[News] 16 Million Communist Farmers in India Join Israel Boycott Movement to Support Palestine

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 30 11:52:54 EDT 2017


  16M Communist Farmers in India Join Israel Boycott Movement to Support

October 28, 2017

The 16-million-strong peasants and farmer’s wing of the Communist Party 
of India 
has joined the Boycott, 
<https://bdsmovement.net/news/16-million-strong-organization-india-joins-bds-movement?utm_content=buffer6c903&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer> movement 
against Israel's occupation of Palestine.

In a statement from earlier this month, the All India Kisan Sabha 
<https://www.facebook.com/KisanSabha.org/> pledged to support the 
“rights of the Palestinian people and to resist the corporate takeover 
of the Indian agriculture sector by Israeli companies.”

It is endorsing BDS to also “raise awareness among Indian farmers to 
prevent Israel and its corporations from reaping profits in India that 
finance military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.”

The South Asia Coordinator with the Palestinian BDS National 
Committee said in a statement, “Indian solidarity with the Palestinian 
people is not new, it has a long history.”

“Grassroots movements in India, Palestine and beyond are working to 
defeat the violent wave of right-wing politics plaguing our world 
today,” they continued. “By joining the BDS movement, AIKS is saying no 
to the hateful politics of Prime Minister Modi, Netanyahu and (U.S. 
President Donald) Trump, and joining us to build a more free, just and 
equal world.”

The announcement comes in the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu’s announcement of an upcoming trip to India. The visit is a 
follow-up to the one made by his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, back 
in July, to Israel — the first visit there by an Indian head of state.

AIKS was formed in 1936, during British colonial rule in India. The 
group played a monumental role in mobilizing farmers and agricultural 
workers to end British imperialism.

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