[News] Muslim Blogger Rejects Beauty Brand Award Promoted by Gal Gadot

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Thu Jan 18 12:14:02 EST 2018


  Muslim Blogger Rejects Beauty Brand Award Promoted by Gal Gadot

18 January 2018

Palestinian-American blogger Amani Khatahtbeh made headlines this week 
after she refused to accept an award from the cosmetic brand Revlon over 
having its branding ambassador be actress Gal Gadot, a former Israeli 
soldier who had publicly supported the 2014 Israeli deadly war against 
the Palestinian Gaza strip in 2014.

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Khatahtbeh is the creator of the website Muslim Girl 
<http://muslimgirl.com/> which highlights women voices from within the 
Muslim communities that would otherwise go unnoticed or be ignored by 
mainstream media.

Revlon recently kicked off a new campaign called “Live Boldly” and chose 
Wonder Woman's star Gadot as its ambassador to assert the women 
empowerment narrative. Earlier this week the beauty brand decided to 
give its Changemaker award to Khatahtbeh for her advocacy efforts for 
Muslim women.

"I cannot accept this award from Revlon with Gal Gadot as the 
ambassador," Amani wrote in an Instagram post 
<https://www.instagram.com/p/BeBGBSQD8JA/?taken-by=amani> Tuesday. "Her 
vocal support of the Israeli Defense Forces' actions in Palestine goes 
against MuslimGirl.com’s morals and values. I can't, in good conscience, 
accept this award from the brand and celebrate Gal's ambassadorship 
after the IDF imprisoned a 16-year-old girl named Ahed Tamimi last 
month, an activist who is currently still incarcerated."

Palestinian girl Tamimi was arrested last month in her West Bank village 
of Nabi Saleh after she slapped an Israeli soldier in her home's 
backyard. A day earlier occupation forces had shot her 15-year-old 
cousin in the head, causing him permanent brain damage, according to 
media reports.

While celebrated as a figure of women’s empowerment in the West, Gadot 
is seen by Muslim and Arab communities as a supporter of such oppression 
against Tamimi and other Palestinians by Israel.

In a Facebook post in summer 2014 Gadot expressed her support for the 
50-day Israeli war on Gaza saying “I send love and prayers to all the 
girls and boys protecting my country” in reference to Israeli soldiers 
engaged in the war.

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The assault on the blockaded enclave claimed the lives of more than 
2,000 people, most of them civilians, while worsening an already dire 
humanitarian crisis.

Gadot herself served in the Israeli army for few years before becoming a 
Hollywood celebrity in the United States. Her widely celebrated movie 
Wonder Woman was banned in few Middle Eastern countries over her ties 
and support to the Israeli army, while pro-Palestinian activists called 
for boycotting the film.

"It means so much to me when @muslimgirl's work is recognized and 
elevated in spaces from which we've been traditionally excluded," 
Khatahtbeh added in her Instagram post. "But that's what makes it even 
more important at this moment to elevate and stand up for ALL women and 
girls. This shouldn't have to be said, but we can't accept role models 
that support the oppression of women and girls in other parts of the world."

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