[News] Venezuela Confirms Exit from 'Colonial' OAS After US Aggression

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Tue May 8 11:56:11 EDT 2018


  Venezuela Confirms Exit from 'Colonial' OAS After US Aggression

May 8, 2018

The Bolivarian government of *Venezuela *reaffirmed Tuesday its decision 
to renounce its membership at the *Organization of American States* 
(OAS), lamenting the body has returned to “its original condition as a 
*colonial* body, at the service of *Washington*’s ambition for dominance 
in our region.”

Through an official statement, Venezuela condemned new aggressions by 
the *United States*, aimed at “disturbing the peace of the Venezuelan 
people, repeating the nefarious practice of U.S. interventions that have 
caused such harm to Latin America and the Caribbean ”

The statement issued Tuesday was a response to declarations made by 
*U.S. Vice President Mike Pence* at the Permanent Council of the OAS, 
where he asked for the suspension of Venezuela from the OAS and issued a 
call for Venezuela to “suspend this sham election and organize real 

Pence “attempts to cover up the damage his government has caused to 
Venezuelan society through unilateral coercive measures with a false 
humanitarian concern, which seeks to bend the People’s will to take the 
wealth and natural resources of our country,” the statement reads.

On Monday, the Venezuelan representative to the OAS, Samuel Moncada 
rejected Pence’s statements and attempted to show U.S. concern for the 
people of the region as hypocritical, citing the tens of thousand of 
Central America refugees who have lost their Temporary Protected Status 
(TPS) during the Trump administration, making them subject to 
deportation to countries where they face threats of violence and death.

Moncada also argued the U.S. aims to “stop the May 20 elections in 
Venezuela,” through new sanctions and diplomatic aggression, and accused 
the U.S. of committing an international crime. “The only coercive 
measures that are accepted and legal are those approved by the United 
Nations Security Council,” Moncada reminded the U.S. government.

The government statement reiterated that presidential elections in 
Venezuela will take place in May 20 despite U.S. aggression and 

Meanwhile, new U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a speech in 
Washington that “a dictator in Venezuela paralyzes its economy and 
starves its people,” urging for U.S. action. The Venezuelan government 
has said that it fears sectors of the right-wing opposition will carry 
out violent attacks on election day with the foreign assistance.

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