[News] Bolivia's Evo Morales Pays Tribute to Che on 50th Anniversary of His Death

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Tue Oct 10 11:52:29 EDT 2017


  Bolivia's Evo Morales Pays Tribute to Che on 50th Anniversary of His Death

9 October 2017

Bolivian President Evo Morales presided over the main event marking the 
50th anniversary of the death of Ernesto "Che" Guevara 
and his fellow combatants.

    *RELATED: *
    Latin America Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Che Guevara's Death

Attended by Che's four children, along with Harry Villegas and Leonardo 
Tamayo, both members of Che's guerrilla group in Bolivia, and thousands 
of members of political and social movements, Morales said that the 
moment was ripe to relaunch the anti-imperialist struggle, one of Che's 
main legacies.

"Today, as we commemorate half a century of Commandante Che Guevara's 
passing to eternity, we are united in a single anti-imperialist, 
anti-colonial and anti-capitalist battle cry," adding that Che left home 
with dreams of fighting for a world without “rich people” and “social 

Bolivia's first Indigenous head of state stressed the need to recognize 
Indigenous resistance movements in the struggle to create participatory 
democracy and world citizenship. He emphasized that if the United States 
wants people to stop taking up arms and organizing themselves into 
guerrilla movements, then its foreign policymakers must stop invading 
and interfering in the affairs of sovereign, independent nations.

Afterwards, Morales decried the fact that the world's riches remain in 
the “hands of a few,” a reality he said that must be opposed by all 

He added that the best way to honor Che and build a world in which basic 
human rights have been secured is to continue his “anti-imperialist 
fight,” stressing the need to foster new international humanitarianism 
and the tearing down of the imaginary walls separating the world's peoples.

The event, which included musical groups and artistic presentions, was 
held on the old runway at Vallegrande airport in the southeast of the 
country, near the place where Che's remains were secretly buried by the 
Bolivian military, but later exhumed and taken to Cuba 20 years ago.

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