[News] FEMA: "Not our job to deliver water and food" to Puerto Ricans. Think I am making this up? Wrong!

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Wed Oct 11 14:35:02 EDT 2017


  FEMA: "Not our job to deliver water and food" to Puerto Ricans. Think
  I am making this up? Wrong!

By Victor Klemperer Respawned - October 10, 2017

*FEMA says it is not their responsibility to distribute food and water 
to Puerto Rican survivors of Maria and Irma*, according to a recent 
report by Rachel Maddow 
Are you serious?!

That was the response Rachel got when FEMA was asked why it has been 
almost 3 weeks since the last hurricane hit Aibonito, a small town high 
in the mountains about an hour south of San Juan, and FEMA has yet to 
deliver a single bottle of water.

FEMA claims the roads aren’t passable,   For the record, when I say 
“about an hour south” I mean Google Maps puts the drive — right now — at 
1 hour and 5 minutes if I take the autopista (highway).  BUT it also 
says there are portions of the road that are closed. Soooo you have to 
take route 173 and that takes 1 hour and 24 minutes.  Maybe Google is 
wrong, right?  It would be nice if someone on the ground could actually 
make the trip…. oh wait… what’s that?  The MSNBC film crew already made 
the trip and it took them “about an hour and a half.”

As the MSNBC video shows, they got there no problem because the road was 
clear. No bridges out, no trees in the way, no mudslides, no raging 
rivers.  Not even bad hombres. I realize the last menace would be 
Mexicans and there shouldn’t be any Mexicans clogging up the roads in 
Puerto Rico right now. But we all know to the Trump Klan, Puerto Ricans 
are just Island Mexicans, so they probably worry about that sort of thing.

Presented with the fact of Maddow’s team having video evidence directly 
contradicting their claims, FEMA then dropped 
this bombshell: Apparently, FEMA says it is the mayor’s job to 
distribute food and water. They are just there to help people fill out 
paperwork. Forget the fact that about half of the people in Puerto Rico 
have no access to clean water. Forget the fact that it isnow confirmed 
that people are dying 
from waterborne diseases like leptospirosis because they lack potable 
water. Forget the fact mayors in small towns didn’t even have satellite 
phones until a couple days ago.  Forget the fact mayors don’t have 
fleets of trucks at their disposal. They sure as hell don’t have gas for 
the trucks they do have.  Oh… and when they do, look out the window 
because the situation can always change on you.  That picture above was 
from Monday in downtown Santurce, a couple of blocks from the main Post 
Office.  Good thing FEMA doesn’t have to deal with that.  We’d really be 

Maybe it’s just too damn bad.  A real tragedy.  If only there was 
something we could do. If only FEMA could help.  Yeah, I know.  That’s 
hard to swallow. Especially when FOX News reported THIS about FEMA in 
Lakeland, FL 
<http://www.fox13news.com/news/local-news/fema-distributes-food-water-in-polk-co> responding 
to the crisis following a recent hurricane that hit there

    *LAKELAND (FOX 13)*- People who are worn out from Hurricane Irma are
    getting help in Polk County.

    On Friday, FEMA starting handing out free food and water at 11
    different sites around the county, including Victory Church.

    A long line of cars formed at 8 a.m., and continued throughout the
    day. Many of the people who came still don’t have electricity.

The difference?  Unlike Aibonito, Lakeland is over 70% white, and that 
is the darkest part of Polk County. 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakeland,_Florida#Demographics>  But I’m 
sure that has /nothing / to do with it.  While we are pretending this 
isn’t the most racist federal government in 70 years, explain something 
to me Mike Pence, you shameless hypocrite.

When you stood in a House of God in Puerto Rico and declared from the 
<https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/the-latest-virgin-islands-governor-praises-maria-response/2017/10/06/da6a085a-aab0-11e7-9a98-07140d2eed02_story.html?utm_term=.a06a2e183f3e> after 
reading scripture:

    “We are with you today, we are with you tomorrow.”

Were you being literal?  Did you only mean you were with Puerto Ricans 
until October 8th?  I ask because shortly after you went off to do your 
Sunday Football PR stunt, you guys let the Jones Act reactivate. Not 
only did you throw up a choke point /on every domestic relief operation 
heading towards Puerto Rico,/ you also raised the prices on EVERYTHING 
coming in to Puerto Rico at a time when people are desperately trying to 
get stuff to family and friends stranded on an island. In the middle of 
water. Big water. Ocean water.  You know this isn’t like Lakeland 
Florida where folks can drive to Georgia if they need to.  Way to go, 

I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked by this.  I mean, yeah you guys are a 
bunch of white supremacists and all, but this sure doesn’t sound like 
the Christian thing to do. Especially from a guy who has the balls to 
let his wife lead a church in prayer after reading a bible passage that 

    “Love one another with mutual affection.”

I’ll be honest.  I’m not shocked.  Not even a little bit.  This confirms 
what I have been saying all along.

    *The game plan in Puerto Rico is clear.*

The sons of bitches are going to grind those poor bastards into dust, 
trigger a mass exodus of those who can afford to leave, and then swoop 
in and buy up the land at fire sale prices so they can build high priced 
condos to use as real estate for their next international money 
laundering scheme.

What surprises me? There are still Puerto Ricans who think the most 
racist government in 70 years is going to help them.

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