reuters 
reported. According to exiled Communist Party of the Philippines leader, 
Jose Maria Sison, Duterte will effectively issue a "license to kill" 
political opponents and critics 
<https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Indigenous-Labor-Groups-Protest-US-Duterte-Fascist-Regime-20180723-0005.html>, as 
well as activists.

    Rodrigo Duterte Says His 'Only Sin is Extrajudicial Killings'

“That is their advantage. So I am going to create my own sparrow, the 
‘Duterte Death Squad’,”  the president said, referencing an alleged 
Communist Party killing squad which was reportedly prominent in the 
1970s and 1980s under Ferdinand Marcos' rule.

“He gives himself the reason to form his own death squads,” Sison, who 
denies the existence of the sparrows, told the ANC news channel.

The “sparrows” were reportedly deployed, during the dictatorship of 
Marcos, to combat police.

Leftist groups, such as Bayan, have denounced Duterte’s statement, 
declaring that the remark is a justification for creating a death squad, 
tasked with persecution, for “inciting a killing spree against 
government critics, human rights defenders and just about everyone else 
tagged by the government as ‘Red’.”

Critics of Duterte on the left are concerned that implementation of a 
death squad could unleash mass killings comparable to that of the 'Drug 
War,' further deepening the climate of fear and impunity which 
plague the Philippines.

The president, who is known for repressing political dissent and 
promoting the killing of suspects of drug trafficking and consumption, 
has led a brutal drug-war 
which has resulted in the deaths of some 4,800 people.

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