[News] Israel kills teen, disabled man in Gaza protests

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Dec 21 18:31:38 EST 2018


  Israel kills teen, disabled man in Gaza protests

Maureen Clare Murphy 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 21 
December 2018


Israeli occupation forces shot and killed three Palestinians 
<http://mezan.org/post/27454>, including a 16-year-old, during protests 
in the Gaza Strip on Friday.

The slain boy, identified as Muhammad Mouin al-Jahjouh, was shot in the 

Maher Atiyya Muhammad Yassin, a 40-year-old man with physical 
disabilities resulting from polio, was killed by a live bullet to the 
head. A photo of Yassin was published by Palestinian outlets following 
the announcement of his death:

    الشهيد ماهر عطية ياسين (40 عاماً) من النصيرات والذي ارتقى متأثراً
    بإصابته شرق البريج وسط قطاع #غزة
    جرّاء قمع قوات الاحتلال لفعاليات مسيرة العودة، اليوم.
    pic.twitter.com/Q93fAMh4VF <https://t.co/Q93fAMh4VF>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) December 21, 2018

Abd al-Aziz Abu Sharia, 28, died after being shot in the stomach:

    الشهيد عبد العزيز إبراهيم أبو شريعة (28 عاماً) من حيْ الصبرة والذي
    ارتقى متأثراً بإصابته برصاص الاحتلال شرق مدينة #غزة
    اليوم. pic.twitter.com/YPJhZKFHYJ <https://t.co/YPJhZKFHYJ>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) December 21, 2018

Gaza’s health ministry said 
<https://twitter.com/press221/status/1076134822244945921> that 40 others 
were injured by live fire during protests along Gaza’s eastern perimeter 
on Friday, including two journalists and four paramedics.

Photojournalist Sami Misran was reported to have been hit by Israeli 
gunfire in the leg while covering Friday’s protests east of Bureij, 
central Gaza:

    إصابة المصور الصحفي سامي مصران بطلق ناري في قدمه خلال تغطيته فعاليات
    مسيرة العودة شرق مخيم البريج، وسط قطاع #غزة
    pic.twitter.com/LpAQUs0eNA <https://t.co/LpAQUs0eNA>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) December 21, 2018

A camera belonging to The Electronic Intifada contributor 
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/mohammed-asad> Mohammed Asad was 
by an Israeli bullet during the protests.

This video shows smoke inside an ambulance after it was hit with a gas 
canister east of Gaza City:

    قوات الاحتلال تستهدف بشكل مباشر سيارة إسعاف بقنبلة غاز انفجرت
    داخلها، شرق مدينة #غزة
    pic.twitter.com/QQOuFj4ee1 <https://t.co/QQOuFj4ee1>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) December 21, 2018

    Children killed

More than 175 Palestinians, including 35 children, have been killed 
during Great March of Return protests along Gaza’s boundary with Israel 
since their launch on 30 March.

The youngest among those killed was 4-year-old Ahmad Abu Abid 
who died on 11 December after having been struck by shrapnel while being 
carried in his father’s arms four days earlier.

“Ahmad sustained injuries to his head, chest and abdomen which caused 
his death,” according to 
Defense for Children International Palestine.

“An MRI revealed that shrapnel had entered Ahmad’s brain through his 
eye,” the group added.

Israeli occupation forces have killed more than one Palestinian child 
per week on average during 2018.

Soldiers shot and killed Qasim Muhammad Ali al-Abbasi, 17, at a 
checkpoint near Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority in the 
occupied West Bank, on Thursday night.

The military claimed 
that it opened fire on a car that ran through a roadblock.

Surviving passengers in the car said that the group was attempting to 
reach Nablus when they realized they had accidentally turned onto a road 
leading to an Israeli settlement.

Muhammad Hani al-Abbasi told the Ma’an News Agency 
<http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=782141> that as the group tried 
to get back to the main road, “we were chased by either Israeli soldiers 
or settlers, we could barely see as there were not enough lights and it 
was very dark.”

Muhammad added: “We were surrounded, they randomly opened fire at us, we 
did not stop, we kept going fast, the vehicle’s glass broke and the 
tires were punctured.”

Israeli soldiers forced the group out of the car and made them carry 
Qasim out of the vehicle.

Muhammad said that Qasim was kept on the ground for an hour before being 
transferred to an ambulance.

Qasim’s family in Silwan, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, are 
demanding <http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=782143> an 
investigation into the teen’s death, including an autopsy. Israel is 
withholding the boy’s body.

Israel is also withholding the body of Hamdan al-Arda 
a 59-year-old businessman who was killed in the town of al-Bireh in the 
Ramallah area last week, not far from where Qasim al-Abbasi was shot.

Israel claimed that al-Arda was killed as he attempted to attack 
soldiers with his car but doubt was soon cast on that narrative.

An eyewitness told the Israeli daily /Haaretz/ that al-Arda was taken by 
surprise by a large group of soldiers in the road as he was driving 
towards his aluminum import business, where the military was 
confiscating security cameras.

According to /Haaretz/, “When al-Arda approached in his car, the 
soldiers who were either outside the shop or suddenly exited the shop 
shouted at him, ‘Stop!,’ and aimed their rifles at him.

“Instead of braking, al-Arda pressed on the gas. The witness concluded 
that he was startled and therefore pressed down on the wrong pedal.”

Four soldiers opened fire simultaneously at al-Arda. The military did 
not allow Palestinian paramedics to approach al-Arda and his body was 
taken away in an armored vehicle.

    Soldiers prevented medics from reaching teen

Israeli forces also prevented medics from treating Mahmoud Nakhla 
<https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium--1.6765800>, an 
18-year-old shot and killed 
in Jalazone refugee camp near Ramallah last week.

Nakhla was shot in the back by a soldier, according to a Palestinian 
investigator with the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.

An eyewitness saw a soldier nudge Nakhla with his foot, “apparently to 
see if the teen was still alive,” /Haaretz/ reported.

“They then pulled up his shirt and pulled down his pants, apparently to 
check whether the stone-throwing youth was a dangerous, booby-trapped 

The soldiers carried away Nakhla by his hands and feet, ignoring pleas 
by Palestinian residents to provide access to the medics who had arrived 
to the scene.

Soldiers only allowed an ambulance to approach after 15 minutes, 
according to /Haaretz/.

“A video clip shows Nakhla raising one hand limply to the back of his 
neck, proof that he was still alive,” the paper reported. “Half-naked, 
he’s placed on a stretcher and put in the ambulance, which speeds off, 
its siren wailing, to the Government Hospital in Ramallah.”

The teen died on the way to the hospital. Nakhla died from “loss of 
blood after a bullet entered his lower back, struck his liver and hit a 
main artery, damaging other internal organs.”

Israel claimed that soldiers had fired at “a Palestinian holding a 
suspicious object.”

    “Inconsistencies in the official Israeli narrative”

Both the businessman Hamdan al-Arda and the teen Mahmoud Nakhla were 
killed during a week of increased violence in the West Bank in which 
three additional Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers were killed.

A baby also died days after being born prematurely following the 
shooting of his mother at a bus stop near the Ofra settlement.

Days later, soldiers reportedly killed Salah Barghouti, a 29-year-old 
Palestinian suspected by Israel in the drive-by shooting in which the 
woman in her seventh month of pregnancy was critically wounded and six 
others were injured.

The Palestinian rights group Al-Haq stated 
<https://twitter.com/alhaq_org/status/1075414585677701120> this week 
that its documentation “indicates inconsistencies in the official 
Israeli narrative.”

and a rights group 
have said that Barghouti was alive when he was detained.

“The family has the right to be informed of the circumstances of 
[Barghouti’s] arrest and detention and possible death,” Al-Haq stated.

“The lack of evidence to the effect that he has been killed amounts to 
ill-treatment, collective punishment and enforced disappearance.”

Israel has named 
Salah Barghouti’s brother Asim as the gunman who killed two soldiers at 
the Givat Assaf outpost near Ramallah last week. He is also suspected of 
involvement in the shooting attack at Ofra.

Israeli forces raided the village of Kobar, where the Barghouti family 
lives, and took measurements in preparation for the demolition of the 
family’s home:

    جيش الاحتلال ينشر فيديو يتضمن عملية أخذ قياسات منازل منفذي العمليات
    الأخيرة في عوفرا وجفعات آساف تمهيدا لهدمها.
    pic.twitter.com/4eKBVK8eU6 <https://t.co/4eKBVK8eU6>

    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) December 21, 2018

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