[News] Palestinian Killed, 156 Injured at Gaza Border - Israeli forces continue to attack the Great March of Return protests

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 17 12:35:54 EDT 2018


  One Palestinian Killed, 156 Injured at Gaza Border

August 17, 2018

At least one Palestinian man was killed and 156 others injured, by live 
bullets or sustained suffocation from teargas inhalation, on Friday, as 
Israeli forces continued to crack down on the Great March of Return 
protests at Gaza-Israel border, according to the Ministry of Health.

The forces fired live bullets and rubber-coated steel rounds at the 
protesters who gathered at many encampments along the border, killing 
Karim Abul-Fatayer, 30, and injuring 156 other protesters, WAFA reported.

More than 169 Palestinians have been killed and 17,500 others injured 
since the outbreak of the Gaza border protests on March 30. The protests 
call for ending the 12-year-long Israeli blockade of Gaza and for the 
right of return of the refugees.

Most of the casualties occurred on May 14, when Israeli forces attacked 
Palestinian protesters marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s 
occupation of historical Palestine and the ensuing ethnic cleansing of 
half a million Palestinian refugees.

/(archive photo image, Days of Palestine)/

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