[News] Massive Israeli armored convoy heads to Gaza for potentially largest operation since 2014

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 9 18:06:46 EDT 2018


  Massive Israeli armored convoy heads to Gaza for potentially largest
  operation since 2014

Leith Aboufadel - 2018-08-09 

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 P.M.) – A massive Israeli armored convoy was seen 
heading towards the Gaza Strip, today, following an intense 
confrontation last night.

According to local Palestinian activists, this Israeli armored convoy 
has position themselves around the Gaza Strip and is preparing to launch 
a major military operation that is bigger than the one that took place 
in the Summer of 2014.

This move by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) comes just hours after the 
Palestinian forces fired more than 150 rockets towards the settlements 
surrounding the Gaza Strip.

Egypt is reportedly attempting to mediate between the Israeli and 
Palestinians in order to prevent any further escalations.

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