[News] Rest in power, Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard, founding father of the Black Panther Party

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Tue Jul 31 13:25:44 EDT 2018


  Rest in power, Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard, founding father of the Black
  Panther Party

July 30, 2018*/- by Carole Hyams-Howard/*

*/by Carole Hyams-Howard/*


At 6:13 a.m. on July 23, Big Man joined the ancestors. Above all else, 
Elbert “Big Man” Howard loved his comrades and all oppressed people, who 
he never stopped fighting for.

He was the love of my life and I will miss him forever. I am grateful to 
have been able to have these years with him and happy he (and I) got to 
spend time with his comrades. I have wonderful memories to cherish and 
take comfort in knowing that he is at peace.

I guess I am still doing what Big Man would have wanted me to do, 
posting and sharing all these wonderful, heartfelt messages – 
condolences, impressions, memories, stories and tributes (copied below). 
I know he would be so very moved and honored reading them.

The posts which would be the most meaningful to him are the ones from 
all of you, not the obits in the press. You, sharing your remembrances 
and feelings about what Big Man meant to each of you – how you 
experienced him, what you may have learned by knowing him, and how you 
loved him.

Big Man was able to share both his deep and profound love of music and 
his determined struggle for human rights for all oppressed people, here, 
in this county. Thanks to all of you who helped him, encouraged him, 
were patient with both of us, and loved him.

A huge thank you to those who have been here for both of us through some 
very painful and difficult times. Know that he so loved being here with 
all of you and that you gave him gifts every day, each one of you, each 
in your own way. Thank you so much and peace and love to all of you. 
Hold your loved ones close.

      *Big Man’s Celebration of Life*

You are invited to celebrate and honor the extraordinary life of Elbert 
“Big Man” Howard, a founding father of the Black Panther Party for 
Self-Defense and first editor of its newspaper, The Black Panther. His 
Celebration of Live will be on Saturday, Aug. 25, 1 p.m., in the Bobby 
Hutton Grove inside of DeFremery Park, at 18th and Adeline – 1651 
Adeline St. – Oakland, California 94607 
Speakers will include Emory Douglas and Kathleen Cleaver.

For more information, contact It’s About Time/BPP at 916-455-0908, It’s 
About Time/BPP 
<https://www.facebook.com/Its-About-TimeBPP-333214013404486/> on 
Facebook or itsabouttime3 at juno.com <mailto:itsabouttime3 at juno.com>. 
Please send any donations to It’s About Time, P.O. Box 221100, 
Sacramento, CA 95822 by mail or via GoFundMe at 


Big Man posted this photo, taken in Bobby Hutton Park, where his 
Celebration of Life will take place on Aug. 25, on his Facebook page in 
April 2018 when Kiilu Nyasha passed with this caption: “It is with great 
sadness, we say goodbye to a truly remarkable revolutionary, Kiilu 
Nyasha. I first met Kiilu in New Haven, Connecticut, around 1969. She 
was serving as a coordinator, advocate and cook for the BPP Breakfast 
for School Children program there. In addition, Kiilu was working as a 
legal secretary for the law firm of Charles Garry during the Bobby 
Seale-Ericka Huggins trials. She allowed Panthers, myself included, full 
use of her home, providing us with the solid base which was so necessary 
during our struggles for organizing to free Bobby and Ericka. Some years 
later, Kiilu moved to California, where she continued to devote her life 
to the people, the struggle for human rights and freedom for all 
political prisoners. Although confined to a wheelchair and despite 
constant life challenges, Kiilu’s spirit, dedication and fierce passion 
never wavered and she continued the fight armed with her amazing, 
creative talents for art and writing, also hosting a television program. 
After I returned to California in 2005, we would reunite at events 
frequently and I was happy to be able to appear on one of her TV 
programs. It was always a joy for me to see her again. My comrade, Kiilu 
Nyasha, was an uncompromising, revolutionary force. We will forever miss 
her courage and strength of character, her determination, her talents 
and her absolute devotion and love for her comrades and the people. 
Kiilu Nyasha, rest in peace. Love, Big Man” – Photo: Carole Hyams-Howard

      *Tributes to Big Man*

*From **Bobby Seale 

Elbert “Big Man” Howard is one of the original founding members of the 
Black Panther Party. He was a Black Panther from 1966 to 1974. During 
that time, he served as Deputy Minister of Information and was a member 
of the Central Committee and the International Solidarity Committee. 
Born in Tennessee in 1938, Howard was also the first editor of the Black 
Panther Party’s newspaper.

As the Black Panther Party grew in numbers, their programs grew in 
depth. “Big Man” Howard held several positions and worked on many projects.

“Big Man” Howard himself was responsible for a free medical clinic for 
sickle-cell anemia and a work-study program for parolees at the college. 
The Black Panther Party also created a free-breakfast program, piqued by 
poor children’s inability to succeed in school due to malnutrition. This 
latter operation has actually been the unstated model for generations of 
government-run breakfast programs.

      “Big Man” Howard himself was responsible for a free medical clinic
      for sickle-cell anemia and a work-study program for parolees at
      Merritt College. … As the first editor of the Black Panthers’
      newspaper, “Big Man” Howard helped build its circulation to
      200,000 copies per week. He traveled the world as the Black
      Panthers’ deputy minister of information. – Bobby Seale

In efforts to appeal to the community and voice their cause, the Black 
Panthers decided to found a weekly newspaper – and looked for an editor. 
“Big Man” Howard was the first editor of the Black Panther Party 
newspaper and Party international spokesperson.

As a Black Panther Party spokesman, he traveled and lectured on the 
conditions and treatment of African-Americans and other minorities in 
America. “Big Man” Howard helped build Solidarity Committees in Europe, 
Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

As the first editor of the Black Panthers’ newspaper, “Big Man” Howard 
helped build its circulation to 200,000 copies per week. “Big Man” 
Howard traveled the world as the Black Panthers’ deputy minister of 
information and internationally and established a community medical 
clinic and an educational program for ex-offenders at Merritt College.

All Power to All the People! #blackpantherparty 



The man who could speak truth to power this fearlessly is the man who 
was largely responsible for the phenomenally fast growth of the Black 
Panther Party. Big Man carried the message – “All power belongs to the 
people,” he would say – and the struggle across the country and around 
the world, creating new chapters and alliances everywhere he went. – 
Photo: Stephen Shames

*From **Kwazi Nkrumah 

Elbert “Big Man” Howard (born Jan. 5, 1938), founding member and leader 
of the Black Panther Party, has joined the ancestors today!

Big Man spent several years in the United States Air Force in Europe. 
After receiving an honorable discharge from the Air Force, Howard moved 
to Oakland, California. While attending Merritt College, Howard met 
Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. In 1966, at the age of 28, he became one 
of the six original founding members of the Black Panther Party. The 
others were Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, “L’il” Bobby Hutton, Reggie Forte 
and Sherman Forte.

Big Man was an active member of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense 
from 1966 through 1974. He served as the original Minister of 
Information of the Black Panther Party and was the original editor and 
organizer of the Black Panther newspaper. When Eldridge Cleaver joined 
the BPP, Big Man stepped down as Minister of Information, taking on the 
title of Deputy Minister of Information.

Man represented the Black Panther Party in a number of international 
settings in Asia and Europe. He headed the defense efforts for BPP 
Chairman Bobby Seale when Bobby was framed up on false murder conspiracy 
charges in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1969.

      Big Man headed the defense efforts for BPP Chairman Bobby Seale
      when Bobby was framed up on false murder conspiracy charges in New
      Haven, Connecticut, in 1969. In 1970, Big Man took on the effort
      to rebuild Black Panther chapters in every region of the country
      in the wake of violent attacks by police and the FBI … In 1971,
      Big Man joined Bobby Seale in efforts to negotiate on behalf of
      the prison inmates who had seized control of Attica State Prison,
      New York. – Kwazi Nkrumah

In 1970, Big Man took on the effort to rebuild Black Panther chapters in 
every region of the country in the wake of violent attacks by police and 
the FBI, which had left 28 members dead and many imprisoned on false 
charges. These raids, jailings and killings were part of the COINTELPRO 
assault on the entire Black freedom movement in the United States.

In 1971, Big Man joined Bobby Seale in efforts to negotiate on behalf of 
the prison inmates who had seized control of Attica State Prison, New 
York, in that historic uprising against the inhuman conditions that 
prevail throughout the U.S. prison systems.

After leaving the party in 1974, Big Man Howard returned to Tennessee. 
In Memphis, he served on the boards of directors of several African 
American progressive educational institutions.

In 2001, Howard self-published his memoir, “Panther on the Prowl,” 
covering the rise and fall of the Black Panthers. In 2003, he was a 
coordinator for the All of Us or None Ex-Offender Program and also was a 
member of the Millions for Reparations committee.

Big Man married Carole Hyams in 2007. They have lived in Sonoma County, 
California, for some years. He was a founder of the Police 
Accountability Clinic & Helpline of Sonoma County and a board member of 
KWTF, a community radio station. As a lifelong lover of America’s 
original musical art form, Jazz, he hosted jazz and blues programs at 
several radio stations.

The Smithsonian Institute and the National African-American Museum 
recently produced a documentary interview with Big Man on DVD, which has 
not yet been released. A major article on his life is scheduled to be 
published in an East Coast magazine in August.


*From **Aaron Dixon <https://www.facebook.com/aaron.dixon.3597>*


Aaron Dixon headed the Panthers in Seattle.

I heard the news today, that Big Man, Elbert Howard, had passed away. A 
part of me felt relief and a bit of happiness for him that he could now 
rest and softly transition to the other world.

Many of us had thought that he would have departed over 10 years ago. 
But an angel named Carole came along and nursed him back to health and, 
with a renewed energy, he became a jazz DJ on the Late Night Show. He 
wrote articles for the local newspaper, continuing the fight for social 
justice just as he had done back in the day as the Deputy Minister of 

Then he organized the 47th Anniversary of the Black Panther Party 
celebration in Santa Rosa, which was a phenomenal three-day event. I 
remember how exhausted he was after it was over. It took a lot out of 
him and his health began to decline again.

      Big Man organized the 47th Anniversary of the Black Panther Party
      celebration in Santa Rosa, which was a phenomenal three-day event.

Last year, I sought him out for an interview for a project that I was 
working on. Carole did not know if he could or would be able to do the 


Big Man is a hero who left a priceless legacy, but he was not a man who 
dwelt in the past. Look at his enthusiasm as he stands with a young man, 
probably about the age Big Man was when he joined the Black Panther 
Party. Big Man is a hero for the future, and it is our obligation to 
introduce his courage, brilliance and wisdom to our youth.

Just as I was in town, Carole called me and said he wanted to talk with 
me. I was elated as well as relieved. I knew he did not have much time 
left. I waited as he prepared to come out.

When he did, he sat in his chair with the air of an old warrior carrying 
memories of one of the grandest and most powerful times for our people. 
The interview went well, but I could tell he was not doing well. I knew 
this may be my last time laying eyes on him.

As a fellow Capricorn, we both had similar ways. We also share the 
stubbornness of a Capricorn. When I heard of his passing, I was dealing 
with my own health issues, as many of us old soldiers are.

Well, Big Man is free now. He is free to move on into the sunlight with 
his big smile looking down upon us. Free from the long years of suffering.

So long, Big Man! Soon many of us will join you in the dust of eternity. 
Maybe we will all come back together again for one last try. One more 
ride to save humanity.

With undying love, Aaron.


*From **Elmer Dixon <https://www.facebook.com/elmer.dixon.9>*

A tribute to our comrade Elbert “Big Man Howard,” a co-founder and 
original member of the Black Panther Party who transitioned to the 
ancestors on Monday:

When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down
in tall grasses,
and even elephants
lumber after safety.

When great trees fall
in forests,
small things recoil into silence,
their senses
eroded beyond fear.


Carole Hyams-Howard took this picture of Big Man speaking at The 
Lamppost in Oakland in 1969. They went separate ways and reunited 37 
years later.

When great souls die,
the air around us becomes
light, rare, sterile.
We breathe, briefly.
Our eyes, briefly,
see with
a hurtful clarity.
Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
gnaws on kind words
promised walks
never taken.

Great souls die and
our reality, bound to
them, takes leave of us.
Our souls,
dependent upon their
now shrink, wizened.
Our minds, formed
and informed by their
fall away.
We are not so much maddened
as reduced to the unutterable ignorance
of dark, cold

And when great souls die,
after a period peace blooms,
slowly and always
irregularly. Spaces fill
with a kind of
soothing electric vibration.
Our senses, restored, never
to be the same, whisper to us.
They existed. They existed.
We can be. Be and be
better. For they existed.

– Maya Angelou


*From **Tolbert Small <https://www.facebook.com/tolbert.small?fref=ufi>*

Like George Jackson, Fred Hampton, Doc Satchel and Bobby Seale, Big Man 
was a real Panther. He was the real deal. He was not a paper panther, 
crazy panther or gangster panther.


This is a page from Jet Magazine of May 21, 1970.

His towering spirit of resistance will always be with us. In the spirit 
of Crazy Horse, our struggle continues. Big Man’s spirit will fight on 
through us.


*From **Charlotte Hill O’Neal <https://www.facebook.com/MamaCharlotte>*

It is with great regret that we announce the passing of another icon of 
the Black Panther Party, Brother Elbert “Big Man” Howard. He was one of 
the first founding members and he was a good community servant for 
decades. May Big Man rest in peace in the Realm of the Ancestors and may 
we honor him with our own continuing good works! May all who knew him be 
comforted by the good memories!


*From **Bill Jennings 

Elbert Big Man Howard. my comrade friend, mentor, passed away today. His 
legacy will live on. An Original member of the Black Panther Party.

Carole’s comment: BJ is responsible for helping Big Man reclaim his 
legacy before he came back to California and after. He was truly his 
“best man” at our wedding and in our lives. Their friendship and the 
history they share was so deep that I cannot really do it justice here.


*From **Steve Long <https://www.facebook.com/sfstevelong?fref=mentions>*

I still am in a sad state. A man I have looked up to for over 40 years 
is no longer among us.

I first met Big Man, as he was known, in New Haven, Connecticut, in 
1970. I was a naive, enthusiastic teenager from the projects of Fort 
Greene, Brooklyn, assigned to the New Haven branch of the Black Panther 
Party to help free Bobby Seale, Ericka Huggins and the New Haven Panthers.

It was a scary situation, meeting the people I had only read about, from 
the West Coast origin of the Party. Many of us were barely out of high 
school, and Big Man and a few others were already grown men. He, along 
with Robert Bey, exuded the confidence and power of free Black men.

      Big Man, along with Robert Bey, exuded the confidence and power of
      free Black men.

Big Man was the first editor of the Black Panther newspaper, the 
international spokesman of the Party, traveling all over the world 
bringing the message of the oppressed people of America, forging 
alliances with many sympathetic to the cause of liberation.

A powerful man with the quiet confidence and peace not known to many.

Through the many posts, many can tell he was a well loved and dedicated 
servant of the people who will truly be missed.


The late James “Bubber” Young, Elbert “Big Man” Howard and Steve Long 
get together at Big Man and Carole’s home shortly before BPP 50th 
Anniversary commemoration in October 2016.

One picture I will cherish always is a picture of the late James 
“Bubber” Young, Big Man and myself. This picture was taken at Big Man 
and Carole’s home in Santa Rosa, California, in the lead up to the 50th 
Anniversary of the Black Panther Party.

He, Big Man, was one of the Original 6!

Maximum Respect and Love!


*From **Joan Tarika Lewis 

I am deeply saddened to hear of Big Man’s passing … a gentleman and a 
heart bursting with love for Liberation and our people. Rest in Peace. 
Thank you for Serving Humanity.


*From **JR Valrey 

RIP Black Panther elder Elbert Howard 
A giant among men. Rest easy.


*From **Ericka Huggins 

My friend, Elbert “Big Man” Howard, passed on today after a long 
illness. I was honored to know and love him over the years, and he’ll 
always hold a special place in my heart. Blessings on your journey, my 


*From **Clarence Peterson <https://www.facebook.com/stretch.peterson>*

To Black Panthers everywhere: Elbert Howard, our Big Man, has passed 
onto the ancestors. But we who are left behind will rejoice in his 
legacy of dedicated service to the people.

Our Big Man will be remembered for his strong, stern yet gentle demeanor 
around all the young Panthers he came into contact with. Guidance was 
his way of making a Panther out of you.

Our thoughts and love go out to Carole, his wife and the family.


– National Alumni Association of the Black Panther Party


Big Man holds a news conference in Philadelphia on Sept. 7, 1970, with 
Afeni Shakur, mother of Tupac and a Black Panther, and BPP Minister of 
Education Ray “Masai” Hewitt.


*From **Skip Shockley 

Big Man, I will and we will always love you.

– Dallas Chapter Alumni


*From **Steve McCutchen 

Big Man. He cast a giant shadow. Truly, an ox for the people to ride.


*From **Stephen Shames 

Elbert Big Man Howard passed away today. Big Man was the heart of the 
Panthers and a warrior for justice. I had the honor of being his friend 
and I will miss him. His legacy will continue to inspire all of us.


*From **Henry L. Wallace 


In this iconic Black Panther Party photo, Panthers drill at a Free Huey 
Rally in Lil Bobby Hutton (DeFremery) Park in West Oakland in July 1968. 
Big Man, a military veteran who taught other Panthers how to handle 
guns, is on the right. Here, in what’s now called the Bobby Hutton Grove 
in DeFremery Park at 18th and Adeline, Oakland, is where Big Man’s Aug. 
25 Celebration of Life will be held. Panthers and supporters have called 
on Oakland to rename the entire park, central to many Panther 
activities, for Lil Bobby Hutton the party’s first martyr and first and 
youngest member, assassinated by Oakland police at age 17 on April 6, 
1968, two days after the assassination of Martin Luther King. Recently, 
after 50 years, the city took the first step by naming the grove of 
trees in the park for Hutton. – Photo: Pirkle Jones

My prayers go out to the family of one of the strongest Comrades that I 
had the privilege of knowing. Elbert Howard 
(Big Man), one of the original founders of the Original Black Panther 
Party for Self Defense, passed away. He’s the brother on the far right 
side of this picture. As he would say, “ALL THE POWER BELONGS TO THE 


*From **Rickey Vincent 

There are OG’s and there are OG’s. Elbert “Big Man” Howard was an 
original member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. He drove 
the cars in some of the first police patrols, and traveled the world as 
a trusted international spokesperson for the BPP. Meeting him changed my 
life and the direction of my work. Mourning the loss of this great man 
that passed away today.


*From **Min Stretch Sanders 

Rest in Power, Big Man. You were a legend, and your legacy will live on.

Thank you for serving the people Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. All Power 
to the People!

God bless the family.


Kathleen Cleaver, now a law professor, poses with Big Man and Angela 
Davis. Kathleen is coming to speak at Big Man’s Celebration of Life on 
Aug. 25.


*From **Baba Zayid 

Elbert “Big Man” Howard passes at 80! He was one of the “Original 6,” 
one of the six founding members of the Black Panther Party!

First deputy Minister of Information, editor of the Black Panther 
newspaper, top international diplomat, organizer and people’s soldier. 
Devoted to his last breath!

On the gallant wings of his giant heart, “Big Man” has left us for “The 
Land of the Ancestors”!


*From **Jonathan Melrod <https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.melrod>*

RIP Comrade Big Man, co-founder of the Black Panther Party and editor of 
the Party paper. I am so proud and honored to have become your friend 
and comrade after you moved to Sonoma County and joined the local 
struggle for justice.

      I sold the Panther paper on the street corners of Madison,
      Wisconsin, some 45 years before we met. You and your fellow
      Panthers are a continuing inspiration for all of us who strive for
      a better world – and in your death, we salute your courage and
      dedication to the people.

I can’t tell you how many days I sold the Panther paper on the street 
corners of Madison, Wisconsin, some 45 years before we met. You and your 
fellow Panthers are a continuing inspiration for all of us who strive 
for a better world – and in your death, we salute your courage and 
dedication to the people. RIP!


*From **Tory Ware 

#Black <https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/black?source=feed_text> 
#Panthers <https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/panthers?source=feed_text> 
paid the cost. These guys paid the ultimate sacrifices.

I’ve listened to the elders and I’ve watched the elders. They would 
always make it so clear how they will fight for freedom for all people – 
in particular, Black people and for political prisoners who’ve been 
railroaded through the courts.


The caption for this photo, taken in October 2006, on Dr. Tolbert 
Small’s website reads: “Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard, the fourth person to 
join the Black Panthers, presents Dr. Small with a newspaper article 
about him from the Memphis Tri-State Defender at the BPP 40th reunion. 
 From left: Howard; Bert Small; Emory Douglas, former BPP Minister of 
Culture.” Emory and Kathleen Cleaver will be speaking at Big Man’s 
Celebration of Life on Aug. 25.

“Won’t stop till my heart stops,” they would say till their last breath. 
Young folk, write, lend hands, send money and do whatever you can to 
help anyone who has paid the ultimate sacrifices. These are y’all’s 
duties on Earth as well.

These guys are my friends. They are my elders. My joy. My earthly 
foundation. Panthers in Peace: Elbert “Big Man” Howard and Richard 
Brown. One Love!


*From **Susan Shireen Kanga <https://www.facebook.com/susan.kanga?fref=ufi>*

Thank you for sharing these beautiful words, Carole. Evan, Lucia and I 
are honored to have known Big Man and very glad for the good times we’ve 
all shared over the years. Our condolences to you, Tynisa, Jaylen, Amin 
and all your family. We grieve Big Man’s passing but know his spirit 
will soar, just as it did during his lifetime.


*From **Cyril Innis Jr <https://www.facebook.com/cyril.innis.jr?fref=ufi>.*

Sister Carole, thank you for those words of love and respect. You and 
the family have an extended family here with Panthers here in New York, 
as I stated earlier. Big Man was a True Revolutionary Warrior and 
Servant of the People and will always be with all of us who are real to 
the struggle for Liberation and Freedom.


*From **Stephen Gross <https://www.facebook.com/stephen.gross.9?fref=ufi>*

It was a privilege and an honor getting to know you both and I was 
thrilled that the interviews and story we did for the Press Democrat 
allowed me to nose into Big Man’s history and learn about where his 
heart and spirit were at – and how honest and caring he was. I loved 
whenever he asked me to fill in for him when he couldn’t be there to do 
his KGGV radio show – he said we had similar tastes. I feel honored to 
have been touched by him.


*From **Robert Edmonds 


Elbert “Big Man” Howard

Elbert Howard 
you will be missed in this world by so many, and by me. I’m so sorry I 
didn’t come to visit you like I had intended these past couple of months.

When I first got the opportunity to meet you 11 years ago, I was so 
starstruck and in awe of this amazing person who had founded the BPP and 
was doing revolutionary work in the community two years before I was 
even born. I didn’t know what to expect or feel like I was worthy of 
sitting at the table with such a social justice giant to work on issues 
of police brutality in our community.

You and Carole Hyams both made me recognize how important it was to be 
at that table – and to keep showing up in the street to do the work. You 
both continued to show up at all the things we worked at for as long as 
was possible.

As I had the opportunity to work with you over the years, I understood 
so many things by your example. You often had an economy of words, 
quietly taking in the conversations, weighing the arguments, then 
dispensing with the official bullshit narratives with incisive and often 
blistering commentary on the way things needed to be, and what was 
really going on in this world.

 From you, more than any other, I learned that there is a time for 
quiet, kind, good-natured countenance, but there is also a time to 
fiercely gnash teeth and lay bare the truth, come what may. If someone 
does not take the risk, then neither will the next.

Passive indifference is a learned behavior, just as much as 
revolutionary practice. There are too many teaching the former, and so 
few examples from which to learn the latter.

      You were a true example of what it means to resist, to revolt and
      to lead with quiet, consistent strength and humility.

You were a true example of what it means to resist, to revolt and to 
lead with quiet, consistent strength and humility. Thank you for always 
supporting your community and for the support you showed me in the work 
I’ve been involved in over the years, much of which was modeled after 
the work you did with the BPP. It has truly been an honor to learn from 
such a great man. Rest in power, Big Man.


*From **Desiree Poindexter <https://www.facebook.com/desiree.poindexter>*

With a heavy heart, we honor our dear friend and hero, the amazing and 
kind Elbert Howard who passed away yesterday. Elbert “Big Man” Howard 
was a co-founder of the Black Panther Party and involved in so many 
amazing community projects throughout his life.

I was lucky enough to call him a friend and work with him on several 
community projects, including as a co-founder of local community radio 
station KWTF Sonoma County. A true community activist, inspiration, hero 
and friend, he taught me a lot about community and the importance of 
community activism and participation.

You are with us always, Big Man. My love and hugs go out to his family 
and friends. We love you Big Man.


Big Man is at the controls hosting his show, Jazz Connections, on 
KRCB-FM in Rohnert Park. He played jazz on several stations, eventually 
helping to found KWTF Sonoma County. – Photo: Gabe Meline


*From **Caitlin Childs 

Really hard to know what to say right now when words feel inadequate to 
really share what an incredible human the world lost today. Elbert 
was one of my personal heroes, along with being my friend.

He was a co-founder of the Black Panther Party and had an amazing 
message to share of how communities can pitch in to take care of one 
another. And a few years ago, he co-founded KWTF Sonoma County 
<https://www.facebook.com/KWTF88.1fm/?fref=mentions> with our friends.

I loved having a chance to get to know him better. My heart goes out to 
his family and everyone who loved him.


*From **Jørgen Johannes Dalitz Dragsdahl 

For many people in Scandinavia, Big Man will be remembered as the 
international face of BPP, because he in the early ‘70s stayed here in 
Denmark for many months – organizing solidarity activities, speaking 
etc. I am so happy two of my daughters met my old friend at the 2016 
reunion. We will remember him as a warm and strong human being, and we 
also send you, Carole, our best wishes.


*From **Stan Mckinney <https://www.facebook.com/stanmcknny>*


These are the “Original 6,” the founding fathers of the Black Panther 
Party for Self-Defense: Elbert “Big Man” Howard, Huey P. Newton, Sherman 
Forte, Bobby Seale, Reggie Forte and Lil Bobby Hutton.

Big Man is standing right of co-founder of the Black Panther Party 
Minister Huey P. Newton. Big Man was one of the original founding 
members and a leading member of the party’s leadership Central 
Committee, a great soldier and servant of the people.


*From **Rashad Byrdsong <https://www.facebook.com/rashad.byrdsong>*

Bro. Big Man Howard made transition and is with the ancestors. An 
original Panther who had a national and international presence.

May Allah grant him paradise!

Rest in power, comrade!


*From **Dave Stroud 

R.I.P. Big Man. An inspiration to many for his commitment, participation 
and leadership through action. I was lucky to have known him. A kind, 
gentle, but firm gentleman who could hold court with only a few words. 
My heart goes out to you, Carole.


*From **JoNina Abron-Ervin 

R.I.P., Comrade “Big Man.” All Power to the People!


*From **Matthew Izen <https://www.facebook.com/matthewizen>*

a heavy heart, we say goodbye to Elbert “Big Man” Howard. A leader, an 
inspiration and an unflinching advocate for marginalized communities. 
I’m thankful for your willingness to put up with a random white boy from 
the suburbs hounding you about music and making t-shirts. Here is Big 
Man, pictured on the front of the Bohemian, wearing a shirt I helped 
design and print. Rest in power, Big Man. The fight for equality 
continues and your legacy lives on.”


*From **Michael Hale 

Rest in Power, Big Man Elbert Howard 
one of the original Black Panther leaders. I consider myself extremely 
lucky to have met you and Carole shortly after I moved to Santa Rosa. 
Like the Panthers’ overall leadership style, I was always impressed by 
your kindness, your generosity and your ability to cut through the 
nonsense in a political conversation with sharp, plainly spoken 
analysis. You will be missed, but not forgotten.

      *Big Man’s daughter and cousin *

*From Tynisa Wilson 

Today I lost someone so special, so great – my daddy, Elbert Howard 
May you rest in power! Words alone cannot express how much you will be 
missed. Thank you for all you have sacrificed to make the world a better 
place for us as a race. I will forever be grateful. Love you, Big Man!

I want to take this time to thank everyone for their condolences and for 
honoring my father by sharing his story and praising his greatness. 
Elbert Howard 
has done so much for his community and for his people, but for me he 
made his presence known and taught me that education is the only thing 
nobody can’t take from you and it’s your most lethal weapon.

He also taught me to follow my heart and for every problem there is a 
solution; you just have to organize and execute fearlessly. Words alone 
cannot express how much he will be missed. He was my hero. R.I.P., Daddy.


Big Man proudly embraces his daughter Tynisa and grandsons Amin and 
Jaylen in a photo taken in 2015. – Photo: Carole Hyams-Howard


*From **Tammi Moore Miller 

My cousin, a quiet man, who lived his life with passion for people and a 
great love of music and family, has joined the ancestors. My heart was 
saddened for the loss.

However, my spirit is overjoyed with love, honor and respect for the man 
who lived a life that illustrated to the world that each of us has the 
power to impact change. He spent his life fighting for the people … all 
over the world. He encouraged me to believe that I could make a 
difference and change my world by holding steadfast to my values.

      As the family, community, nation and world recognize the
      contributions of Elbert Howard
      and one of his favorite sayings “All Power to the People”…
      remember, we are those People and the Power is ours!

We all have the opportunity to speak and act when we see that change 
must come. As the family, community, nation and world recognize the 
contributions of Elbert Howard 
and one of his favorite sayings “All Power to the People”… remember, we 
are those People and the Power is ours!

      *Big Man in the mainstream media*


Black Panther Party Deputy Minister of Information Elbert ‘Big Man’ 
Howard holds a sidewalk news conference in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 27, 
1970. This is the photo chosen by the New York Times and the Associated 
Press for their obituaries. Paul Coates, owner of Black Classic Press 
and father of Ta-Nehisi Coates, describes it this way on Big Man’s 
Facebook page: “Big man in DC. I think this in front of or a little down 
from the Headquarters where people were moved for this press conference 
on the Constitutional Convention. If you were there, please correct me. 
That’s my memory. I had to post because of Big Man and all the others 
that this photo captures: Robert Bey, Robert Webb, Audrey Jones, Micheal 
Torrance, and I’m pretty sure that’s Jim Williams in the background and 
so many others.” – Photo: Charles W. Harrity, AP

*Associated Press*: 
This story was published in *The San Francisco Chronicle; The San Jose 
Mercury News; The Washington Post; The Scotsman, Scotland’s National 
Newspaper; The Los Angeles Times; The Press Herald of Portland, Maine; 
The Sunday Herald of Scotland; The Province of British Columbia; The 
**Arizona Daily Star* and more. A quote from the story that has now been 
enjoyed around the world reads: “He (Big Man) was a beloved member (of 
the Black Panther Party),” (Billy X) Jennings said. “People might have 
had different grudges against Bobby (Seale) or Eldridge (Cleaver), but 
nobody got a grudge against Big Man.”

      A quote from the Associated Press obituary that has now been
      enjoyed around the world reads: “He (Big Man) was a beloved member
      (of the Black Panther Party),” (Billy X) Jennings said. “People
      might have had different grudges against Bobby (Seale) or Eldridge
      (Cleaver), but nobody got a grudge against Big Man.”

*New York Times*: 

*Democracy Now*: 

*Santa Rosa Press Democrat*: 
also, a reprint of a December 2012 Press Democrat tribute to Big Man 
with some little known information that is no longer available on their 
site: http://pachline.org/pach-board-member-recognized-in-press-democrat/


This photo of the same news conference shows how many reporters Big Man 
could attract on a moment’s notice. The original BPP minister of 
education, he had become “deputy” to Eldridge Cleaver, but when Cleaver 
was forced into exile, Big Man resumed the role of principle party 
spokesperson. That day, Nov. 27, 1970, was the opening day for the Black 
Panther Party Revolutionary People’s Convention in Philadelphia that has 
been called one of the most significant events of the Black Power 
period. – Photo: Stephen Shames



*People’s World*: 

*Stuttgarter-Zeitung, Germany*: 


*MinuteNews of France*: 


      *Big Man’s journalism*


On the Bay View’s first Black Media Appreciation Night on Nov. 26, 2012, 
a highlight of the night was Big Man’s acceptance of the Black 
Resistance Media Legacy Award on behalf of The Black Panther newspaper; 
he was its founding editor. – Photo: Bill Jennings, It’s About Time

A compilation of his stories published by the Sonoma County Gazette: 

Article on Big Man’s radio career playing his favorite jazz: 

Stories by and about Big Man published by the Bay View:

  * In remembrance: Kiilu Nyasha
    <http://sfbayview.com/2018/04/in-remembrance-kiilu-nyasha/>, April
    12, 2018
  * Grove Street College
    <http://sfbayview.com/2017/09/grove-street-college/>, Sept. 29, 2017
  * Reflections on the Oakland firetrap inferno
    Dec. 10, 2016
  * The need for a united front against fascism
    Nov. 30, 2016
  * Revolutionary 50 years of the Black Panther Party
    Oct. 29, 2016
  * Big Man: Reflections of my life experiences, today’s conditions
    Aug. 10, 2016
  * My take on ‘The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution’
    March 31, 2016
  * Original Black Panther Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard broadcasts jazz
    Feb. 23, 2016
  * Concerning reactionaries and thugs: The New Black Panther Party
    Aug. 23, 2015
  * The legacy lives on: Black Panther Party founding member Elbert ‘Big
    Man’ Howard carries the message to San Diego youth
    July 16, 2015


Big Man played a major role in the struggle for justice for Andy Lopez, 
helping to form a strong Black-Brown coalition led by Latino students. 
Andy was murdered at the age of only 13 by a sheriff’s deputy in Santa 
Rosa who saw Andy walking to a friend’s house carrying a toy gun that 
other witnesses said was obviously a toy. – Photo: Susanna Lamaina

  * Former Black Panther Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard celebrated at ACLU
    June 1, 2015
  * In memory of Andy Lopez: Turn a negative into a positive
    July 18, 2014. The murder in Santa Rosa by law enforcement of Andy
    Lopez, 13, in October 2013 prompted Big Man, with the Police
    Accountability Clinic and Helpline (PACH) he founded, to play a
    major role in the years of protest that followed. On Dec. 29, 2013,
    he gave a speech to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors that is
    published by the Sonoma County Gazette at
  * Sonoma honors Big Man’s 50th year of community service
    May 10, 2011
  * My thoughts on ‘Showdown in Desire: The Black Panthers take a stand
    in New Orleans’
    Feb. 19, 2010

      *A message to us from Big Man*

“Settle and forget petty arguments that provide no answers or positive 
steps toward solutions. There may not be any easy answers. To move 
forward takes trust, a willingness to listen and open mindedness.” – Big 
Man, Aug. 13, 2017

/Big Man’s loving and beloved wife, now widow, Carole Hyams-Howard, can 
be reached at //carolehyams at gmail.com <mailto:carolehyams at gmail.com>//. /

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