[News] Occupation forces kill Izadin Tamimi in morning raid

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jun 6 11:16:12 EDT 2018


  Occupation forces kill Izadin Tamimi in morning raid

06 June 2018

This morning at around 8am, occupation soldiers entered the village of 
Nabi Salah with the aim of arresting 21-year old  Izadin Tamimi. In what 
is becoming a common pattern, special forces initially entered the 
village, followed by a large number of jeeps and soldiers. The forces 
came to arrest Izadin based on his alleged involvement in stone 
throwing. The attempted arrested ended with Izadin being shot in the 
neck. It was confirmed by a local activist that no one from the family 
was allowed to get near him following his being shot. He was left 
without treatment for a period of around half an hour.

It was confirmed that Izadin died a short time after. He had been taken 
and placed in a military jeep, where he remained for a further quarter 
of an hour before being transported for medical attention.

Additionally, two individuals were arrested from the neighbouring 
village Beit Rima.

The extrajudicial killing of Izadin represents the occupation forces’ 
continued disregard for the right to life of the Palestinian population, 
as inscribed in Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and 
Political Rights (ICCPR). Violations such as this have continued 
unabated since 1948, with no end or accountability in sight.

Since March 30, 119 Palestinians have been killed by the occupation.

The village of Nabi Saleh, and the Tamimi family, has been the target of 
numerous raids and arrests over the years. These have intensified since 
international attention became focused on the case of Ahed Tamimi, 
following her arrest in December 2017.

The raids and targeting of the village represents a concerted campaign 
by the occupation forces, with the aim of silencing and halting any form 
of resistance.

We at Addameer call on international supporters to raise their voices, 
as was done in relation to Netanyahu’s visit in Germany yesterday. It 
may not seem like much, but it must be known and asserted that the 
occupying power is not simply like any other state in the community of 
nations; but rather it is a consistent violator international law and norms.

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