[News] As Israel intensifies tactics to suppress dissent, censorship in U.S. increases

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 6 15:11:51 EST 2018


February 2018

    As Israel intensifies tactics to suppress dissent, censorship in
    U.S. increases

*Executive Summary*

Hurricane victims in Dickinson, Texas were required 
to pledge not to boycott Israel as a condition of receiving relief aid. 
A New York City bookstore hid a children’s book, /P is for Palestine/, 
behind the cash register after widespread demands 
for censorship. A Palestinian-American professor at San Francisco State 
University was sued 
for researching and teaching about Palestine. A black student leader at 
the University of Wisconsin was condemned 
for speaking out against the connections between white supremacy and 
Zionism by Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Education’s 
(DOE) Office for Civil Rights.

As the movement for Palestinian rights continues to grow, the Israeli 
state <https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5063599,00.html> and 
its proxy organizations 
in the U.S. are investing heavily in punitive measures 
to intimidate and chill the free speech of those who wish to express 
criticism of Israeli policies.

Palestine Legal responded to *308 incidents of suppression* of 
U.S.-based Palestine advocacy in 2017, a 19% increase from 2016 
<https://palestinelegal.org/2016-report>. The incidents included 
baseless lawsuits, administrative disciplinary actions, violence, 
censorship, and false accusations of terrorism and antisemitism. *Eighty 
percent* targeted students and scholars at 73 campuses across the 
country. Additionally, Palestine Legal responded to 57 legal questions 
from activists who were concerned their rights were threatened.

Over four years, from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2017, 
Palestine Legal has responded to a total of *958 incidents of 
suppression* targeting speech supportive of Palestinian rights, and an 
additional 257 requests for legal assistance in anticipation of such 
incidents. This data reflects only what was directly reported to 
Palestine Legal, and therefore is not an exhaustive account of the 

Separately, elected officials introduced at least *32 legislative 
measures *in 2017**targeting Palestine advocacy, particularly support 
for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns. BDS seeks to hold 
Israel and corporate actors accountable under international law for 
violations of Palestinian rights. The legislative measures include at 
least two bills in Congress. Since 2014, at least *102 bills have been 
introduced* in the U.S targeting speech supportive of Palestinian 
rights. To date, *24 states have enacted* 
<https://palestinelegal.org/righttoboycott/> anti-boycott measures.

The first such law to be challenged was blocked by a federal judge 
in Kansas in January 2018 because "the First Amendment protects the 
right to participate in a boycott like the one punished by the Kansas law."

The following illustrates the most notable trends in suppression of 
Palestine advocacy in 2017.

*Meritless Lawsuits and Legal Threats on the Rise*

Palestine Legal responded to 36 lawsuits and legal threats launched 
against activists in 2017, up from 13 in 2016. This reflects the 
intensification of legal bullying to suppress support for Palestinian 
rights. For example:


Lawmakers, prompted by Israel lobby groups, introduced at least 32 
legislative measures in 2017 to condemn or restrict advocacy for 
Palestinian rights. These include:

  * Municipal and state legislation aimed at countering boycotts for
    Palestinian rights through the creation of political blacklists;
    prohibitions on government contracts with entities that support
    boycotts for Palestinian rights; and/or prohibitions on state
    investments in companies that support boycotts for Palestinian
    rights. States such as Wisconsin
    <https://palestinelegal.org/wisconsin>, Texas
    <https://palestinelegal.org/texas>, and North Carolina
    <https://palestinelegal.org/northcarolina> enacted unconstitutional
    laws in 2017. Overall, 24 states have enacted such measures.
  * A federal judge in January 2018 enjoined Kansas
    from enforcing its anti-boycott law because it violates the
    Constitution. The decision explains, “The Kansas Law’s legislative
    history reveals that its goal is to undermine the message of those
    participating in a boycott of Israel.  This is either viewpoint
    discrimination against the opinion that Israel mistreats
    Palestinians or subject matter discrimination on the topic of
    Israel.  Both are impermissible goals under the First Amendment.”
  * Legislation introduced in Virginia
    South Carolina
    and Tennessee
    attempting to codify an overbroad and widely discredited definition
    of antisemitism aimed at stifling Palestine advocacy. All three
    measures were defeated.
  * In Congress, the controversial Israel Anti-Boycott Act
    <https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/720> was
    introduced. If enacted, the bill would impose severe financial
    penalties and up to 20 years in prison for certain actions taken in
    support of boycotts for Palestinian rights “fostered or imposed” by
    an international governmental organization like the E.U. or the U.N.
    The bill failed to pass in 2017 and was highly criticized
    for its draconian measures. More than 100 groups
    along with the ACLU
    called on legislators to reject this legislation. At least one
    senator withdrew
    support, and its sponsor has indicated
    he will amend it to alleviate First Amendment concerns.

*Rampant False Accusations of Antisemitism and Terrorism Lead to Threats 
and Censorship*

142 reported incidents in 2017 involved accusations of antisemitism 
based solely on speech critical of Israeli policies. 123 reported 
incidents in 2017 involved unsubstantiated accusations of support for 
terrorism, based solely on speech critical of Israeli policies. For example:

  * In March 2017, San Francisco Hillel filed charges of religious
    against organizers of a Know Your Rights fair at SFSU after Hillel
    was not provided a table at the event. A five-month investigation by
    campus officials determined that the discrimination charge was
    unfounded and that there was no evidence of anti-Jewish animus.
    Instead, investigators faulted organizers for “retaliation” and
    “viewpoint discrimination” against Hillel. The event organizers
    appealed the decision, which is pending.
  * After students at Tufts University voted in April 2017 to support
    the university’s divestment from companies engaging in human rights
    abuses in Palestine, they received a wave of hate mail
    blackmail threats, and accusations of antisemitism. Jewish members
    of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for
    Peace (JVP) experienced unique targeting, as they were repeatedly
    called “kapos” (a term for Jews who were selected to serve as
    administrators in Nazi concentration camps) and emailed graphic
    Holocaust images.
  * Consul General of Israel in New York Dani Dayan accused
    SJP members at the City College of New York of “verbal terrorism”
    after they asked critical questions regarding Israeli human rights
    abuses during the Q&A portion of a May 2017 event. The event was
    sponsored by Students Supporting Israel (SSI) and featured Dayan.
    The right-wing Zionist Organization of America made baseless
    allegations about SJP’s conduct at the event, including
    unsubstantiated accusations of antisemitism. SJP members faced
    racist harassment and physical aggression by a member of SSI. The
    administration launched a months-long investigation into the event,
    and ultimately changed the university’s policies related to inviting
    outside speakers.
  * The David Horowitz Freedom Center plastered at least 15 campuses
    in 2017 with posters naming individual students and professors
    believed to support boycotts for Palestinian rights, calling them
    “terrorist supporters.” The 2017 poster campaigns were preceded by
    similar campaigns in 2015 and 2016, attempting to defame individual
    students and professors as supporters of terrorism and responsible
    for “Jew hatred” based solely on their public support for
    Palestinian rights.
  * UC Irvine (UCI) punished
    <https://palestinelegal.org/news/2017/8/31/uci> SJP with two years
    of probation because they chanted slogans critical of Israeli
    policies at the end of the Q&A portion of a May 2017 event featuring
    Israeli soldiers. The chanting occurred only after one of the
    soldiers physically assaulted a student, and it followed days of
    harassment by the soldiers who had followed Palestinian students on
    and off campus. The Brandeis Center, SSI, Hillel and others falsely
    accused the students of chanting threatening and antisemitic
    remarks, and demanded
    that the students be criminally prosecuted and punished under campus
    policies. In response to the pressure, UCI investigated SJP for
    disruption and found them responsible.
  * The homes of two leaders of U.S. organizations working for justice
    in Palestine were canvassed with posters
    featuring their pictures alongside baseless accusations that they’re
    likely to engage in terrorism solely because of their advocacy for
    Palestinian rights. The posters pictured JVP director Rebecca
    Vilkomerson and AMP founder Hatem Bazian and warned in bold letters,
    “Today terror abroad. Tomorrow terror at home!” The posters were
    left on cars lining the blocks surrounding both homes – one in
    Berkeley, CA, and one in Brooklyn, NY.

  * In November 2017, The New School was subjected to an intense
    campaign by Israel advocates demanding that the university cancel a
    panel on combatting antisemitism featuring speakers critical of
    Israeli policies. Panelists included co-chair of the National
    Women’s March and Palestinian-American community organizer Linda
    Sarsour, JVP director Rebecca Vilkomerson and other Jewish
    activists. More than 21,000 people signed a petition calling on the
    New School to censor the panel, a major donor threatened
    to cut-off funding if the panel proceeded and /New York Daily News/,
    /New York Post/, Fox News and other outlets featured articles
    falsely accusing panelists of antisemitism. The sold-out panel
    continued as planned
  * In October 2017, the American Jewish Historical Society cancelled
    two events
    <https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/11/arts/jewish-center-faces-backlash-after-canceling-play-criticized-as-anti-israel.html> in
    response to a campaign arguing that the organization should not
    affiliate with artists and groups that support Palestinian rights.
    The first event was a discussion on the Balfour Declaration
    <https://www.jvpnyc.org/events/2017/10/26/the-balfour-declaration-support-for-a-jewish-homeland-or-jewish-state-is-there-a-difference> hosted
    by JVP. The second event was a reading of a new play by playwright
    Dan Fishback
    exploring how some Jewish families are divided over the politics of
    Palestine-Israel. The cancellations drew sharp criticism from those
    in the arts, calling it “right-wing censorship.”

*Employees Fired, Academic Positions Eliminated*

Palestine Legal documented numerous instances of people who were fired, 
suspended, investigated on the job, or denied job opportunities due to 
their perceived support for Palestinian rights. Those that were public 
and reported in the media include:

  * A Quaker high school in Philadelphia fired two teachers
    after they invited Palestinian-American Sa’ed Atshan, a peace and
    conflict studies professor at Swarthmore College, to speak about
    Israelis and Palestinians who support human rights, nonviolence and
    equality. Atshan, himself a Quaker, was invited back to the school
    after his talk was cancelled, but said
    <http://mondoweiss.net/2017/08/palestinian-professor-cancelled/> he
    could not in good conscience speak there unless the fired teachers
    were reinstated. The teachers filed
    discrimination complaints with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity

  * Fresno State University in California abruptly cancelled a search
    in April 2017 for a chair in Middle East Studies (MES) named after
    the late Palestinian-American intellectual Edward Said after the
    search committee had narrowed the candidates down to four finalists
    of Palestinian or Arab descent. The Director of the MES program
    resigned in protest, explaining that the search was cancelled
    because of pressure from pro-Israel faculty members.
  * Professor N. Bruce Duthu, a Native American studies scholar at
    Dartmouth College, was forced to resign from his appointment as dean
    of the faculty
    for arts and sciences at Dartmouth College after critics attacked
    him for signing the Native American and Indigenous Studies
    Association's 2013 statement
    <http://www.naisa.org/declaration-of-support-for-the-boycott-of-israeli-academic-institutions.html> in
    support of a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. Duthu was not
    a vocal supporter of the boycott resolution but was treasurer of the
    association at the time it adopted the statement. His critics
    included pro-Israel faculty, right-wing media outlets, and Senator
    Ted Cruz who tweeted, “Our universities are more & more becoming
    hotbeds for Leftist intolerance and anti-Israel hatred.”

*Attempts to Censor Support for Boycotts for Palestinian Rights*

Palestine Legal responded to 141 cases in which advocates for boycott, 
divestment and sanctions (BDS) for Palestinian rights faced censorship, 
legal threats and other suppression. For example:

  * Cal State Long Beach President wrote
    student senators in April 2017 urging them to stop a student
    divestment initiative, claiming erroneously that their campaign was
    to blame for the rise in white supremacist vandalism on campus.
    Meanwhile, the administration took no action in response to graffiti
    threatening to “kill all Muslims on Friday.”

The letter singled out the student government leader, who is black, for 
condemning white supremacy. Brandeis Center also called on the student 
government to adopt a widely-discredited re-definition of antisemitism 
that classifies virtually all Palestine advocacy as inherently 
antisemitic. The student government adopted this definition 
in September.

*Violence and Threats of Violence*

Palestine Legal responded to 23 incidents of violence and threats of 
violence against activists for Palestinian rights. Many of the 
threatened individuals asked to remain anonymous. Some examples include:

  * A Palestinian-American teacher was brutally beaten
    outside the AIPAC conference in Washington, DC in March 2017 by
    members of the Jewish Defense League
    (JDL), a violent hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center says
    “preaches a violent form of anti-Arab, Jewish nationalism,” and
    which has been labeled by the FBI as a rightwing terrorist group.
    JDL members charged at protesters with flagpoles, yelling “kapos” at
    Jewish protesters and causing multiple injuries. One JDL member was
    indicted for assault with a hate crime enhancement
    in December.
  * Student activists at New York University received a series of death
    and violent warnings cautioning them not to engage in further
    advocacy in support of Palestinian rights. For example, one message
    read, “You will all be shhot [sic] at your next protest SJP members.
    It will be a family affair…” and “WE WILL PAINT THE STREET WITH
  * An anonymous website posted pictures of student activists with
    sniper targets on their faces, along with their home addresses,
    email addresses and telephone numbers.
  * A student was shoved and threatened in a campus elevator by another
    student who disagreed with her support for Palestinian rights.

  * The author of children’s book /P is for Palestine/, Golbarg Bashi,
    received death threats in advance of her November book signing in
    New York City. Police were alerted. Uniformed JDL members threatened
    attending a Hanukkah storytime reading the following month.

*Incidents by State*

Palestine Legal responded *to 958 incidents* of suppression and *102 
legislative measures* in *38 different states* (including the District 
of Columbia) from January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2017. The five states 
with the highest number of reported incidents, including legislative 
measures, are:

  * California: 291
  * New York: 268
  * Illinois: 81
  * Massachusetts: 45
  * District of Columbia: 28

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