[News] Passive media whitewash Israel’s massacre in Gaza

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Wed May 16 11:53:42 EDT 2018


  Passive media whitewash Israel’s massacre in Gaza

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 16 
May 2018


As Israel slaughtered dozens 
of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza this week, prominent media outlets 
employed innocuous headlines to obscure the horrific reality.

In the video above, RT correspondent Anya Parampil points to some 
examples of what she calls “an almost across the board obfuscation of 
Israel’s responsibility for the violence.”

A BBC headline read for instance, “Gaza’s deadliest day of violence in 
years,” while /The Guardian/ ran with “Fatal clashes in Gaza after 
opening of US embassy.”

The word “clashes,” Parampil observes, “would lead you to believe there 
are casualties or injuries on the Israeli side.”

In fact after seven weeks in which Israel has killed 
some 100 Palestinians and injured 12,600 others, Israel has reported one 
minor injury to a soldier.

Parampil also criticizes the overemphasis on the opening of the US 
embassy in Jerusalem, obscuring that the protests have largely been 
driven by Palestinian resistance to more than a decade of Israel’s siege 
of Gaza and 70 years of dispossession since the Nakba 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/nakba>, the 1948 ethnic cleansing 
of Palestine before and after Israel was founded.

Parampil notes that after fierce criticism on social media, /The New 
York Times/ changed one of its notorious passive-voice headlines – “At 
least 28 Palestinians die in protests as US prepares to open Jerusalem 
embassy” – to the more straightforward: “Israeli troops kill dozens of 
Palestinian protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem.”

That original headline and other media whitewashing of Israel’s crimes 
have drawn lots of sharp criticism:

    Have died?
    Were killed. https://t.co/8qzPeGHDYZ

    — James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) May 15, 2018

    The New York Times changed its headline on the same article from
    “Palestinians died in protest” to “Israeli soldiers killed dozens of
    Palestinians” because of public outrage.

    media accountability is NECESSARY and can be achieved.
    pic.twitter.com/w6md3fcrxQ <https://t.co/w6md3fcrxQ>

    — Miskeen (☭) (@FalafelDad) May 14, 2018

    "vs bullets" pic.twitter.com/oJEaDfQTxl <https://t.co/oJEaDfQTxl>

    — Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) May 15, 2018

    both Vox and Daily Beast casually asserted explosives were used
    yesterday by Palestinians. This is totally possible but neither
    provided any evidence of this. Since it’s the core justification for
    Israel mowing down protestors shouldn’t this, I don’t know, have
    some sourcing?

    — Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) May 15, 2018

    to be clear we've been laundering power asymmetry with the term
    "clashes" for years pic.twitter.com/g7WuDOUjST <https://t.co/g7WuDOUjST>

    — Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) May 15, 2018

    except it's not the "protests" that are violent
    pic.twitter.com/AHJkMACBSl <https://t.co/AHJkMACBSl>

    — Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) May 15, 2018

    For headline writers at the BBC today, it wasn’t the #Israel
    army yesterday using live ammunition to shoot over 1000 #Gaza
    unarmed protesters (including children and killing 52) that was
    violent, but seemingly the protests (and hence by implication the
    protesters) themselves pic.twitter.com/Q5EVBGHLT1

    — Charles Shoebridge (@ShoebridgeC) May 15, 2018

    this propaganda exercise is so well documented i thought it would
    eventually go away. not in the nytimes. still 2/3 main headlines on
    front page fully passive on responsibility for killing. “death in
    gaza” and the absurd “gazans vs. bullets” pic.twitter.com/fNSIQEIxzk

    — Timothy Vollmer (@tvol) May 15, 2018

    "A CNN headline today reported that “#Palestinians
    died” in Gaza. They simply died and who knows how? Maybe they were
    sick, or they died of old age? The passive voice is practically the
    American corporate media industry standard whenever #Israel

    — Maryam Jamali (@jamali_maryam) May 16, 2018

    Most western media outlets have become quite skilled - through years
    of practice - at writing headlines and describing Israeli massacres
    using the passive tense so as to hide the culprit. But the all-time
    champion has long been, and remains, the New York Times. #HaveDied

    — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 14, 2018

    This short report by @BowenBBC
    <https://twitter.com/BowenBBC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>, is a masterpiece
    in BBC propaganda; seemingly balanced, sober & sympathetic it
    whitewashes Israeli violence & completely obscures the causes,
    history & reality of the situation, it's "2 peoples on 1 piece of
    land" nonsense. https://t.co/M3MBvjqo6U

    — Louis Allday (@Louis_Allday) May 16, 2018

in /The Los Angeles Times/ soon after Israel massacred protesters during 
the first Great March of Return 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/great-march-return> rallies in Gaza 
on 30 March, UCLA professor Saree Makdisi 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/saree-makdisi> commented on “how 
syntax and word choice shape, and even distort, representations of the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

“Even if the facts are accurately stated, the ways in which sentences 
are constructed, and the extent to which details are contextualized, can 
subtly lead readers astray,” Makdisi wrote.

Some observers noted that the satirical publication /The Onion/ is doing 
a better job of getting to the heart of the matter than supposedly 
serious media:

    Even using satire its a job done way better than biased lying
    @nytimes <https://twitter.com/nytimes?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> so well
    done @TheOnion <https://twitter.com/TheOnion?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>

    — Omar Ghraieb🇵🇸 (@Omar_Gaza) May 16, 2018

    I see Hamas controls The Onion too pic.twitter.com/1VBNkmWwyg

    — Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) May 16, 2018

    . at TheOnion <https://twitter.com/TheOnion?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>'s take
    on Gaza. The tide is changing. pic.twitter.com/YWEMCgHIkY

    — Ragnar Weilandt (@RagnarWeilandt) May 15, 2018

/The Onion/ ran such headlines as “IDF soldier recounts harrowing, 
heroic war story of killing 8-month-old child 
“Netanyahu announces day of mourning for fence damaged in yesterday’s 
and “Trump fascinated by Israeli cultural tradition of mass slaughter of 

    Israeli Soldiers Open Fire On Palestinians Carrying Potentially
    Dangerous Injured Friends https://t.co/ctdWKRtJcH
    pic.twitter.com/VEQpfJe68A <https://t.co/VEQpfJe68A>

    — The Onion (@TheOnion) May 14, 2018

    Netanyahu Begins Calling For Israeli Return To Ancient Homeland Of
    Iran https://t.co/HX5xkZqaoS pic.twitter.com/yME6IUm5B8

    — The Onion (@TheOnion) May 10, 2018


There have been some cracks: in recent days, /The Washington Post/ 
published a video interview 
with Palestinian American human rights attorney Noura Erakat, and /The 
New York Times/ published an op-ed 
by Ahmed Abu Ratima, an activist in Gaza who helped start the Great 
March of Return protests.

/The Irish Times/ also ran an op-ed 
this week by Omar Barghouti 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/omar-barghouti>, a founder of the 
boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.

Though these pieces are important, they are framed as “opinion,” while 
on the news pages of the same publications, Israeli propaganda often 
gets spun as fact.

Meanwhile, alternative media continue to provide venues for uncensored 

On Tuesday, I spoke to The Real News 
about the massacre in Gaza:

I also gave these radio interviews:

    Today is Nakba Day, which commemorates the 700,000 Palestinians
    expelled and hundreds of Palestinian towns destroyed for Israel's
    creation in 1948. Yesterday, 60 Palestinians were killed by Israeli
    soldiers. @daoudkuttab
    <https://twitter.com/daoudkuttab?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> and
    @AliAbunimah <https://twitter.com/AliAbunimah?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
    discuss the issue https://t.co/7LT5BU28ZO pic.twitter.com/7TbIZNgQTk

    — Loud & Clear (@LoudClearRadio) May 16, 2018

    LISTEN: I talked about Gaza massacre on @WBEZWorldview
    <https://twitter.com/WBEZWorldview?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>. (I start at
    about 14 minutes 30 seconds . If you’re a masochist you can listen
    to the Israeli consul who speaks before me) https://t.co/kGUExRxdjR

    — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) May 15, 2018

And Democracy Now! returned to form with on-the-ground reporting from 
by its correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous after years of bare-bones 
coverage of Palestine.

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