[News] Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (13 – 19 December 2018)

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Fri Dec 21 11:56:50 EST 2018


  Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied
  Palestinian Territory (13 – 19 December 2018)

December 21, 2018

/*Israeli forces continued with systematic crimes, in the occupied 
Palestinian territory (oPt), for the week of 13 – 19 December, 2018.*/

/Israeli forces killed Ashraf Na’alwah in a crime of extra-judicial 
execution. 2 civilians, including an elderly, were killed in Ramallah 
and al-Bireh. 24 Palestinian civilians were wounded, including 7 
children and a journalist, in separate shooting incidents, in the 
occupied West Bank./

/Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against the peaceful 
protestors in the Gaza Strip; 151 civilians, including 45 children, 9 
women, 4 journalists, and 5 paramedics, were wounded; the injury of 4 of 
them was reported as serious./


In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces continued to use lethal force 
against the participants in the peaceful protests organized along the 
Gaza Strip borders, which witnessed the peaceful protests for the 38^th 
  week along the eastern and northern border area of the Gaza Strip.  
They also continued to use armed force as well during the incursions 
into the West Bank.  In the West Bank, the Israeli forces killed 3 
Palestinian civilians, including an elderly, and wounded 24 others, 
including 7 children and a journalist, in separate shooting incidents.  
In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces wounded 154 civilians, including 
45 children, 9 women, 4 journalists, and 5 paramedics.  The injury of 4 
of those wounded was reported serious.

In the West Bank, on 13 December 2018, Israeli forces killed Hamdan 
al-‘Aardah (60) who was from ‘Arrabah village, south of Jenin, and lived 
in al-Bireh.  He was killed when he was driving his car in al-Bireh 
industrial area coming back home from his work.  When he approached the 
vehicles, an Israeli soldier opened fire at him, wounding his head with 
2 bullets.  Israeli media claimed on its websites that he attempted to 
carry out a run-over attack, and the Israeli forces repeat such claims 
in similar killings.

On 14 December 2018, Mahmoud Yousif Nakhlah (18) from al-Jalazone 
refugee camp, north of Ramallah, was killed by the Israeli forces when 
he was participating in a peaceful protest at the main entrance of the 
camp.  One of the Israeli soldiers randomly and heavily opened fire at 
the demonstrators from a distance of 50 meters.  As a result, Mahmoud 
was hit with a bullet in the abdomen.

In the same context, the Israeli forces during the reporting period 
wounded 24 civilians, including 7 children and a journalist, in separate 
shooting incidents.

In the Gaza Strip, as part of using excessive force against the peaceful 
protesters along the Gaza Strip borders, during the reporting period, 
Israeli forces wounded 151 civilians, including 45 children, 9 women, 4 
journalists, and 5 paramedics.  The injury of 4 of those wounded was 
reported serious.

*Injuries in the Gaza Strip between 13 and 19 December 2018 According to 
the Governorate*

*Governorate* 	Injuries
Total 	Children 	Women 	Journalists 	Paramedics 	Critical Injuries
*Northern Gaza Strip* 	51 	17 	7 	1 	2 	4
*Gaza City* 	40 	3 	0 	2 	0 	0
*Central Gaza Strip* 	43 	16 	2 	0 	3 	0
*Khan Younis* 	8 	3 	0 	1 	0 	0
*Rafah* 	10 	6 	0 	0 	0 	2
*Total* 	152 	45 	9 	4 	5 	6

As part of targeting the Palestinian fishermen in the sea, the Israeli 
forces continued to escalate their attacks against the Palestinian 
fishermen, indicating the on-going Israeli policy to target their 
livelihoods.  During the reporting period, PCHR documented 12 incidents 
against fishermen.  As a result, 4 fishermen were arrested, including a 
child, and 2 of them were wounded in addition to confiscating their 2 
boats while fishing.

As part of targeting the border areas on 18 December 2018, Israeli 
forces stationed in eastern al-Shija’iyah neighbourhood, east of Gaza 
City, opened fire at one of the bird hunters there.  As a result, he was 
hit with a bullet to the right leg.

*_Extra-judicial Execution Crimes:_*

On 13 December 2018, Israeli forces killed Ashraf Na’alwah (23) from 
Shweikah Suburb in Tulkarm when they moved into ‘ASkar al-Jadid refugee 
camp, northeast of Nablus, and heavily opened fire at him.  It should be 
noted that the Israeli forces had chased the above-mentioned civilian 
since 07 October 2018 on grounds of being accused of carrying out a 
shooting attack in Burkan Industrial Area, west of Salfit, and killing 
at the time 2 settlers and wounded a third one. Eyewitnesses said that 
they did not hear any sound indicating occurrence of an exchange of fire 
in the building.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 
134military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 
6 similar incursions into Jerusalem and its suburbs. During those 
incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 108 Palestinians, including 
15 children, a woman, a journalist and 2 PLC Members, in the West Bank.  
Moreover, 50 others, including 3 children, were arrested in Jerusalem 
and its suburbs.

In the Gaza Strip, on 13 December 2018, Israeli forces moved 100 meters 
into the southern side of the border fence off “Zikim” Military base, 
northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.  The vehicles 
started levelling and combing the lands that were previously levelled 
amidst Israeli sporadic shooting.  On 19 December 2018, Israeli forces 
conducted a similar incursion into eastern al-Bureij in the central Gaza 

*_Collective Punishment Measures:_*

As part of the collective punishment policy adopted by the Israeli 
forces against the  families of Palestinians accused of carrying out 
attacks against Israeli soldiers or/and settlers, on Tuesday early 
morning, 15 December 2018, the Israeli forces blew up a building 
belonging to the family of prisoner Islam Abu Hmeid in al-Am’ari refugee 
camp in central al-Bireh. .  The demolition came under the pretext that 
a marble stone was thrown on the head of an Israeli soldier during an 
incursion into the camp on 06 June 2018 and led to his death. Blowing up 
the building came two days following the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin 
Netanyahu’s decision to expedite the demolitions of the houses belonging 
to Palestinians carrying out attacks. The building was comprised of 4 
floors and built on an area of 150 square meters.  It should be 
mentioned that the Israeli forces demolished the house of the Abu Humaid 
family for the third time as the first time was in 1994 and the second 
in 2003.*__*Moreover, the family of Abu Hamid had a son who was killed 
previously by the Israeli forces and has 6 prisoners serving their 
sentences in the Israeli prisons, the last one was Islam who was 
arrested on 13 June 2018.

On 17 December 2018, Israeli forces destroyed the internal and external 
walls of 2 floors in the 3-storey house belonging to the family of 
Ashraf Na’alwah in Shweikah Suburb, north of Tulkarm.  It should be 
noted that the abovementioned civilian was killed on 13 December 2018 in 
‘Askar al-Jadid refugee camp, northeast of Nablus.

*_Israeli Forces continued to create a Jewish Majority in occupied East 

As part of the Israeli house demolitions and notices, on 16 December 
2018, Yousif Qara’in self-demolished an under-construction room of 16 
square meters in al-Farouq neighbourhood in al-Mukaber Mount village, 
south of occupied East Jerusalem, after the Israeli Municipality in the 
City handed him a demolition order.

On 18 December 2018, Israeli forces demolished 2 apartments ready for 
inhabitation that was owned by Amin ‘Aqeil in al-Farouq in al-Mukaber 
Mount village, south of occupied Jerusalem.  Each apartment was of 90 
square meters and ready for his sons, Usamah and Haitham, to live in.

*_Israeli Forces continued their settlement activities, and the settlers 
continued their attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property_*

As part of the Israeli settlers’ attacks against the Palestinians 
civilians and their property, PCHR’s fieldworkers in the West Bank 
documented 31 attacks that were carried out by the Israeli settlers 
during the reporting period.  As a result, 5 civilians sustained wounds 
and bruises and 77 cars sustained damage.

*_Extra-Judicial Executions:_*

  * At approximately 01:30 on Thursday, 13 December 2018, large numbers
    of Israeli forces moved into ‘Askar al-Jadid refugee camp, northeast
    of Nablus, and stationed in the vicinity of a building belonging to
    Hussein Mohammed Bushkar. Many of them topped the roofs of the
    nearby buildings and surrounded the 3-storey building. Following
    that, heavy explosions and shooting were heard in the area.  At
    approximately 03:30, the Israeli soldiers took out a dead body from
    the second floor in the building , where there was an empty
    apartment, on a litter covered with a dark color cover.  The Israeli
    forces later declared that they managed to kill Ashraf Walid Soliman
    Na’alwah (23) from Shwikah Suburb in Tulkarm. The Israeli forces
    also arrested the 2 siblings Raied (36) and Amjad Hussain Mohamed
    Bushkar (45). Raied sustained wounds after Israeli dogs attacking
    him inside his apartment. Na’alwah had been chased by the Israeli
    forces since 07 October 2018 on grounds of being accused of carrying
    out a shooting attack in Burkan Industrial Area, west of Salfit, and
    killing at the time 2 settlers and wounded a third one. Since that
    day, the Israeli forces carried out dozens of incursions against
    villages, cities and camps in northern West Bank, where they
    threatened civilians to be punished if they help Na’alwah or supply
    him with food. The Israeli forces’ chasing resulted in the killing
    of Mohammed Habali (22), from Tulkarm, on 04 December 2018. It
    should be noted that Mohammed is a person with disabilities.

*_Collective Punishment:_*

  * As part of Continuing to Apply Collective Punishment Policy against
    Families of Those Carrying Attacks against Soldiers and Settlers, on
    Saturday early morning, 15 December 2018, the Israeli forces blew up
    a building belonging to the family of prisoner Islam Abu Hmeid in
    al-Am’ari refugee camp in central al-Bireh.  Blowing up the building
    came two days after the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netenyahu’s
    decision to expedite the demolitions of the houses belonging to
    Palestinians carrying out attacks. According to PCHR’s
    investigations and eyewitnesses’ accounts, at approximately 01:30 on
    the abovementioned day, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles
    and around 150 soldiers moved into al-Am’ari refugee camp in central
    al-Bireh.  The soldiers stepped out of their military vehicles and
    deployed between houses while around 30 of them topped the roofs of
    many houses.  A large number of the Israeli soldiers raided a
    residential building belonging to the family of prisoner Islam Abu
    Hmeid to apply the demolition decision which the family was informed
    of previously under the pretext that a marble stone was thrown on
    the head of an Israeli soldier during an incursion into the camp on
    06 June 2018 and led to his death. Dozens of the camp’s residents
    and Palestinian activists along with International human rights
    defenders and Chairman of the Colonization and Wall Resistance
    Commission, Minister Waleed ‘Assaf, stood in front of the building
    attempting to prevent the demolition.  However, The Israeli soldiers
    forced them, including the 60-year-old mother of Islam, who was
    alone living in the building, to evacuate the building by firing
    sound bombs and teargas canisters directly at them while they were
    inside. The Israeli soldiers also beat up and pushed them, including
    photojournalist Mohammed Hamdan after breaking his cell phone, with
    the firearms’ muzzles. Following that, a large number of Israeli
    soldiers raided and searched the residential houses in the vicinity
    of the building. They forced the residents to evacuate them
    immediately and forcibly, causing fear among them. The residents
    were forced to leave towards al-Bireh School, in the center of the
    camp, where they were detained for 3 consecutive hours before the
    Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) crews were allowed to transfer
    them to the PRCS office adjacent to the camp. They were more than
    500 civilians, including children, women and elderlies, detained in
    a very cold place. In the meantime, dozens of young men and boys
    gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli soldiers who
    deployed throughout the camp. The soldiers fired heavily rubber
    bullets and tear gas canisters at them, wounding 6 young men with
    rubber bullets in addition to other civilians and journalists
    suffering tear gas inhalation and fainting. Meanwhile, an Israeli
    military force was demolishing the internal walls of the building
    with special equipment and planting a large quantity of explosives
    inside it in preparation for blowing it up. At approximately 06:50,
    the 150-square-meter building comprised of 4 floors was blown up and
    completely destroyed. It is noteworthy that the Israeli forces
    demolished the house of the Abu Humaid family for the third time as
    the first time was in 1994 and the second in 2003.  Moreover, the
    family of Abu Hamid had a son who was killed previously by the
    Israeli forces and has 6 prisoners serving their sentences in the
    Israeli prisons, the last one was Islam who was arrested on 13 June

  * At approximately 02:10 on the abovementioned day, the Israeli forces
    backed by 40 military vehicles, 2 bulldozers, around 170 soldiers
    and drones moved into Shuwikah Suburb, north of Tulkarm. The
    soldiers stepped out of their military vehicles and deployed between
    houses in Na’alwah neighborhood while 50 of them topped the roofs of
    many houses. Around 100 soldiers raided a 3-story residential
    building belonging to Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alwah in an attempt
    to apply the demolition decision while a number of civilians and
    journalists were inside it. After the Israeli soldiers forced those
    who were in the house to evacuate it at gunpoint, they deployed in
    the 3 floors and thoroughly searched the house using a large number
    of police dogs. The engineering units put signs on the ground floor
    walls, which consisted of 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and 2
    bathrooms, and then around 100 soldiers demolished the walls by a
    bulldozer and hand hammers. Following that, the Israeli forces moved
    into the underground floor, which was inhabited by Ashraf, and
    consisted of 2 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, and demolished it in
    the same way. During the demolition, the Israeli forces attempted to
    prevent around 30 journalists, who were in the area, from
    photographing the area. The soldiers chased them on houses’ roofs
    more than once and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them.
    As a result, journalist Mo’een Shadeed, a reporter at Palestine TV
    Channel, fainted and received medical treatment on the spot. At
    approximately 09:40, the Israeli forces fired a barrage of sound
    bombs and tear gas canisters at the civilians, who gathered in the area.

*_Use of Force against Demonstrations in Protest against the U.S. 
President’s Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel:_*

Israeli forces continued its excessive use of lethal force against 
peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians in the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip, and it was named as “The Great March of Return and 
Breaking Siege.” The demonstration was in protest against the U.S. 
President Donald Trump’s declaration to move the U.S. Embassy to it. 
According to PCHR fieldworkers’ observations, the border area witnessed 
large participation by Palestinian civilians as the Israeli forces 
continued to use upon highest military and political echelons excessive 
force against the peaceful demonstrators, though the demonstration were 
fully peaceful. The demonstration was as follows during the reporting 

*_Gaza Strip:_*

*In the Thirty-Seven week of the March of Return and Breaking Siege 
activities, Israeli forces wounded 151 civilians, including 45 children, 
9 women, 4 journalists and 5 paramedics. Doctors classified 4 civilians’ 
injuries as serious. The incidents were as follows:*

  * *The Northern Gaza Strip:* 30 civilians, including 10 children, a
    woman and 2 paramedics, were wounded. Seventeen of them were hit
    live bullets and their shrapnel, 2 were hit with rubber bullets and
    11 were hit with tear gas canisters. Doctors classified 2 civilians’
    injuries as serious. The wounded paramedics were identified as:

 1. Wafa’a Omer Khamis Jaber (23), a volunteer paramedic at the
    Palestinian Ministry of Health, was hit with a rubber bullet to the
    left elbow.
 2. Mohammed husni Abdul Latif al-Haw (22), a paramedic at the Military
    Medical Services, was hit with a tear gas canister to the head.

  * *Gaza City:* 40 civilians, including 3 children, and 2 journalists,
    were wounded. Nineteen of them were hit with live bullets and their
    shrapnel, 14 were hit with rubber bullets and 7 were hit with tear
    gas canisters. The wounded journalists were identified as ‘Atiyah
    Mohammed ‘Ali Darwish (31), a journalist at Al-Ray Media Agency, was
    hit with a tear gas canister to the left eye; and Mustafa Mahmoud
    Hasounah, a photojournalist at the Anadolu Agency, was hit with a
    tear gas canister to the right leg.

  * *Central Gaza Strip:* the Israeli forces firing live bullets and
    tear gas canisters, which continued until approximately 17:00,
    resulted in the injury of 43 civilians, including 2 women, 16
    children, 3 paramedics. Twenty seven of them were hit with live
    bullets and their shrapnel and 16 were hit with tear gas canisters.
    The wounded paramedics were identified as:

 1. Mahmoud Ibrahim Mohammed Thabet (24), was hit with a tear gas
    canister to the left thigh;
 2. Ahmed Ismail Mohammed Abu Rayah (22), was with a tear gas canister
    to the abdomen; and
 3. Mohammed Saber Abdullah Hmaid (25), was hit with a tear gas canister
    to the right foot.

  * *Khan Younis:* 8 civilians, including 3 children and a journalist,
    were wounded. The wounded journalist identified as Hasan Abdul
    Fattah Mohammed Slaih (30), was hit with a tear gas canister to the
    right foot.

  * *Rafah:* 10 civilians, including 6 children, were wounded. Four of
    them were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel, including a
    deaf-mute person, and 6 were hit with tear gas canisters. Doctors
    classified 2 civilians’ injury as serious.

  * At approximately 14:00 on Monday, 17 December 2018, Israeli gunboats
    stationed offshore, and Israeli forces stationed along the border
    fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, opened fire and fired sound
    bombs at dozens of Palestinian civilians who were at the Return camp
    along the border coastal, adjacent to adjacent to /“Zikim”/ military
    base, northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. It should
    be noted that this is the 19^th time for Palestinian boats to sail
    for Breaking the Siege. As a result, 21 civilians, including 7
    children, 6 woman, and a journalist, were wounded. Three of them
    were hit with live bullets and their shrapnel, 9 were hit with
    rubber bullets and 9 were hit with tear gas canisters. Doctors
    classified two civilian s ‘ injury as serious while the other
    civilians’ injuries were between minor and moderate. The wounded
    journalist identified as Tha’er Khalid Fehmi Abu Rayash (24), a
    freelance journalist was hit with a tear gas canister to the abdomen.

*West Bank:*

  * At approximately 17:00 on Thursday, 13 December 2018, a number of
    Palestinian children and youngsters gathered at the road leading to
    al-Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron. An Israeli infantry unit
    patrolled the agricultural lands surrounding the road. They threw
    stones at Israeli soldiers and closed the road by iron barricades
    and rocks. The soldiers fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at
    them. The clashes continued until approximately 18:00, as the
    soldiers randomly fired live bullets at the stone throwers claiming
    that the military watchtower established at the camp entrance was
    targeted with a Molotov Cocktail. As a result, an 18-year-old
    civilian was hit with a live bullet that penetrated the back. He was
    transferred to al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron and doctors classified his
    injury as settled.

  * At approximately 15:30 on Friday, 14 December 2018, Israeli forces
    accompanied with a number of military vehicles moved into
    al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah and stationed near the
    walls of al-Jalazoun Secondary School belonging to the UNRWA and
    established at the main entrance to the camp. Dozens of Palestinian
    youngsters and young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles
    at Israeli soldiers. The soldiers fired live and rubber bullets,
    sound bombs and tear gas canisters at them. At approximately 16:20,
    a soldier suddenly moved forward and heavily and randomly opened
    fire at the protestors from an area of 50 meters. As a result,
    Mahmoud Yusuf Nakhlah (18) was hit with a live bullet to the abdomen
    and fell on the ground while bleeding. He was transferred via a PRCS
    ambulance to Palestine Medical Complex in the city and his health
    condition was classified as very serious. Mahmoud was admitted to
    the surgery room to underwent a surgery. At approximately 17:30,
    doctors announced Mahmoud. It should be noted that Mahmoud is the
    only son in his family, which is comprised of his father and mother.
    The shooting also resulted in the injury of a child.

  * At approximately 17:00, a number of Palestinian young men gathered
    in al-Zawiyah Gate in the center of Hebron, and threw stones and
    empty bottles at the Military Checkpoint (56) established at the
    entrance to al-Shuhada’a Street. Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs
    and tear gas canisters and chased the young men on Beir al-Hums
    Street. They also randomly fired rubber bullets at the young men. As
    a result, journalist Mos’ab Abdul Samad Hamed Shawer al-Tamimi (29)
    was hit with a rubber bullet to the right hand. He received medical
    treatment on the spot. It should be noted that Mos’ab works as a
    freelance journalist.

*Following table illustrates temporary and permanent checkpoints and 
arrests at these checkpoints in the West Bank from 13-19 December 2018:*

*Governorate* 	*Permanent temporary* 	*Temporary checkpoints* 	*Closed 
Roads* 	*Arrested persons*
*Jerusalem* 	13 	8 	– 	–
*Nablus* 	10 	22 	2 	1
*Jenin* 	5 	8 	– 	–
*Ramallah* 	11 	28 	2 	–
*Tulkarm* 	7 	8 	4 	–
*Tubas* 	2 	3 	1 	–
*Salfit* 	3 	8 	2 	1
*Qalqiliyia* 	5 	10 	2 	1
*Hebron* 	31 	41 	3 	2
*Bethlehem* 	11 	20 	4 	–
*Jericho* 	5 	1 	– 	–
*Total* 	103 	157 	20 	5

  * *_House Demolitions and Notices:_*
  * On Sunday, 16 December 2018, Yousef Mohamed Qara’een self-demolished
    an under-construction room in al-Farouq neighborhood in al-Mukaber
    Mount village, south of occupied East Jerusalem, after the Israeli
    Municipality handed him a demolition notice. The room was built on
    an area of 16 square meters and Yousef was intending to live in it
    along with his wife.

  * On Tuesday, 18 December 2018, Israeli forces accompanied with the
    Israeli Municipality bulldozers moved into al-Farouq neighborhood in
    al-Mukaber Mount area, south of occupied Jerusalem. The Israeli
    forces surrounded two 90-sqaure-meter residential apartments
    belonging to Ameen Ahmed Hussain ‘Oqail (60) and then demolished
    them completely. Ameen’s losses were estimated at half a million
    shekels. It should be noted that ‘Ameen’s sons Osama and Hitham were
    intending to live in those apartments after get married. The family
    clarified that they attempted to license the apartments by heading
    to the municipality court and then to District and Supreme Courts,
    but the license request was refused or delaying the administrative
    demolition decision.  The family added that the demolition was
    carried out without a prior warning, pointing out that the
    municipality refused to license the apartments and the Israeli
    Supreme Court refused on 12 December 2018 the family petition
    against the demolition decision.

*_Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian 
civilians and property_*

*_Israeli settlers’ attack:_*

  * On Thursday, 13 December 2018, a group of Israeli settlers
    surrounded with barbed wires a plot of land located in Wad
    al-Hussain area in the eastern area of Hebron, near “ Kiryat ‘Arba’”
    settlement. The settlers used hand tools to establish a footpath and
    facilitate the settlers’ access to the abovementioned settlement. A
    large force of Israeli soldiers arrived at the area to prevent the
    lands’ owners from access their lands.
  * Following the armed attack, which was carried out on 13 December
    2018, near “Giv’at” and “Assaf” settlements, northeast of al-Bierh,
    dozens of Israeli settlers gathered on Hawarah-Za’tarah Street,
    south of Nablus, and carried out riots on the street. They also
    threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles. As a result, many
    vehicles’ windshield were broken. The affected vehicles belong to:
  * Nabil As’ad Saleh ‘Abdullah, from Nablus: Broking the vehicle’s
    windshield and lights and damaging its body.
  * Hani Mizher Suliman Shurrab (26), from ‘Orta village, southeast of
    Nablus: Broking the vehicle’s windshield and another side window in
    addition to wounding the diver with a stone, so he was taken to
    Rafidia Hospital.
  * Tareq Nazzal: Broking the vehicle’s windshield and another side window.
  * Al-Jawhar Company for fodders: Damaging a truck belonging to Jawhar
    ‘Abdullah Haniny Abu Ghalamah.
  * Damaging a public vehicle its owner is still un-known.
  * Hussain Abu Medighem, from Rahit city: Broking the vehicle’s
    windshield and another side window.
  * Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim al-Az’ar, from Qablan village, southeast of
    Nablus: Broking the vehicle’s windshield and another side window.

  * At approximately 13:30, a group of Israeli settlers, from “Yatizhar”
    settlement, attacked the outskirts of ‘Asirah al-Qabaliyia village,
    south of Nablus. The Israeli settlers threw stones at a house
    belonging to ‘Abed al-Baset Mohamed ‘Abed al-Rahman Ahmed in Bir
    ‘Asirah area. As a result, 4 windows of his house were broken.
    Meanwhile, a group of Palestinian young men gathered and confronted
    the settlers by throwing stones at them. As a result, Mohamed ‘Abed
    al-Baset Mohamed ‘Abed al-Rahman Ahmed (22), was hit with a stone to
    the head; and ‘Isaa Mohamed Hamdan (20), was hit with a stone at his
    head, causing him skull fracture. ‘Isaa was then taken to Rafidia
    Hospital to receive medical treatment.
  * At approximately 14:00, a group of Israeli settlers gathered on the
    main street near Kafur Laqef village, east of Qalqiliyia, and threw
    stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles, but no injuries among
    Palestinian civilians were reported.
  * At approximately 15:00, a group of Israeli settlers gathered on the
    main street near Amateen village, northeast of Qalqiliyi, and threw
    stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles, but no injuries among
    Palestinian civilians were reported.
  * At approximately 16:30, Ayman ‘Abed al-Kareem Salman Suhlob (49)
    sustained bruises and wounds to his head after attacking him by a
    group of Israeli settler while he was returning to his house in
    Hebron. Ayman headed to al-Ahli Hospital to receive medical treatment.
  * At approximately 19:00, a group of Israeli settlers moved into Jeet
    village, northeast of Qalqiliyia. After that, the Israeli forces
    moved into the village and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters
    at Palestinian civilians, who attempted to confront the settlers.
  * Around the same time, dozens of Israeli settlers gathered near the
    intersection of Osreen village on ‘Aber al-Samirah (505) Street,
    southeast of Nablus. The settlers threw stones at a truck and broke
    its windshield. The truck belongs to Mohamed Nimer Isma’il ‘Odah,
    from Qasrrah village, southeast of the city.
  * At approximately 19:30, a group of Israeli settlers, from
    “/Yatizhar/” settlement, south of Nablus, attacked the outskirts of
    Bureen village. The settlers threw stones at 2 houses belonging to
    Bashar Waleed Mostafa al-Najjar and Marwan Mostafa Najjar. As a
    result, some of the houses windows were broken while the windows of
    2 vehicles parking in the vicinity of the house were broken as well.
    The 2 vehicles belong to Mohamed Yousef ‘Asfour and Mohamed al-Hendi.
  * At approximately 19:40, a group of Israeli settlers attacked a
    stolen car garage on the main street in Hawarah village, south of
    Nablus. They damaged the windows of 10 vehicles parked inside the
    garage, which belongs to ‘Ayid Mahmoud Hasan Mohareb, from Hawarah.
  * At approximately 20:00, a group of Israeli settlers, from “’
    /Ofra/ “settlement attacked villages located in northeastern of
    Ramallah. The attacked villages were identified as Yabroud, ‘Ain
    Yabroud, Silwad, Ramoun, and Barqah villages. The Israeli settlers
    punctured the tires of 10 vehicles with sharp tools and carried out
    riots on the village streets. The abovementioned villages witnessed
    several attacks until Saturday evening, 15 December 2018, by the
    Israeli settlers in addition to throwing stones at Palestinian
    civilians’ houses and vehicles.
  * At approximately 21:00, a group of Israeli settlers, from
    “/Yatizhar/” settlement, attacked the outskirts of ‘Orta village,
    southeast of Nablus. The settlers threw stones at a house belonging
    to ‘isaa al-‘Ajouri near ‘Orta Crossing. As a result, the house
    windows were broken.
  * At approximately 14:00 on Friday, 14 December 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers stationed in Daher al-Subeh area, which belongs to
    Kafur al-Deek village, west of Salfit, attacked ‘Odai Raied Saleem
    Abu Saif (24), from Bidiyia village, northwest of the city, while he
    was present in the abovementioned area. It should be noted that
    ‘Odai’s brother was missing in the area, where his family comprising
    of 12 members were having launch before attacking them by the
    settlers. Odai’s brother was found later while Odai was wounded by a
    dog bite and then taken to Yaser ‘Arafat Hospital in Salfit. Odai’s
    father, Raied Saleem Abu Saif, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that: “/At
    approximately 14:00 on Friday, 14 December 2018, I headed along with
    my family comprising of 12 members to Daher Subeh area, believing it
    was a safe area, in order to collect the wild leaves, While we were
    having launch, a group of armed Israeli settlers came into the area,
    some of them had “traktoron” and others with dogs, and then shouted
    at us to leave the area, claiming that those lands belong to them.
    We stood up to leave, meanwhile, the dogs attacked us, so all of the
    family members fled towards the mountain. My son ‘Odai was wounded
    by a dog bite to his foot. I told the settlers that I will call the
    component authorities and tell them about what happened to punish
    them. One of the settlers called the Israeli forces, who came after
    15 minutes. The Israeli officer interrogated me and asked about my
    ID card. I refused to give him my ID card, telling him that he
    should take the settlers’ ID cards as well because they started
    attacking us. I also told him that my son was wounded and I want to
    treat him immediately. An Israeli doctor came to treat my son ‘Odai,
    but he remained in pain. The Israeli forces took my ID card number.
    After that, I left the area and took my son to Badiyia Medical
    Center, where doctor referred him to Salfit Governmental Hospital.
    When we arrived at the house, I missed my son Yaser (13). We were
    believing that Yaser along with her brothers at the hospital and his
    brothers were believing that Yaser was with us. After that, the
    Palestinian security services along with the village’s residents
    were looking for Yaser. Two hours later, we found him unconscious in
    a ferry near the area where we were. When the night came and he was
    alone and hid in the ferry. We then took him to the hospital in
    Salfit, where he woke up there. He was suffering from what happened
    with him and became an introverted person.”/

  * In afternoon, between 10 to 12 Israeli settlers attacked Nedal
    al-Faqieh (39), from occupied East Jerusalem, causing fractures to
    him around his eye in addition to other bruises and bleeding. Nedal
    said that while he was driving a bus belonging to the Israeli Kavim
    Company in “/Modi’in Illit”/ settlement, two Israeli settlers
    intercepted his way and cursed him. Nedal called the police,
    informing him about what happened and asking them to come into the
    area. He added that he drove the bus towards the parking, but the
    Israeli settlers managed to get into the bus and then assaulted him.
    In the meantime, one of Nedal’s friends immediately came and helped
    him. After that, a group of Israeli settlers suddenly raided the bus
    and severely beat Nedal. They then fled before the police arrival.
  * At approximately 14:50 on Friday, 14 December 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers, who were driving a car with an Israeli
    registration plate, attacked another Palestinian car on Ramallah
    Road near Mo’arajat al-Laban, south of Nablus. As a result, the
    windshield of the Palestinian car was broken. This car belongs to
    Khader Isma’il ‘Owis, from al-Laban eastern village.
  * At approximately 18:00, a group of Israeli settlers gathered on the
    main street near the entrance to Amateen village, northeast of
    Qalqiliyia. The settlers threw stones at Palestinian vehicles
    passing on the street, but no injuries among Palestinian civilians
    were reported.
  * On Saturday, 15 December 2018, a number of Israeli settlers, from
    “/Ifrat/” settlement, south of Bethlehem, attacked Palestinian
    civilians’ vehicles passing on the bypass road (60) with stones and
    empty bottles, causing fear among them. It should be noted that the
    Israeli forces stationed on the street, but they did not do anything
    to stop the settlers.
  * At approximately 20:30, a group of Israeli settlers gathered on the
    main street near the entrance to Jeet, northeast of Qalqiliyia. They
    threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles travelling on the
    street, but no injuries among Palestinian civilians were reported.
  * Around the same time, a group of Israeli settlers gathered near
    ‘Inab checkpoint, east of Tulkarm, and then threw stones at
    Palestinian civilians’ vehicles travelling on the street, but no
    injuries among Palestinian civilians were reported.
  * At approximately 20:40, a group of Israeli settlers gathered on the
    main street at the entrance to Amateen village, northeast of
    Qalqiliyia, and then threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles
    travelling on the street, but no injuries among Palestinian
    civilians were reported.
  * At approximately 21:00, Moneer Saleh Isma’il ‘Odah, from Hawarah
    village, south of Nablus, was driving his car and heading towards
    al-Labbab eastern village, south of the city. When Moneer arrived at
    al-Sawiyia village’s intersection, he was surprised with a car
    belonging to Israeli settlers. The Israeli settlers threw stones at
    Moneer’s car and the windshield of his car was broken.
  * At approximately 22:00, a group of Israeli settlers attacked Kafur
    Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyia, from the eastern side.
    This coincided with the Israeli forces’ storming to the village in
    order to provide protection for the Israeli settlers. The village
    residents confronted the settlers, meanwhile, the Israeli forces
    fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at the residents. As a
    result, a 20-year-old male was hit with a rubber bullet to the right
    leg and 22 other civilians suffered tear gas inhalation.
  * At approximately 22:30, a group of Israeli settlers stationed near
    the entrance to Yasouf village, which leads to Salfit, attacked
    Palestinian civilians’ vehicles travelling on the street. A large
    number of Israeli settlers rode their motorcycles and chased
    Palestinian civilians’ vehicles. The Israeli settlers threw stones
    and iron bars at the Palestinian vehicles, but no injuries were
  * At approximately 11:50 on Sunday, 16 December 2018, three Israeli
    settlers stationed behind the wall of Bureeq Secondary School, which
    is located at the eastern entrance to Bureen village, south of
    Nablus, fired shot in air, causing fear among students. Following
    that, the headmaster was forced to end the school day fearing for
    the students’ lives and then the students left the school.
  * At approximately 12:20 on Sunday, Israeli settlers, under the
    Israeli forces’ protection, attacked the Laban- al-Sawiyia Mixed
    School. As a result, the education institution was forced to
    evacuate the school fearing for the students’ lives. The Israeli
    forces claimed that an Israeli female settler was hit with a stone
    near the school. After that, an Israeli settler stationed at the
    entrance to al-Labban village and started firing shots into the air.
  * At approximately 19:00 on Monday, 17 December 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers, under the Israeli forces’ protection, moved into
    Mar Saba area, east of Bethlehem, and performed their Talmudic
    rituals. The settlers’ arrival at this area came as a prelude to
    celebrate Jewish Holidays.
  * At approximately 01:00 on Tuesday, 18 December 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers moved into Yasouf village, east of Salfit. The
    settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles parked in front of their
    owners’ houses. The settlers also wrote slogans against Arabs and
    Muslims on the walls of Abu Baker Mosque and on the walls of a house
    belonging to Ahmed ‘Izzat Mohamed ‘Abed al-Fattah, in addition to
    wrote slogans on vehicles. The settlers also punctured the tires of
    24 vehicles belonging to Palestinian civilians, whose names are kept
    by PCHR.
  * At approximately 19:30 on Tuesday, a group of Israeli settlers,
    under the Israeli forces’ protection, attacked a truck at the
    entrance to “/Shavei Shamron “ /settlement, west of Nablus, and
    damaged its windshield. The truck belongs to Jehad Naser Ahmed Abu
    Baker, from Ya’boud village, southwest of Jenin. It should be noted
    that Jehad was returning from Hebron.
  * On Wednesday, 19 December 2018, the residents of Gharablah
    neighborhood in Beit Haninah village, which is adjacent to “/Pisgat
    Ze’ev“/settlement, were surprised with puncturing the tires of 20
    vehicles belonging to the residents of the Arabs neighborhood in
    East Jerusalem, in addition to writing slogan “Death to the Arabs”
    on the vehicles.

  * At approximately 02:30 on Tuesday, 11 December 2018, a group of
    Israeli settlers attacked 3 vehicles belonging to civilians, from
    Biteen village, east of Ramallah. The settlers wrote racist slogans
    on the vehicles and punctured their tires.

*Recommendations to the International Community*:

 1. PCHR calls upon the international community to respect the Security
    Council’s Resolution No. 2334 and to ensure that Israel respects it
    as well, in particular point 5 which obliges Israel not to deal with
    settlements as if they were part of Israel.
 2. PCHR calls upon the ICC to continue to investigate the Israeli
    crimes committed in the oPt, particularly the settlement crimes and
    grave violations in the Gaza Strip.
 3. PCHR Calls upon the European Union (EU) and all international bodies
    to boycott settlements and ban working and investing in them in
    application of their obligations according to international human
    rights law and international humanitarian law considering
    settlements as a war crime.
 4. PCHR calls upon the international community to use all available
    means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to
    self-determination through the establishment of the Palestinian
    State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast
    majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including
    sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine.
 5. PCHR calls upon the international community and United Nations to
    take all necessary measures to stop Israeli policies aimed at
    creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and at voiding
    Palestine from its original inhabitants through deportations and
    house demolitions as a collective punishment, which violates
    international humanitarian law, amounting to a crime against humanity.
 6. PCHR calls upon the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC to
    work hard to hold Israeli war criminals accountable.
 7. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva
    Conventions to fulfill their obligations under article (1) of the
    Convention to ensure respect for the Conventions under all
    circumstances, and under articles (146) and (147) to search for and
    prosecute those responsible for committing grave breaches of the
    Geneva Conventions to ensure justice and remedy for Palestinian
    victims, especially in light of the almost complete denial of
    justice for them before the Israeli judiciary.
 8. PCHR calls for a prompt intervention to compel the Israeli
    authorities to lift the closure that obstructs the freedom of
    movement of goods and 1.8 million civilians that experience
    unprecedented economic, social, political and cultural hardships due
    to collective punishment policies and retaliatory action against
 9. PCHR calls upon the European Union to apply human rights standards
    embedded in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and to respect its
    obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights when
    dealing with Israel.
10. PCHR calls upon the parties to international human rights
    instruments, especially the International Covenant on Civil and
    Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic,
    Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to pressurize Israel to comply
    with its provisions in the oPt and to compel it to incorporate the
    human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the
    relevant committees.
11. PCHR calls upon the EU and international human rights bodies to
    pressurize the Israeli forces to stop their attacks against
    Palestinian fishermen and farmers, mainly in the border area.

/Fully detailed document available at the Palestinian Centre for Human 
Rights (PCHR). <https://pchrgaza.org/en/?p=11773>/

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