[News] University of Vienna bans public lecture by Black activist - Dhoruba Bin-Wahad

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Mon Jun 25 11:09:59 EDT 2018


  University of Vienna bans public lecture by Black activist

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 21 
June 2018


The University of Vienna has bowed to pressure from Austria’s Israel 
lobby and banned a public lecture by a veteran Black activist from the 
United States.

Meanwhile in a significant victory for free speech in Germany, the 
Ruhrtriennale festival reversed a decision to disinvite the group Young 
Fathers because of its support for Palestinian rights.

Former member of the Black Panther Party Dhoruba Bin-Wahad had been 
scheduled to speak 
Thursday evening at the University of Vienna’s Institute for African 

The lecture was co-sponsored by Dar al Janub, an anti-racism and 
Palestine solidarity 
<http://www.dar-al-janub.net/daraljanubgoalsandactivities.htm> organization.

But in recent weeks, the university has been under pressure 
from the Austrian Students Union and the Austrian Union of Jewish 
Students to ban the event.

They claimed that Dar al Janub is closely associated with the Palestine 
solidarity group BDS Austria and that both organizations are anti-Semitic.

That censorship campaign succeeded after the Israelitische 
Kultusgemeinde, the central council of Jews in Austria, also got 
involved, smearing Bin-Wahad himself as anti-Semitic and criminal 
because of his involvement in the Black liberation struggle that faced 
severe repression by US authorities.

    Draconian restrictions

In recent days, according to email correspondence from administrators 
seen by The Electronic Intifada, the university imposed increasingly 
strict conditions on the lecture, ultimately forcing it off campus.

These included banning any involvement by Dar al Janub and insisting 
that the lecturer stick strictly to the advertised topic and make no 
“anti-Semitic statements.”

A dean, Melanie Malzahn, would be assigned to monitor the lecture as it 
happened and would have the power to halt the event on the spot if she 
judged that any of the speech restrictions were violated.

The university also decided that the public would not be allowed into 
the lecture at all, and that Bin-Wahad could only speak to a handful of 

Reached by telephone by The Electronic Intifada, Malzahn stated, “I’m in 
a meeting. I have no time now” and abruptly hung up the telephone. She 
did not respond to a follow-up inquiry by email.

Bin-Wahad and Dar al Janub rejected the university’s draconian 
restrictions and moved the event 
to Afripoint, an African cultural space in Vienna.

In a press release 
announcing the change of venue, Dar al Janub said the university had 
submitted to “unacceptable pressure” from student unions and other 
interest groups.

Just before the university had imposed the restrictions, its top 
official Rector Heinz Engl had held a closed meeting with 
representatives of the Austrian Students Union and the Austrian Union of 
Jewish Students.

    Anti-Semitism accusation

Another of those interest groups is the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde. 
The Jewish communal body sent a dossier to the university on Bin-Wahad. 
The university then forwarded the group’s allegations to Dar al Janub, 
and a translation was shared with The Electronic Intifada.

According to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Bin-Wahad’s membership of 
the Black Panthers and the Black Liberation Army made him part of “a 
criminal organization that carried out bombings, killings of police 
officers and drug dealers and is responsible for robberies.”

In fact, Bin-Wahad was wrongfully imprisoned for 19 years for allegedly 
attempting to kill two police officers in 1971. He was exonerated 
in 1990 and subsequently received $900,000 in damages from the New York 
Police Department and the FBI.

His personal and political history was the advertised topic 
of his planned lecture.

The Black Panthers, along with antiwar activists, left-wing groups and 
the American Indian Movement, were targets of the FBI’s secret 
COINTELPRO program <http://www.blackpast.org/aah/cointelpro-1956-1976> 
to sabotage and disrupt their work, including by using infiltrators to 
incite criminal activities to discredit the organizations.

Notoriously, as part of this government repression, a Chicago police 
death squad in 1969 assassinated Fred Hampton 
<http://www.blackpast.org/aah/hampton-fred-1948-1969>, the deputy leader 
of the Illinois Black Panther Party, as he slept in his bed.

Bin-Wahad edited a 1993 book, /Still Black, Still Strong/ 
<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/still-black-still-strong>, giving 
testimonies of survivors of the US government’s war on the Black 
liberation movement. He spoke about his experience in the 2016 video 
interview with VladTV at the top of this article.

The Israelitische Kultusgemeinde also alleged that “there are valid 
reasons to assume that the speaker could make anti-Semitic remarks at 
the event on Thursday.”

As evidence the group quoted two statements from Bin-Wahad.

One of them was an answer he gave to a question about why Black American 
political leaders did not show greater solidarity with Palestinians.

“I think that the silence of the Black political elite and many 
so-called Black reformers and activists is a consequence of the 
interference with political power on behalf of the African community,” 
Bin-Wahad had responded. “AIPAC and the Zionist lobby in Washington and 
Jewish money across the country has been a major factor historically in 
the civil rights movement.”

In another statement quoted by the Jewish communal group, Bin-Wahad said 
that the US government “has always carried out a policy to divide Black 
leaders and the Black community away from the struggles of people for 
self-determination and liberation and especially Arab and Palestinian 

The Jewish group also objected to Bin-Wahad referring to Israel as a 
“European settler state” and denying that Israel has a “right to 

He also accused “a Black comprador class and Black elected officials” of 
accepting funding from “from the Israeli Zionist lobby and the right 
wing in America.”

    Silencing Black voices

The power of the Israel lobby, including its relationship with Black 
political leaders and elites, remains a lively topic of discussion in 
the United States, on the left and right. Views of Israel are almost 
always at the center of these debates.

In a 2007 article 
for instance, this writer traced how as little known Chicago politician 
Barack Obama rose to national prominence, he increasingly adopted the 
hardline anti-Palestinian talking points of the powerful Israel lobby 
group AIPAC.

In 2010, Glen Ford, editor of /Black Agenda Report/, wrote 
that “the relentless pressures of the Israel lobby have succeeded in 
causing most Black elected officials to cower in fear of being labeled 

“Since at least the mid-sixties, many Jewish organizations have treated 
Black sympathies for the Palestinian people as rank anti-Semitism of the 
kind Jews experienced at the hands of whites,” Ford observed. “In some 
Jewish circles it is accepted as a truism that Blacks are anti-Semitic.”

In a recent article 
for the far-right anti-Palestinian 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/commentary> magazine /Commentary/, 
neoconservative pro-Israel activist 
Jamie Kirchick recycles claims about the “prevalence of, and insouciance 
toward, anti-Semitism in the African American community.”

In a well-worn tactic 
Kirchick uses the fringe views of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan 
in an effort to smear millions of Black people and bully Black activists 
into backing off from working with Jewish groups that support 
Palestinian rights and the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) 
movement – particularly Jewish Voice for Peace.

The smear campaign comes amid a resurgence of expressions of 
historically strong Black solidarity 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/black-palestine> with Palestine in 
the United States.

To prevent Black activists from responding to or discussing the history 
and political context of such allegations – as the University of Vienna 
has done – is effectively to endorse the attack on their communities and 
to silence them.

    Genocide advocate welcome

It is a well-established principle that it is not necessary to agree 
with a speaker in order to defend their right to speak and the right of 
students and educators to engage with them in public discussion.

Yet the University of Vienna has a deeply biased standard about who can 
be heard.

In contrast to the draconian censorship of individuals and organizations 
suspected of believing that Palestinians should have full rights, the 
University of Vienna warmly welcomes those who advocate that 
Palestinians should be exterminated.

Last year, university officials welcomed Israeli justice minister Ayelet 
Shaked to campus despite how she had disseminated a call for the 
genocide of the Palestinian people 
including the slaughter of mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

In the face of strong objections 
and protests 
the university defended the invitation to Shaked in the name of 
“dialogue” and “academic discourse.”

The University of Vienna’s tolerance of those like Ayelet Shaked who 
spread calls for genocide, and its intolerance of those like Bin-Wahad 
and Dar al Janub who struggle against racism and the legacy of slavery 
and colonialism, is deeply troubling given the institution’s Nazi 
history <http://www.austrianinformation.org/fall-2015/dark-history>.

Bin-Wahad spoke to a packed house at Afripoint on Thursday evening, an 
attendee told The Electronic Intifada.

    German festival changes course

The University of Vienna’s action is part of a wave of censorship 
targeting supporters of Palestinian rights in Germany and Austria, 
countries where elites channel historic guilt for the Nazi extermination 
of Jews into unquestioning support for Israel.

    Victory for free speech over anti-Palestinian censorship! After
    disinviting @Youngfathers
    <https://twitter.com/Youngfathers?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> for refusing
    to distance themselves from the Palestinian-led BDS human rights
    movement, German @ruhrtriennale
    <https://twitter.com/ruhrtriennale?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> festival
    bows to international #SupportYoungFathers
    pressure and reinvites band! https://t.co/3Bh1U8cCnn

    — PACBI (@PACBI) June 21, 2018

But in a surprising development on Thursday, Germany’s Ruhrtriennale 
festival reversed 
an earlier decision 
to ban the acclaimed Scotland-based group Young Fathers because it had 
refused to renounce its support for BDS and Palestinian rights.

Festival director Stefanie Carp said she wished to “correct my 
approach,” by inviting the group back, while still maintaining her 
personal opposition to BDS.

Beirut-based musician Sherif Sehnaoui confirmed that the festival had 
also reached out to re-invite him and four other artists who had pulled 
out to protest 
the cancellation of Young Fathers.

    re-invites @Youngfathers
    <https://twitter.com/Youngfathers?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>! Hats off,
    already quite an achievement in the context of German society, and
    against those who falsely equate #BDS
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/BDS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> with

    — Sharif Sehnaoui (@SharifSehnaoui) June 21, 2018

    They reinvited everyone. And reached out to others who also
    expressed willingness to withdraw

    — Sharif Sehnaoui (@SharifSehnaoui) June 21, 2018

“Hats off, already quite an achievement in the context of German 
society, and against those who falsely equate BDS with anti-Semitism,” 
Sehnaoui said in praise of Ruhrtriennale’s about turn.

PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of 
Israel, called the decision a “victory for free speech over 
anti-Palestinian censorship.”

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